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  1. I'd say it's just a matter of opinion. There's not even that much of a difference in how you'd retrieve the information if the array changed over time... First Array: <?php foreach($products as $product) { echo "Item : " . $product['item'] . "<br />" ."Price : " . $product['price'] . "<br />" ."Shipping : " . $product['shipping']; } ?> Second Array: <?php foreach($products as $item=>product) { echo "Item : " . $item . "<br />" ."Price : " . $product['price'] . "<br />" ."Shipping : " . $product['shipping']; } ?> Looking above, I think I'd more likely use the first array that you posted, just because the code for the foreach looks better and more uniform to me.
  2. I agree with Cardale. If somehow you can't do that, however, you could use Regex and check if the URL has something like ../something.php.
  3. I would use session variables. When they log in you can assign something like $_SESSION['auth'] = 1; And then you could have special code that checks whether or not $_SESSION['auth'] == 1 and make it display different prices accordingly. I'm not exactly sure on the Flash aspect, however.
  4. Does $ids actually have a value? Maybe make sure that it's actually passing a variable. Also - you might want to tidy up your code a bit. You have an extra > at the end of your code, and you forgot to use a semicolon ; to end the echo.
  5. You were close; I corrected your code: <?php if ( lp_tags('id_number') > 0 ): ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="style1.css" /> <?php else: ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style2.css" /> <?php endif; ?> You placed a semicolin instead of a colin after the first if, and you needed a colin after the else also.
  6. You call alert('bla22') in the callback function, so that doesn't get triggered until your file is loaded with $.post. It just keeps going on with the code and then executes the callback function when the file is actually loaded. Why does it matter, though?
  7. Your code was written kind of odd, but this is what I think you're asking for: <?php $i=0; foreach($tp as $val) { $SQLQuery[$i] = $val; $i++; } ?> Am I missing a part of what you're looking for?
  8. Why not use a session variable? http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.session.php
  9. Hello all, I wrote a jQuery / HTML code that seems to work great in Chrome and Firefox, but it doesn't do anything in IE. I use jQuery's animate function to move absolutely positioned ul's and il's. Any idea why it isn't working? jQuery $(document).ready(function() { $("div.links").hover(function() {}, function() { $("li.mainLink").each(function() { $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 1, }, 100); }); }); $("li.mainLink").hover(function() { $(this).data("hover", "yes"); $(this).css({opacity: 1,}); $("li.mainLink").each(function() { if($(this).data("hover") != "yes") { $(this).animate({ opacity: .4, }, 100); } }); }, function() { $(this).data("hover", "no"); $(this).animate({ opacity: .4, }, 50); }); var leftNum; leftNum = 0; var num; num = -1; $("li.mainLink").each(function() { num++; leftNum = (126*num)+30; $(this).stop().animate({ left: leftNum, },1000); }); }); HTML <div class="bodyWrapper"> <div class="banner"></div> <div class="links"> <ul class="linkWrapper"> <li class="mainLink"><span>Main Link</span></li> <li class="mainLink"><span>Main Link</span></li> <li class="mainLink"><span>Main Link</span></li> <li class="mainLink"><span>Main Link</span></li> <li class="mainLink"><span>Main Link</span></li> <li class="mainLink"><span>Main Link</span></li> <li class="mainLink"><span>Main Link</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="mainWrapper"> </div> <div class="bottomShadow"></div> <div class="leftShadow"></div> <div class="rightShadow"></div> <div class="bottomLeft"></div> <div class="bottomRight"></div> </div> CSS (if needed) <style type="text/css" > .bodyWrapper { width:947px; text-align:left; margin:0 auto; height:400px; position:relative; } body { text-align:center; background:url("bg.jpg"); font-family:"Helvetica Neue"; } .banner { background:url("banner.jpg"); width:100%; height:113px; position:absolute; top:0; } .leftShadow { background:url("leftShadow.jpg"); height:100%; width:29px; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; } .rightShadow { background:url("rightShadow.jpg"); height:100%; width:29px; position:absolute; top:0; right:0; } .bottomShadow { background:url("bottomShadow.jpg"); height:20px; width:100%; position:absolute; bottom:0; } .bottomLeft { background:url("bottomLeft.jpg"); height:73px; width:84px; position:absolute; bottom:-22; left:-13; } .bottomRight { background:url("bottomRight.jpg"); height:54px; width:59px; position:absolute; bottom:-15; right:-5; } .links { background:url("linksBg.jpg"); height:34px; width:100%; position:absolute; top:113px; } .mainWrapper { height:100%; width:100%; background-color:white; } li.mainLink{ background:url("linkNormal.jpg"); height:30px; width:131px; text-align:center; position:absolute; top:2px; cursor:pointer; } li.mainLink > span { position:relative; top:16%; font-size:13px; color:#76413d; } ul { list-style-type:none; } </style> Thanks for your help, - Sesq
  10. Why does this only work on firefox? Internet explorer seems to have errors with it: function list(what, how) { if (how == 'out') { what = document.getElementById(what); for (a in what.getElementsByClassName('sub')) { if (a >= 0) { what.getElementsByClassName('sub')[a].setAttribute('style', 'display:block;'); } } } else if (how == 'in') { what = document.getElementById(what); for (a in what.getElementsByClassName('sub')) { if (a >= 0) { what.getElementsByClassName('sub')[a].setAttribute('style', 'display:none;'); } } } } Thanks for your help, - Adam
  11. You could also get fancy and use AJAX if for some reason you don't want to have the page reload when you submit your data.
  12. If you dont know something like || or manipulating GET variables you should probably take a look at a beginner PHP tutorial -- it'll make the things you're trying to do much easier.
  13. Can you post all of your code? It'd probably make it easier to be able to understand whats going wrong.
  14. Something similar should also suffice: <? $sql="select image from inputinfo where id='$id'"; $rez=mysql_query($sql,$dblnk); if ($rez) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($rez); echo "<img src='admin/{$row['image']}' />"; } ?>
  15. Hey everyone, If this doesn't go here, let me know... I'm trying to create a package for VB.NET for the JS eval function, and in doing so I'm writing my code in JS (obviously)... What I was wondering is, do you know how to compile a .js file into a .dll file? I know how I could do it on the .NET command prompt, but I have no idea how to get there. I have not been able to find any info on this on the net... Thanks for your help - Adam
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