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  1. By the way, I get the error: ERROR: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version if I make it `shows` instead of \'shows\' I get the error: ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near \'\'shows\'\' at line 1 if I leave it as \'shows\'
  2. Yes. I can run that same query that imports the data from that same file if I type it at the command line. Nothing happens from PHP though. (The same PHP script has other queries of the database, and those work properly.) Thanks.
  3. Hi, I have a query that I\'m attempting to load from a PHP page that is not working. However, the exact same query works just fine when I run it from the MySQL command line. This is the query: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE \'/home/ratdog/public_html/test.txt\' INTO TABLE `shows` I\'ve run similar queries through PHP with no problem, and I\'m absolutely stumped on why this won\'t work when it works fine from the command line. Thanks for any help, Dave
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