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  1. Try something like this: [code]<? function isv() {     foreach($_POST['pc'] as $choices => $value) {         if (!empty($value) && !empty($_POST['qpc'][$choices])) {             // do DB query here             // use $value for the current $_POST['pc'] value             // and use $_POST['qpc'][$choices] as the current $_POST['qpc'] value             // e.g.:             mysql_query(" insert into things (partnumber,quantity) VALUES ('".(int)$value."','".(int)$_POST['qpc'][$choices]."')");         }     } } ?>[/code]
  2. In your LoginError Focus, change each "return false;" to return true; and the last one return; to the same reutnr true;. You have no reason to make this function fail...
  3. Remove this line, its confusing the browser. You only need that if you want the php file to be treated as an image file, where in your case you don't cause you are outputting html and saving the img data as verify.png. [code]Header("Content-Type: image/png");[/code]
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