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  1. I work in a hospital and I am using php, postgres and apache to replace old paradox databases. I have made a form that contains a dropdown menu of the hospital units so I can choose the group of patient based on the unit they are on. For some reason my code has each unit appearing 2 times in the drop down so the dropdown looks like this unit1 unit1 unit2 unit2 and so on. I have tested the query in the pgadim query window and I get only one occurance. then I wrote the simple script: ?php pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=liberty user=postgres password=password") or die; $qunit = pg_query("SELECT unitid, unitname FROM li_unit ORDER BY unitname"); while($myunits=pg_fetch_array($qunit)){ $eachid=$myunits["unitid"]; $eachunit=$myunits["unitname"]; echo "$eachid $eachunit<br>\n"; } ?> and I get the simple out put of 1 unit1 2 unit2 3 unit3 4 unit4 Yet the below code gives me the double occurance of each unit. here is the code. <html> <head> <body> <form name="unitchoice" method="post" action="<?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>"> <select name="homeunits"> <?php pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=liberty user=postgres password=password") or die; $qunit = pg_query("SELECT unitid, unitname FROM li_unit ORDER BY unitname"); while($myunits=pg_fetch_array($qunit)){ $eachid=$myunits["unitid"]; $eachunit=$myunits["unitname"]; ?> <option value=<?php echo $eachunit;?>><?php echo $eachunit;?></option> <?php } ?> </select> <input type="Submit" name="updateunit" value="Change Unit"> </form> </body> </head> </html> Any suggestions?
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