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  1. Hello all. I managed to figure out the issue.  The documentation everywhere (including php.net) is wrong.  When we use the pcntl_signal(), we DON'T pass in the object and the object method name (although imho, it seems like the logical thing to do).  Instead you need to do the following: [code] pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, array('myClass', 'sigHandler')); [/code] where myClass is the class name.
  2. Hello, I've been having difficulties trying to use the pcntl_signal() method to install my own signal handler, so that I can control the maximum number of children processes allowed at a time.  Basically I am doing the following: [code] <? declare(ticks = 1); $max=10; $child=0; class myClass { function sigHandler($signo) { global $child; switch ($signo) { case SIGCHLD: echo "SIGCHLD received\n"; $child -= 1; } } function startForking() {                 global $child; // install signal handler for dead children pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, array(&$this, "sigHandler")); //START FORKING HERE for ( $i=0; $i<=100000; $i+=25 ){ while ($child >= $maxChildren) { sleep(5); echo "\t Maximum children allowed\n"; } $child++; $pids[$i] = pcntl_fork(); if (!$pids[$i]) { // I am the child, do something exit; } } // get rid of zombies for ( $i=0; $i<=100000; $i+=25 ){ pcntl_waitpid($pids[$i], $status, WUNTRACED); } // this is now the parent, so do parent code here } } ?> [/code] My issue is not the forking, but attempting to install the signal handler, at this line of code: [code]pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, array(&$this, "sigHandler"));[/code] When I run my php script, I get a message: [quote]PHP Warning:  pcntl_signal: Array is not a callable function name error[/quote] Has anyone been able to call an object method using pcntl_signal() successfully? Thanks in advance for the help. -Christina
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