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  1. Hello. Avid PHP'er here. I recently switched servers and found that some of my PHP code is not compatible with PHP 5. Especially my pagination script. The database displays the category results but displays the same records when the next button is pushed. I am about to bash my head in. If any one can help, it would be greatly appreciated. <?php $category = $_GET['category']; echo "<b>$category</b>"; ?> <? /* db info */ $pagelimit = "10"; $strSQL = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE category='$category'"); $totalrows = mysql_num_rows($strSQL); $pagenums = ceil ($totalrows/$pagelimit); if ($page==''){ $page='1'; } $start = ($page-0) * $pagelimit; echo "<span class=soulradio2><b>" . $totalrows . " matches found</b></span><br><br>\n"; $starting_no = $start + 1; if ($totalrows - $start < $pagelimit) { $end_count = $totalrows; } elseif ($totalrows - $start >= $pagelimit) { $end_count = $start + $pagelimit; } echo "<span class=soulradio>Results $starting_no to $end_count shown.</span><br>\n"; $query="SELECT * FROM review_items WHERE category='$category' Order By item_name LIMIT $start,$pagelimit"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); mysql_close(); $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $item_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"item_name"); $item_id=mysql_result($result,$i,"item_id"); $Title=mysql_result($result,$i,"Title"); $item_image=mysql_result($result,$i,"item_image"); $category=mysql_result($result,$i,"category"); $Year=mysql_result($result,$i,"Year"); $Lable=mysql_result($result,$i,"Lable"); $item_desc=mysql_result($result,$i,"item_desc"); //cut the string $substring = substr($item_desc,0,200); ?> <? echo "<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td width=10%><div class=blur><img src=$item_image border=1 width=120 height=120> </div></td> <td width=90%><span class=featuretext><b>$item_name - <a href='review/review_insert.php?item_id=$item_id'>$Title</a></B></span><br> <span class=featuretext>$Lable | $Year</span><p> <span class=soulradio2> $substring ... <a href='review/review_insert.php?item_id=$item_id'><strong>More</strong></a></span> </span> </td> </tr> </table> <table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td background=../../images/reviews/dotted_line.gif><img src=../../images/transparent.gif width=2 height=1></td> </tr> </table>"; ++$i; } /* lets say you're set to show 5 results per page and your script comes out with 7 results. this will allow your script to say next2 if you're on the first page and previous5 if you're on the second page. */ if ($totalrows - $end_count > $pagelimit) { $var2 = $pagelimit; } elseif ($totalrows - $end_count <= $pagelimit) { $var2 = $totalrows - $end_count; } $space = " "; // previous link (make sure to change yourpage.php to the name of your page) if ($page>1) { echo "« <span class=featuretext><a href='list.php?category=$category&page=".($page-1)."' class=main>Previous" . $space . $pagelimit . "</a></span>" . $space . $space . ""; } // dynamic page number links (make sure to change yourpage.php to the name of your page) for ($i=1; $i<=$pagenums; $i++) { if ($i!=$page) { echo " <span class=featuretext><a href='list.php?category=$category&page=$i' class=main>$i</a></span>"; } else { echo " <span class=featuretext><b>$i</b></span>"; } } // next link (make sure to change yourpage.php to the name of your page) if ($page<$pagenums) { echo "" . $space . $space . $space . $space . " <span class=featuretext><a href='list.php?category=$category&page=".($page+1)."' class=main>Next " . $var2 . "</a></span> »"; } ?>
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