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  1. Thanks. I learned a lot from your advices and this thread in general about the stuff that I did not know before.
  2. Okay... If it is not possible, than it is not possible! I understand all the problems that this might cause. But I am working for a private corporation and all devices belong to the corporation and if they want to change the resolution of their displays, they should be able to. The users keep changing the resolution to what they like and our application will not fit or display correctly when the standard resolution was changed. We tried the group policy approach and it did not work that well either. So with all due respect; calm down a little and if you are not a "99%"er, see this issue the capitalistic way.
  3. Thanks. But no, I need to change the actual resolution of the display. I know there are ways to get all of the supported resolutions of the display but I do not know how to change the actual display resolution. Let's say from default 800x600 to 1280 x 1024. There has to be some way of doing this programmatically. Thx
  4. What do you mean by "change the view area of the browser window" ? Do you mean using the screen.width and screen.height for a the window.location ?
  5. Is it possible to change the client's display resolution using PHP and/or JavaScript? Thanks
  6. Thanks for the replay. But, I have since resolved this problem by using the JOIN capability of SQL to join the two tables first and create all the information that I need from both tables in one record. It works great and a lot less painful than what I was trying to do. Thanks anyway.
  7. I have two tables that I need to search for information related to a transaction. Not sure if this is the most efficient way of doing it but, I am doing something like: $sqlstr="select * from abc for var1='John'"; $sqlres=mssql_query($sqlstr); $foundrecs=mssql_num_rows($sqlres); $ABCresultststable = mssql_fetch_array($sqlres, MSSQL_BOTH); while ($ABCrestultstable = mssql_fetch_array($sqlres, MSSQL_BOTH)) { $owner=$ABCresultstable[1]; echo " <input type='text' value='$ABCresultstable[2]'> ....... other HTML stuff ......."; $sqlstr="select * from xyz for var1='$owner'"; $sqlres=mssql_query($sqlstr); $foundrecs=mssql_num_rows($sqlres); $XYZresultststable = mssql_fetch_array($sqlres, MSSQL_BOTH); echo " <input type='text' value='$XYZresultstable[3]'> ....... ......."; }; The problem seems to be when I do the "select" for XYZ, I lose the "While" pointer. It exits the "while" statement even there are more records to display from ABC. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks.
  8. Hey, nice. It worked fine. Thanks
  9. I am using HTML Frame tag (crazy ) and need to blank out one of the frames when a certain page is loaded in a different one. I have tried different functions in PHP and not getting right. Any ideas? thanks.
  10. I need to run a PHP script from inside a java code. I do not need the user to click on any image or text or botton to load it. There is some java processing and than to run a PHP script passing some variable like "phpcode1.php?var1='xyz'" where the var1 was defined and created inside the Java script. Thanks for your help.
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