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  1. Hello All, Can anyone get me the code which will uncompress all type of compressed files. The compressed file can be in anyone of these extensions "7z","s7z","ace","arc","alz","arj","cab","cpt","dar","dd","dgc","dmg","gca","hki","ice","j","jar","kgb","lzh","lha","lzx","partimg","paq6","paq7","paq8","pim","pit","qda","rar","rk","sea","sit","sitx","sqx","tar.gz","tgz","tar.Z","tar.bz2","tbz2","tar.lzma","tlz","uha","uif","zip","zoo","zz" Thanks in Advance.
  2. Hi guys, thanks for your help, I got the solution for the issue. here is the link             http://www.thesitewizard.com/webdesign/backgroundmusic.shtml Also we can use frameset to enable the play continously
  3. How to play a music throughout the website using PHP code .ie I want to play music in all pages of my website but I dont want the song to start from the beginning every time when a link is clicked. The song list will be coming from the database, where admin can able to upload the music file. Can anyone help me.Please
  4. Hello Guys, Im using pdflib for generating pdf, It is working fine, when I used a single page pdf as the template, but when I use a pdf with two pages I dont know how to write in first page and second page $page = PDF_open_pdi_page($p, $blockcontainer, 2, "");  // I have set the pdf points to second page Here in the above line, I have set the pdf to write in second page, but I dont know how to write in first page of the pdf. here is the code that I have used to generate pdf. Can anyone help me to sort out this issue. Thanks in Advance. [code] <?php $infile = "Template.pdf"; $searchpath = "./data"; $p = PDF_new(); /*  open new PDF file; insert a file name to create the PDF on disk */ if (PDF_begin_document($p, "", "") == 0) {     die("Error1: " . PDF_get_errmsg($p)); } /* Set the search path for fonts and PDF files */ PDF_set_parameter($p, "SearchPath", $searchpath); /* This line is required to avoid problems on Japanese systems */ PDF_set_parameter($p, "hypertextencoding", "winansi");     PDF_set_info($p, 'Creator', 'PDF Builder using PDFlib');     PDF_set_info($p, 'Author', 'Author Name'); PDF_set_info($p, "Title", "Card Title"); $blockcontainer = PDF_open_pdi($p, $infile, "", 0); if ($blockcontainer == 0){     die ("Error2: " . PDF_get_errmsg($p)); } $page = PDF_open_pdi_page($p, $blockcontainer, 2, "");  // I have set the pdf points to second page if ($page == 0){     die ("Error3: " . PDF_get_errmsg($p)); } PDF_begin_page_ext($p, 600, 600, ""); /* dummy page size */ /* This will adjust the page size to the block container's size. */ PDF_fit_pdi_page($p, $page, 0, 0, "adjustpage"); //Load the fonts to be used // FuturaHeavy PDF_set_parameter($p, 'FontOutline', 'FuturaHeavy=lte50188.ttf' ); $font = PDF_load_font($p, 'FuturaHeavy', 'winansi', 'embedding'); // FuturaHeavy PostScript Font PDF_set_parameter($p, 'FontPFM', 'FuturaLtBt=0138A___.PFM' );//NOTE - you have to use 'FontPFM' for the FontMetrics of PS font in place of FontOutline as for TT fonts PDF_set_parameter($p, 'FontOutline', 'FuturaLtBt=0138A___.PFB' );//NOTE - you have to use 'FontOutline' for PS font FontOutline in addition to the above $font = PDF_load_font($p, 'FuturaLtBt', 'winansi', 'embedding'); PDF_set_parameter($p, "charref", "true");// allows &nbsp etc //Do colour //$spot = PDF_makespotcolor($p, "PANTONE 341 U", 0); //PDF_setcolor($p, "both", $spot, 0.7, 0, 0); //Create the name $text="<leading=100% charspacing=0.35 fontname=FuturaLtBt fontsize=5 encoding=winansi>Name\r\n"; $text.="<leading=250% charspacing=0.95 fontname=FuturaLtBt fontsize=5 encoding=winansi>email@email.com\r\n"; $text.="<leading=290% charspacing=0.35 fontname=FuturaLtBt fontsize=5 encoding=winansi>000 0000 0000\r\n"; $text.="<leading=140% charspacing=0.35 fontname=FuturaLtBt fontsize=5 encoding=winansi>000 0000 0000\r\n"; $text.="<leading=143% charspacing=0.35 fontname=FuturaLtBt fontsize=5 encoding=winansi>000 0000 0000\r\n"; $text.="<leading=409% charspacing=0.35 fontname=FuturaLtBt fontsize=5 encoding=winansi>Address Address \r\n"; $text.="<leading=139% charspacing=0.35 fontname=FuturaLtBt fontsize=5 encoding=winansi>POSTCODE \r\n"; $textbox = PDF_create_textflow($p, $text, "fillcolor={ spotname {PANTONE 341 U} 1 } alignment=left leading=170% charspacing=1 fontname=FuturaHeavy fontsize=9 encoding=winansi") or die ("PDF Error=" . PDF_get_errmsg($p)); $left_x=114.175; $left_y=6.175; // $right_x=227.05515; // Horizontal moving towards right $right_y=128.13203; // moving the box top vertically $offset = 0; //"fillcolor={rgb 1 0 0}" $result = PDF_fit_textflow($p, $textbox, $left_x, $left_y, $right_x, $right_y, "verticalalign=top showborder=false") or die ("PDF Error=" . PDF_get_errmsg($p)); if (strcmp($result, "_stop"))  {     die ("Error: result=" . $result . " PDF Error=" . PDF_get_errmsg($p)); } PDF_delete_textflow($p, $textbox); $text=""; PDF_end_page_ext($p, ""); PDF_close_pdi_page($p, $page); PDF_end_document($p, ""); PDF_close_pdi($p, $blockcontainer); $buf = PDF_get_buffer($p); $len = strlen($buf); header("Content-type: application/pdf"); header("Content-Length: $len"); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=test.pdf"); print $buf; PDF_delete($p); ?> [/code]
  5. I have a ppt that needs to be loaded in the new window when the users clicks on the button, The new window has a iframe , the ppt has to be loaded in the new window. I can do this in IE, but when i try the same in Firefox the ppt and the iframe is loaded inside the firefox. can anyone guide me to sort out this. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello Guys,             Hope u all are doing great. Can you suggest me how to write a array in the cookie, for eg, [code=php:0]         $var  =  array("1","2","3");       [/code] Now I want to set a cookie which should store this array $var. I dont want to use for loop for storing the array value in the cookie Can anyone help me............ Thanks a lot in advance
  7. raji20


    thanks again for your assistance, when i tried this following command from the linux server [root@place etc]# crontab 0    12    *    10    1-7  /usr/local/lib/php -f /www/htdocs/phpdocs/test/cron.php it shows me error saying crontab: invalid option -- f crontab: usage error: unrecognized option Can you please tell me about what i have did is correct or not, if it is wrong what i need to do, if it is correct how to correct this error.
  8. raji20


    First Thanks a lot for your assistance, when i try to excute this comand from the linux server, 0    12    *    10    1-7  /usr/local/lib/php -f /www/htdocs/phpdocs/test/cron.php it pops up the error saying -bash: 0: command not found Is it correct what i have done or please guide me how to add this line to CRONJOB, Im very new to this topic.
  9. I want to make the script to run automatically everyday that checks for the new emails, if any new mails are there, it need to forward to the specified address. I need this to be done via CRON JOB, how to do this, any help will be greatly appreciable.
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