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  1. I have a graphic that is hexagonal in shape (like a stop sign - actually a 6 sided map tile). It can be rotated in any of the 6 orientations. When I execute the code below, I get my tile rotated perfectly and the transparency as I want it. However, I also get a dark, almost black line down the left hand side of the image. I believe I have narrowed the problem down to the imagetruecolortopalette function call, but I need that in order to display the image as a GIF with transparency. Any thoughts? <? $tile=$_GET['i']; // Tile name $rotationangle=$_GET['r']; // Rotation angle (0=0, 1=60, 2=120, etc.) $img = imagecreatefrompng($tile.".png"); $w=imagesx($img); $h=imagesy($img); // Rotate the true color image $Rotatedimg = imagerotate($img, $rotationangle*60, 0); // Offset the image by some amount if it is rotated 60, 120, 240 or 300 degrees if ($rotationangle==0 || $rotationangle==3) {$xoffset=0;$yoffset=0;} else {$xoffset=60;$yoffset=35;} // Copy and create the transparent color (black) $outimg = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h); imagecopyresampled($outimg,$Rotatedimg,0,0,$xoffset,$yoffset,$w,$h,$w,$h); $black = imagecolorallocate($outimg, 0, 0, 0); // resolve given palette entry imagecolortransparent($outimg, $black); imagetruecolortopalette($outimg, 0, 256); // Output it header("Content-type: image/gif"); imageGIF($outimg); imagedestroy($outimg); ?>
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