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  1. no no no. i can manage the sql part. i need to know how to? how to create a new database; where to create? stuff like that. imj working on windows xp pro sp2. thanks for your reply. and im going through the documentation on the link you pasted here. let me see if that helps me
  2. I am working on creating a new database that stores candidate information like phone number, email, status(if they are free or working elsewhere at this time), referred by, rate, etc.. i would like to know where to start. I have downloaded MySQL on my local box and need some help starting off. Any help will be great. Thanks in advance
  3. thanks much for your reply. it hides the field but, does not populate when i choose 'yes' as the option for the question: Do you own a car? Is it because PHP will only show this up when we do a POST? should i use javascript instead? if yes, can you or someone here please help me out? thanks again...
  4. i am working on a php page where i need to populate a field (<tr></tr> tags) based on the flag value of another field. i have a field: Do you own a car? The input is the result from a radio button (Yes/No). If No, do nothing. But if user chooses, Yes, then I am setting a flag ($carFlag) to true. <tr> <td width="30%" height="40" valign="top"> Do you own a car? </td> <td valign="top"> Yes <input type="radio" name="car" id="car" value="Yes" <?php echo (($car=='Yes')?"checked":""); $carflag=='True';?>> No <input type="radio" name="car" id="car" value="No" <?php echo (($car=='No')?"checked":"");?>> <a href="" onclick="javascript:return popup()"><span style="font-size:10px;">What is it?</span></a> </td><br> </tr> if car flag is true, then the another field, 'make and model' should be displayed for user to enter information.l How do I do this? Thanks
  5. hi, i am trying to upload a file (any file) to a server (in this case, my local machine). i have created two php files (named main.php and upload.php). i launch main.php and it lets me browse for a file. i select a file, say abc.txt and then click on the Upload button. at this point, what it does is, throw up a dialog box asking me if I want to open or save this file (upload.php) with Open, Save and Cancel buttons. When I click Open. it opens upload.php file in notepad/editpad. if i click Save, it lets me choose a folder to save this file for me. however, this is not what i want it to do. i would like it to save the file i chose initially (abc.txt) in a locaion i choose and i should not be worried about my upload.php script file. here is the code in my upload.php file: <?php alert "HERE"; //$web = 'c:/wamp/uploads/'; // path under webroot $web = 'c:/wamp/www/'; // path under webroot $destination =$_FILES['updfile']['name']; if ($_POST['btn'] == "Upload") { if(empty($_POST['userid'])) //Check for User ID { echo "User ID should not be Blank!!<br/>"; } else { $uploaddir = $web."".$_POST['userid']; if(!is_dir($uploaddir)) // Check for existing directory else create new dir for the user { mkdir($uploaddir); } $uploadfile = $uploaddir."/".basename($destination); if(isset($_FILES['updfile']['tmp_name'])) { if(($_FILES['updfile']['error'] == 0) && !empty($_FILES['updfile']) && !file_exists($uploadfile)) { if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['updfile']['tmp_name'],$uploadfile)) { echo "File Uploaded Successfully!!!<br/>"; } } else echo "File Upload Failed"; } } } ?> <form> <table border ="0"> <tr> <td> List of Filenames : </td> <td> <select name="filenames" id="fields" > <?php if ($dh = opendir($uploaddir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $options = NULL; $options.= '<option value="'.$file.'">'.$file.'</option>'."\n"; echo $options; } closedir($dh); } ?> </select> </td> </tr> </form>
  6. Any help, anyone? Is it possible to call Webex API from php? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  7. Hi, I need to write a function in PHP to see if I can call a UI from another application (say, webex). Is this possible? If yes, how? I need to see if I can integrate Webex in my application.
  8. I have enabled IIS on my machine. I downloaded php-5.2.9.tar and unzipped it. Now what do I do?
  9. I have used PHP earlier - it was already installe don the computer I had worked on. I am now trying to install it on my computer - xp pro. is there a step by step instruction available on how to install the latest PHP on my computer? help regarding this is greatly appreciated
  10. thanx for your reply! im storing date as a string. i format it into yyyy-mm-dd and insert it. i really need to get the time correct here as its messing up the order of transactions(sort order, especially). this is how im inserting into the database: INSERT INTO visit_mgr(visit_phy_id, visit_pat_id, visit_pat_ssn, visit_type, visit_palm_db_id, visit_status, visit_loc, visit_room_no, visit_date, visit_time, visit_date_time, visit_timestamp, client_id, palm_tran_ID, visit_pat_first_name, visit_pat_last_name, visit_pat_dob, visit_pat_sex, visit_user_id) VALUES ('$pat_phy_id', '$PatientSSN', '$PatientSSN', 'ICN', '$dcn_db_id', 'AdmitStatus', '$AdmitVisitLocation', '$AdmitRoomNo', '$datequery', '$timequery', '$visit_date_time', '$now', '$client_id', '$dcn_db_id', '$PatientFirstName', '$PatientLastName', '$pat_dob_reformat', '$pat_sex', '$user_id') $datequery and $timequery(i know thats not how i name variables - didnt know what to name them ) are the date and time values i get by executing this query: $querytime="select Date_Format(curdate(), '%Y-%m-%d') as datequery, Time_Format(curtime(), '%H:%i:%s') as timequery"; $resulttime=mysql_db_query("$database[dbname]", $querytime); $rz=mysql_fetch_array($resulttime); $datequery=$rz["datequery"]; $timequery=$rz["timequery"]; and visit_date_time is the combination of $datequery and $timequery: $visit_date_time=$datequery. " " .$timequery; hope this makes it clear. i need to get this time to reflect the office time(which is CST and not EST where i live). any help will be great help. thanx
  11. i need to get the current time of another time zone. for instance, i am in the EST. I need to insert the current time (into a MySQL database) as PST although I am in EST. The server could be anywhere, EST, PST or even GMT. But, I need to insert the current time of a particular zone(say, PST in this case). I am working on an application for my office. My office is in CST. But I live in EST. And, the server where our files are FTPd is in PST. So, when i work from home, the records are entered in EST as against the standard office time of CST. The records should have the CST time and not EST or PST. Can someone help?
  12. thanx ben! im tryin it out, does not seem to work. i need to use this feature along with this one: <td width="456" align="left" valign="top"> <form action="addlocation.php" method="post" name="addNewLoc" id="addNewLoc" onSubmit="return validate()"> when submit button in clicked, validate() javascript function in executed(this function validates for blank field and returns an error message when field is left blank). i still need to do this along with the new feature (hitting enter should submit the form). hope im clear with my requirement. thanx once again. help here will be really really great.
  13. i am working on a php screen. there is just one field in this screen and then a 'submit' button. i enter some info on the screen and hit enter(focus is still on the text field). how do i submit the form without tabbing to the submit button? is there a way to do this? this is my field: <tr> <td width="161"> <div align="right"><font class="inputLbl">Location Name: </font></div></td> <td colspan="2"> <input name="orgname" type="text" class="txtboxLarge" id="orgname" onBlur="javascript:changeCase(document.addNewLoc.orgname);"> <font class="redTxt">*</font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="161"> </td> <td colspan="2"> <input class="sbttn" type="submit" name="action" value="Submit"> </td> </tr> and this is what im doing when i submit the form: <td width="456" align="left" valign="top"> <form action="addlocation.php" method="post" name="addNewLoc" id="addNewLoc" onSubmit="return validate()">
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