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  1. I have him determined the criteria .... But this is exactly my question, I can determine the "+" the "-" and also the "|" (or) , but can not find how to determine "ALL" ..
  2. Thanks for replying , I was starting to think no one see this post ! well, this is a part of a system that is generating graphs for an automated distributed warehouses chain I have ONE graph, that a user can change parameters. the parameters are : Country , City , Supplier ,product , Client, Warehouse. the search is to populate the array to generate the graph. So the user can generate a graph for example Germany (-) berlin (-) supplierX (+) productY This will generate a graph from germany, EXCLUDING teh city of berlin , EXCLUDING supplier X and INCLUDING ONLY product Y The problem is : how to make , with the same feature ,for example : ALL COUNTRIES (-) productX (-)Supplier Y (+) ALL warehouses I hope it is more clear ....
  3. Hello all.. I am using a FULLTEXT search on my database (yes, I know it is slow..) , creating a user defined filters , and later plotting a graph.. A user can choose between country, product, warehouse, customer, and any boolean combination of the above to plot a statistics graph. SELECT client_name,count(client_name) as unit,sum(pic_sale_price) as gross FROM mgminibar_reports_view where MATCH (client_name) AGAINST ('Client_name' IN BOOLEAN MODE) group by client_name example: plot graph for Germany , all Warehouses (MINUS) WarehouseX + US (minus) Florida - CustomerY.. It works ok, but I have one problem... I can not find the way to make (Select All) . (Or in other words, Using a wildcard without appending a string to it ) For example , Germany, ALL Clients, or All COUNTRIES , ALL PRODUCTS. I could not find anything in the reference .. in the code here below : SELECT client_name,count(client_name) as unit,sum(pic_sale_price) as gross FROM mgminibar_reports_view where MATCH (client_name) AGAINST ('Client_name' IN BOOLEAN MODE) group by client_name what would be the operator to Select ALL clients ?? I tried SELECT client_name,count(client_name) as unit,sum(pic_sale_price) as gross FROM mgminibar_reports_view where MATCH (client_name) AGAINST ('+*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) group by client_name But did not work... How to use a wildcard WITHOUT appending it to a search term (ALL) ??
  4. IF someone is having the same problem : I have resolved it by just dropping the double quotes ("). The ING SRC still see the path even with no quotes.. from echo '<div><img src="'.$attachmenturl.'" /></div>'; to echo '<div><img src='.$attachmenturl.' /></div>';
  5. yes, it is defined within the WP system, and in fact, outputs the RIGHT url ..... The PHP part , is not the problem IMHO.. the problem is that the <img> closing tag ">" messes up the code... When I put a normal text, all working OK... when I put <img src="some path to image.jpg" alt="something" /> the "/>" part, that actually ends the IMG tag, is parsed wrongly, which results in outputting everything that comes after it , E.G. );" onmouseout="exit();"> like plain text which display over the image, and not seeing it like a JAVASCRIPT anymore, but like text .. in other words, it breaks the code ... I actually see the text ");" onmouseout="exit();">" displayed on the website ...
  6. I have a problem knowing the right syntax to execute PHP inside Javascript ... In one of the templates I made for a WP based I have a mouseover "tooltip" written in Javascript. it is triggered within a <SPAN> tag with calss "tip", like so : <span class="tip" onmouseover="tooltip('text of tooltip');" onmouseout="exit();"> <?php postimage(thumbnail) ?> </span> the <?php postimage(thumbnail) ?> is a function I wrote, that outputs a thumbnail path of an Image... Now, this is working great, when I do mouseover the image, the tooltip text is displayed. But , when I try to replace the tooltip text, with a PHP function like so : <span class="tip" onmouseover="tooltip('<?php postimagehover(medium);?>');" onmouseout="exit();"> <?php postimage(thumbnail) ?> </span> , the whole code is messed up ... (This is the postimagehover function I wrote, if it can help ... <?php function postimagehover($size=medium) { if ( $images = get_children(array( 'post_parent' => get_the_ID(), 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'numberposts' => 1, 'post_mime_type' => 'image',))) { foreach( $images as $image ) { $attachmenturl=wp_get_attachment_url($image->ID); $attachmentimage=wp_get_attachment_image( $image->ID, $size ); echo '<div><img src="'.$attachmenturl.'" /></div>'; } } else { echo "no images found"; } } ?> ) I am sure it is some syntax error, but I just do not know the right way of putting that PHP function INSIDE the Javascript . I have tried double brackets, slashes, etc but to no avail. Trial and error will not work here :-) can anyone help me by indicating the right way to do so ?
  7. Thanks you very much for the quick reply, however, I am affraid the function for some reason does not work well. The result of the source code remains the same, somehow It can not find the pattern...
