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  1. ok, basically i have a form which sends variables to the next page, but i need it so when a certain radio button is chosen, it actually sends more then 1 variable. basically people are getting the choice out of 3 items, and when they choose 1, a few variables have to be on the next page, any suggestions? or easy ways out? thanks
  2. actually turns out i did read that before... it just confused me more though....
  3. thanks, had no idea it was sitting there...
  4. <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/> </head> <body> <?php include ("head.html"); ?> <!-- Table for Main Body --> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="91"> <?php include ("menu.html"); ?> </td> <td valign="top"> <center><h2> <?php print "$username"; ?>'s Inventory </center></h2> <br> <table align="center"> <?php $dbh=mysql_connect ("********", "********", "********") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("dragonst_users"); $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE user='$username'") or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) { Print '<td width="20%">'; Print "<center> ".$info['itemname'] . " <br>"; Print "<img src=http://dragonstable.fileplace.biz/".$info['image'] ."> <br>"; Print " ".$info['rarity'] . "</center></td>"; } Echo '</table>'; ?> <br> <br> </td> <td width="1" valign="top"> </td> </tr></table> </body></html> Basically thats my code i have at the moment, What i want it to do is show 5 entries from the array in the first row of the table, and then the next 5 entries in the next row and so on, so that way it doesnt scroll across the screen and keep going... Please help, thanks in advance...
  5. Thanks to both of you for helping....
  6. $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE user='$username'") or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) { Print "<center> ".$info['itemname'] . " <br>"; Echo "<img src=http://dragonstable.fileplace.biz/".$info['image'] ."> <br>"; Print " ".$info['rarity'] . "</center><br> "; } ?> thats my current script just after connecting, it works but shows each of the items one under the other and in the centre of the page... Is there a way I can make it go about 4 wide and then down to the next line and repeat, and then only show the first 50 items? Please help me if any of this makes sense to you... Thanks
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