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  1. in the booking page put the $_POST['accommID'] as a hidden field: echo '<input type="hidden" name="accommID" value="'.$_POST['accommID].'">'; then on the next page, after getting your dates, simply get that hidden field's value: $accommID = $_POST['accommID'];
  2. hi there. I have recently upgraded my server to a 64bit intel system. I've changed from php 4.3.2 to php 5.2.1. Also from mysql 4.1.10 to mysql 5.0.19 (64bit version) Also from IIS 4 to IIS 6, and I'm now working in a win server 2003 x64 edition. A script I wrote and worked perfectly on the previous system doesn't work now. Basicly the script updates a database according to some directories and filesystem structure. I managed to narrow down to the part of the code where the problem exists. It seems to me there is some kind of a conflict between the mysql and php. here is the code: [i]//connecting here to the mysql server[/i] $dbname = "example"; $conn = mysql_connect("localhost","root","rootpassword"); if (!$conn) die("can't establish a connection to the sql server"); if (!mysql_select_db($dbname,$conn)) die("can't find the database '$dbname'"); [i]//this is a part of a recursive function I use to scan all the last directories in the directory's hirarchey //and if the directory isn't in the database... add it.[/i] chdir($path); $dp = opendir($path); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dp))) { if (is_dir($file)) { if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..')) { $i = check_next("$path/$file"); // check_next is a function that returns the number of directories inside a directory. chdir($path); if ($i == 0) { //if there are no directories in this one .... $i2++; //just some count var I use. take no notice! //the following 2 lines are handling $str. //I've checked them. this isn't what's causing the problem! //I know this, because I've made my script echo it, and made sure it is correct for every case. $str = substr("$path/$file/",$cut+1); $str = str_replace("'","\'",$str); //this is where the problem is! if (!exists_in_table("table","field","dir_parent='$i1' and dir='$str'")) { echo $i1.'-'.$str.'<br>'; //this is just a test line I've added. // ... and so on! } //the function 'exists_in_table' does this: function exists_in_table($table,$fields,$conditions) { global $conn; $bool = true; $sql = "select $fields from $table where $conditions"; if (!$result = mysql_query($sql,$conn)) die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) === 0) $bool = false; return $bool; } //NOTE! -this code worked in the past. -I know that there is no problem with the query! -I'm not using a 'latin1' charset in mysql. I don't think, though, this is what's causing the problem. I've done some tests, and this is what I've found: - not all, but only some of the directories can't be found in the mysql query, even though they exist! (the mysql_num_rows == 0). - when I have added manually a test query before the 'if' line, I did get resaults, except when I was reading that directory. (this is the test query I have added: $sql = "select field from table where dir_parent='40' and dir='the dir name'"; if (!$result = mysql_query($sql,$conn)) die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) echo 'Couldn\'t find it!<br>'; else echo 'Found it<br>'; ) (this is its output: ... Found it! Found it! Found it! Couldn't find it! 40-the dir name Found it! Found it! Found it! ... ) If anyone have any idea as of how to overcome this... without compleatly rewriting the code around this... please tell me! I have no more ideas left. Thanks...
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