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  1. yes, I don't have yahoo but my msn is :[quote]nexous.joe@gmail.com[/quote] Thanks.
  2. Thanks, I've got it all sorted out now.
  3. Okay, well currently I'm forwarding the ports, do you have a messenger program?
  4. Yes, I will need help with that, and port forwarding if you could also. I have a domain. FreeDNS has a bunch of errors on the sign up page, so I will wait until it has been fixed. For now, I have the software for the server (xampp). What other software will I need to actually host the server (xampp), Does FreeDNS have a program that I will have to add to my computer. Norton Security, will read incoming from the server im guessing?
  5. 1287kbps = downloadspeed 312kbps = uploadspeed Now that is going through wireless, now, I could have my laptop hooked up directly to the router, so I'm not sure if it'd be any faster. I'll test and edit. Nope, it was the same, a few kb's off but, I imagine that it'd do the same thing wired or wireless.. Also, what about bandwidth, what is the chance of getting it over my limit? I mean, I don't want to have it limited to be able to hold only say 50 people at a time.
  6. [code] RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/articles/([a-z]+)/ $ /articles.php?codename=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^/([a-z]+)/ $ /$1.php [L] [/code] That's how I would do it. Now obviously, that is allowing only a-z not any numbers.
  7. Okay, yes I'm using windows. I currently have Xampp, which contains apache 2, php 5, etc. Except I'm using it just for personal development. I'm running a dsl line, speed, I'm not sure. I'm also running through a Linksys Wireless Router. Someone to host the dns servers, how would that work? I'm fine with just using my regular isp email. RockingGroudon: Are you using your PC? or a server tower? The only problem is, I don't have a static IP, would that be a problem? Thanks, Joe
  8. I'm just wondering what kind of items would be required to host one website. What speed of the connection, what services could be added for security. If anyone has any information on "creating your own host" that'd be great, except keep in mind, this is only for ONE website, not an actual hosting company. Thanks, Joe
  9. To make it much simplier, I'll explain what I'm trying to do. Don't worry about security features. I want to check valid file extensions.. The file is recieved from index.php?file=index.php So, I want to check ?file=...... [code] <?php $file = $_GET['file']; $valid = array("bad", "worse"); if(in_array($file, $valid)){ echo 'The File is bad, oh noes!'; } else { echo 'We are good, the file is allowed.'; } ?>[/code] Now to think of it, would I have to split it up? say that the link is ?file=bad/horid.php Would it still find bad in it, or would I have to split the '/'?
  10. The file defines the array, then calls for '$not_valid_exts' [code]<?php //$file_ext is defined above.. $not_valid_exts = array('.gif','.png','.jpg','.css','.htm','.html','.htaccess'); if (!in_array($file_ext, $not_valid_exts) ) { //...... } ?>[/code]
  11. [code]<?php $not_valid_exts = array('.gif','.png','.jpg','.css','.htm','.html','.htaccess'); ?>[/code]
  12. Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/rhuser/public_html/resource/inc/rhu.php on line 67 [code]<?php // $file is defined and correct. // $file_ext is defined and correct. // $not_valid_exts is an array. if (!in_array($file_ext, $not_valid_exts) ) { return $file; } ?> [/code] I'm not sure how my instance is different from php.net/in_array 's example.
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