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  1. Is that supposed to be [b]ServerAlias[/b]? Also what should I do so that users are automatically redirected to xyz.com when they use www.xyz.com? Can it be done using apache or should I use php instead?
  2. Well I'm very new to Apache configuration. Now I'm in a real tiff right now, where my site can be accessed through something.com but not through www.something.com Heres the situation DNS Settings............. My domain : www.xyz.com A record for host "xyz.com" points to my box. and "www.xyz.com" is an alias (CNAME) for host "xyz.com" httpd.conf settings....... NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80>     DocumentRoot /abc/xyz     ServerName xyz.com </VirtualHost> Now this works just fine when I enter URL as xyz.com but it doesn't work for url www.xyz.com, that takes me to root directory of server. How to fix this issue? [b]Also even better would be to just redirect all users entering domain www.xyz.com to xyz.com[/b]. Along with the URL changing in the address bar of the browser. So for example if I enter www.xyz.com in browser it should automatically take me to xyz.com along with url changing in browser. I know it can be done but dont know how. Thankyou for any help :)
  3. Whats the life time of a temporary table? I assume that if I create a temp table in one mysql_query, then I have to do another query to use that table, isn't it? so something like [code] mysql_query(" create temporary table abc { (select t1.id, t2.id from table_1 t1 left join table_2 t2 on t1.id = t2.id) union (select t1.id, t2.id from table_1 t1 right join table_2 t2 on t1.id = t2.id) } "); mysql_query(" DELETE table_1.*, table_2.* FROM abc LEFT JOIN table_3       ON abc.id=table_3.id WHERE       table_3.id IS NULL ") [/code] should work.....?
  4. Thanks that code outputs exactly the table I've shown in step 2. The problem now though is that I don't know how I'm supposed to LEFT JOIN table_3 to the results table achieved by this query since it has union and all and I'm not that familiar with this syntax. The output should be somewhat like this [code] table_1 table_2 table_3 1 1 NULL 2 2 2 3 NULL 3 5 5 5 NULL 6 6 7 NULL 7 NULL 8 8 9 NULL 9 [/code] what I want basically is (those rows present in table1 union table2) but not in (table3) so once I get the above result table all I have to do is add a WHERE table_3.id IS NULL in this case that row is 1 This row is to be deleted from table_1 and table_2 in one query. another example table1: 3, 6, 9, 10 table2: 1, 3, 5, 7 table3: 8, 10 from table1 3,6,9 should be deleted from table2 1,3,5,7 should be deleted I'm referring to cross table delete http://www.electrictoolbox.com/article/mysql/cross-table-delete/
  5. I have this situation where I want to replace a delete query in a loop with one mass query. The problem that I face, I will try to outline here. There are 3 tables a simple mock up.... [code] table_1 table_2 table_3 id id id 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 5 4 5 6 5 7 8 6 9 7 8 9 10 [/code] Now here's what I want to do... Join tables table_1 and table_2 first, using id so that I get an intersection of ids in the tables again an example [code] result of join 1 table_1 table_2 id other_table_1_data... id other_table_2_data... 1 1 2 2 3 NULL 5 5 NULL 6 7 NULL NULL 8 9 NULL [/code] As you can see a simple LEFT/RIGHT join wouldn't help since I'll only get all rows in one table for that but what I want is an intersection of rows in tables 1 and 2. The next part is relatively simple and I guess I have that figured out, I need to compare this result table with table_3 to see which records in the result Set are not present in table_3 so a simple LEFT join outta do it. Then I need to delete rows from table_1 and table_2 that are not present in table_3. I can do this separately using table 1 and 3 on left join and then table 2 and 3, but doing them in one query could definitely save resources since it runs every 15 minutes on my already overloaded server.
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