  8. Hello people (And regex gurus)! I am working on some project now, and I have a problem which needs regex, I really need some help .. Right now, WP is printing this source : <!--Start krembo99 horiz navigation bar--> <ul id="menu" class="sf-menu"> <li class="cat-item cat-item-6"><a href="http://www.xxxx.org/wp/?cat=6" title="blabla">Buzziiii</a></li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-7"><a href="http://www.xxxx.org/wp/?cat=7" title="blabla">Competitionsornot</a> <ul class='children'> <li class="cat-item cat-item-14"><a href="http://www.xxxx.org/wp/?cat=14" title="blabla">tesdrtf</a></li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-13"><a href="http://www.xxxxxx.org/wp/?cat=13" title="blabla">tesr566</a></li></ul></li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-8"><a href="http://www.xxxxxx.org/wp/?cat=8" title="blabla">Events</a> </li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-11"><a href="http://www.xxxxxx.org/wp/?cat=11" title="Vblabla">Featured Articles</a> </li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-1"><a href="http://www.xxxxxx.org/wp/?cat=1" title="blabla">Uncategorized</a> </li> </ul> <!--End pages navigation--> I need to clean the class attribute (just wipe it off) which means intead of (for example) <li class="cat-item cat-item-8"> I need just empty <li> or <li="myclass"> the first option is better.... I tried to use : <ul id="menu" class="sf-menu"><?php $cool_cats = wp_list_categories('orderby=name&show_count=0&title_li='); $cool_cats = preg_replace('/\<li class\="(.*?)\"/','',$cool_cats); echo $cool_cats; ?> </ul> but it does not seem to work. Or better put, I just do not have an idea of how to use it ... I know for you regex gods this looks increadibly easy, but for me it is like a foreign language (although I develop php apps and plugins also ..but I am mainly css and wp person, some PHP , but not regex ...
  9. Hi All.. Since this can be achived both with AJAX, JAVASCRIPT, CSS and more, I did not know where to post this . I need to achive something like this : http://www.neilmeredith.com/dynamicuc/ and then pass it to a PHP mailer. any ideas how it can be achived ? I made a small try with CSSand javascript. but it is quite unstable and when I add fields it is not always duplicating them.. Any help would be greatly appreciated ..
  10. Running some third party script , I am getting this error messege : Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: internal error: overran compiling workspace at offset 6021 I need some help figuring out what is wrong . I understand that it is invoked by the preg_match() function , and I *ASSUME* that it has something to do with memory handling or cache settings on the server , But have no Idea how to resolve it, or what exactly is this error telling me . Tried to google for "overran compiling workspace" error in google, and search here , but nothing ...
  11. Ok, I have temporarly solved the problem by changing the : define("PLUGINPATH", "/wp-content/plugins/autoblogged/"); to define("PLUGINPATH", "[color=red]m33[/color]/wp-content/plugins/autoblogged/"); but still, how can I change it to something that will AUTODETECT the path ?
  12. Hello all.. I have a problem with grabbing a path to document with a php wordpress plugin. This is the function that requires it: require_once(getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT").PLUGINPATH.'defaults.php'); And this is the warning : Warning: getadminoptions(/web/htdocs/www.mydomainName.com/home//wp-content/plugins/somepluginname/defaults.php) [function.getadminoptions]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /web/htdocs/www.krembo99.com/home/m33/wp-content/plugins/somepluginname/somepluginname.php on line 78 Fatal error: getadminoptions() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/web/htdocs/www.mydomainName.com/home//wp-content/plugins/somepluginname/defaults.php' (include_path='.:/php/lib/php/') in /web/htdocs/www.mydomainName.com/home/m33/wp-content/plugins/somepluginname/somepluginname.php on line 78 note the DOUBLE slashes after "..mydomainName.com/home//wp-content/.." , but the real path is the one indicated below , EG : "..mydomainName.com/home/m33/wp-content/.." So I guess the environmental VAR used [getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT")] is wrong (because it is not installed at the root but under "m33" but since I am far from being a PHP guru, I do not know which VAR I can use, or HOW to fix this problem. anyone ?
  13. you don't need a CMS.. you need a website fully automatic website builder with integrated index creator and a file searcher :-) Good luck !!! no to the more serious side, like someone already suggested, you need a custome made script for this kind of thing . I do not think any normal cms would do this job for you. but if i am wong, i would be glad to know which one would ...
  14. Yes, It is CMS... But one based on *.asp and not *.php.... My guess is drupal or compatible.
  15. Hello all, I have just installed wordpress on a live server and I now get this message : The uploaded file could not be moved to D:\inetpub\webs\magmalabnet\wordpress/wp-content/uploads. I have read some topics I have found on the wordpress forum, but none gave me a clue. They are also not responding there, so although it would have been the natural place to look for answer, it is useless. My permissions are OK, my files re-uploaded,and the path is saved. the error is strange because it does not state that it is impossiable to load, but impossiable to COPY . The strange thing in the error is the BACKSLASH (note that it gets reveresd..) if i manuelly reverse the backslash, it will reverse it still puts the first one in the wrong direction... the last part of the error is a variable that one put inside config in wordpress : wp-content/uploads. the first is probably generated by the server (unknown) D:\inetpub\webs\magmalabnet\wordpress/ like i said, the problem is probably the slashes, but how can one fix it ?? anyone had a clue on how to solve it? or is it really a part of the problem ?? Is it a problem of the webserver ?
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