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  1. serialize() not works because foreach ($post as $var => $val) { if($var=="columndata") $postFields[] = "$var=".urlencode(serialize($val)); else $postFields[] = "$var=$val"; } curl_setopt($conn, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($conn, CURLOPT_POST, count($post)); curl_setopt ($conn, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, join("&",$postFields)); $page = curl_exec ($conn);
  2. Hello , I want to post multiselect list using curl here is my code my post array Array ( [filetype] => tab [cateogry] => ALL [manufacturer] => ALL [invtype] => both [columndata] => Array ( [0] => sku [1] => sdesc [2] => qty [3] => price [4] => map [5] => mrp [6] => mfgn [7] => mfg [8] => upc [9] => cat [10] => wt [11] => fdesc [12] => acc [13] => pi [14] => wa [15] => ti [16] => imgpath [17] => [18] => [19] => [20] => [21] => ) [input] => SUBMIT ) Here is the string what I generate $strQueryString = "filetype=tab&cateogry=ALL&manufacturer=ALL&invtype=both&columndata=Array&input=SUBMIT" My curl code is curl_setopt($conn, CURLOPT_URL, $strQueryString ); curl_setopt($conn, CURLOPT_POST, count($post)); curl_setopt ($conn, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $strQueryString ); $page = curl_exec ($conn); but it was not working
  3. Hello friends Most of the part solved now only one question If I want to POST following kind of data but I am not able to post array It is not passed My Post data Array ( [filetype] => tab [cateogry] => ALL [manufacturer] => ALL [invtype] => both [columndata] => Array ( [0] => sku [1] => sdesc [2] => qty [3] => price [4] => map [5] => mrp [6] => mfgn [7] => mfg [8] => upc [9] => cat [10] => wt [11] => fdesc [12] => acc [13] => pi [14] => wa [15] => ti [16] => imgpath [17] => [18] => [19] => [20] => [21] => ) [input] => SUBMIT ) and Post String filetype=tab&cateogry=ALL&manufacturer=ALL&invtype=both&columndata=Array&input=SUBMIT See in above string I am not able to post columndata=Array Thanks dip solution
  4. I have sequence of operation so using CURL I am doing but in last step of my sequence I need to download one file. when I refer same url in any browser it will open regular Open,save dialog box(force -download dialog like you want to save or open in any application) Now my question is How can I download file using CURL in my local host without providing response in that dialog box.(If in dialog box I say save then It will save but I want this thing using CURL)
  5. Hello Friends I have one question regarding CURL Using CURL how can we prevent Download dialog (normally we got from application/force download) How to bypass that dialog using CURL It is really urgent Message me in dipsolution@yahoo.com
  6. Hello friends this is again not working i set following setting then also i am not able to upload more then 11 mb file i want to upload 11 to 40 MB file size my setting post_max_size = 60M upload_max_filesize = 50M memory_limit = 60M max_input_time=1600 max_execution_time=1600 Please give solution ASAP thanks
  7. Hello friends I want to upload video of size more than 20 mb here is my php variable setting upload_max_filesize 50M post_max_size 8M then also it is not working my code is absolute fine with small file but big file it create trouble. If I upload more than 2 MB it automatically time out please give me solution. Thank you
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