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  1. Strange.  I've ran this again, using the query that didn't work for you.  The only difference is the table name (missing an 's') and I named the field 'date' instead of 'day', as in the field definitions in your first post.  I've included some version information to help, but it worked for me. [pre] Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 4.1.11-nt Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql> use datetest Database changed mysql> show create table torder;   ... snip ... CREATE TABLE `torder` (   `date` int(11) default NULL,   `month` varchar(11) default NULL,   `year` int(11) default NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1   ... snip ... 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(date,' ',month,' ',year), '%e %M %Y') as modate FROM torder ORDER BY modate; +------------+ | modate    | +------------+ | 2004-04-01 | | 2006-11-07 | +------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) [/pre] Are your field types the same as the ones I've used?  It's a long shot, but apart from having an old server version, which you don't seem to have, that's all I can think of. [edit] Misread your FreeBSD version as MySQL version.  As fenway suggests, that may be the problem [/edit]
  2. sir william is right, you should add a new field, but the above script will work.  ;D
  3. This query should work, had to double up on the str_to_date function as it wouldn't recognize 'modate' as a column in the select... fair enough!... SELECT STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(date,' ',month,' ',year), '%e %M %Y') as modate, DATE_FORMAT( STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(date,' ',month,' ',year), '%e %M %Y'), '%W, %M %e, %Y') as datestring FROM torder ORDER BY modate; ...will give you something like this... [pre] +------------+---------------------------+ | modate    | datestring                | +------------+---------------------------+ | 2004-04-01 | Thursday, April 1, 2004  | | 2006-11-07 | Tuesday, November 7, 2006 | +------------+---------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)[/pre] Phew!  That was a slog. :)
  4. What you want is something like this in your HTML... [code] <img src="imagecreator.php"> [/code] ...where imagecreator.php is the script that actually outputs the image.  You can of course pass in GET variables on a quiery string like... [code] <img src="imagecreator.php?bgcol=white&fgcol=green"> [/code] ...which is nice! :)
  5. Have a look at using [url=http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-fetch-assoc.php]mysql_fetch_assoc[/url] instead of mysql_fetch_array.
  6. Had a look around about this problem and I might have found a solution at [url=http://www.issociate.de/board/post/219822/PHP_MSSQL_connection_problem..html]http://www.issociate.de/board/post/219822/PHP_MSSQL_connection_problem..html[/url]. Particularly this bit... [quote] So ... for anyone easy that is have the same problem, I made the follow registry entry on my local server: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\M=ADicrosoft\ MSSQLServer\Client\ConnectTo] DSQUERY=3DDBNETLIB and then in my php.ini in the MSSQL area I set: mssql.secure_connection =3D Off [/quote] Not sure if you'll have authority to make those changes on the server - and DEFINITELY can't vouch for their security (not a Windows guru), but it seemed to work for that guy. BTW, I don't know if that's your real DB username and password, but it's generally good policy not to post it - even if the chances of someone knowing your server address are unlikely!  :)
  7. There are a few ways to fix this.  One way is to run addslashes on each variable you pass to the query... [code] addslashes( $row->address_street ) [/code] Then run stripslashes on them when you retrieve them
  8. I tend to use heredoc syntax when a fair bit of HTML is being used.  It cuts out headaches about double and single quotes. [code] echo<<< END <a href="#" class="red_bold_none" onClick="this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('http://dynamicdrive.com');">Homepage</a> END; [/code]
  9. That shouldn't be a problem.  It all depends on how you are parsing the xml. If you are using $counter as some kind of index into the xml, then you can just do [code] for ($counter = 51; $counter <= 1000; $counter++) [/code] On the other hand, if $counter is just loop-counter, you'd might need to rethink a little bit.  What are you using to parse the rss?  Using a library such as [url=http://magpierss.sourceforge.net/]MagpieRSS[/url] would probably make this quite trivial.
  10. Instead of [code] $foo = include($incFile); [/code] use [code] $lines = file($incFile);  // Read file into an array of lines $foo = $lines[0];  // Get first line [/code]
  11. Interesting notion - one I was thinking about recently too. As the previous posters say, I don't think it's possible [i]per se[/i] However, one approach might be to make your flash object/stage larger than it's contents, large enough to contain a dropped-down menu. Then give it a transparent background.  Then use CSS to place HTML on top of the transparent flash area.  I don't know if this works and even if it did there are overheads from having transparency, but it's certainly how I'd go about it...
  12. A quick search on Google turned up [url=http://webstyleguide.com/index.html]Web Style Guide[/url], which has a good section on general planning and where to start.
  13. I generally use the second form, and have header.php, footer.php and maybe other "output includes" if the project requires them. There's no [i]real[/i] problem with first form, though as you say it can be a little overkill sometimes.  Unless you're using a database to store the content (and hence bordering on the CMS/blog scale of things), you'll probably have separate files anyway for each page so there's no [i]real[/i] advantage to my mind. In practice, I've done a number of sites where I use [url=http://www.pivotlog.net]Pivot[/url] as either a blog or news engine (i.e. the second form) and embed that on one page of a more traditional site (i.e. the first form).  So as in most things, combining the two is often a good approach. ;)
  14. The default path is set as "language/" in the function parameter on the line below. [code]     function SetLanguage($lang_type, $lang_path = "language/") { [/code] Bear in mind though that this will be relative to the directory containing class.phpmailer.php, so if your language files are in the same directory as class.phpmailer.php, you should set this to "./". Another suggestion might be to reinstall the latest phpmailer files on your site.  As before though, I'm not sure how much help this will be, but if the problems discussed on the mantis site have been resolved and patched then it *might* help.
  15. Good luck - and thanks for getting me over the 100 mark!  ;) <----
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