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  1. I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I have a table with three columns 1 - auto indexed number 2 - product number (repeats depending on date) 3 - date so product 123 was sold on January 1, 2005, 8:30 AM and again on January 1, 2006, 9:15 PM etc etc etc. Lots of duplicates How do I query to just say product 123 had 15 sales between January 1, 2005 and January 1, 2006. Is there a way just to count how many between two dates and then export this report directly to excel? So it would be: Product id Number of sales 123 15 124 12 Something like that. Are there any tutorials on this? Thanks
  2. Call your isp, I am no help there. sorry  :-[
  3. You are trying to connect to your sql service on your local machine that your setting at? "start" menu go to "run" type in box mysql --user=your_user --password=yourpassword dbyouwanttoconnectto click ok. this will bring up mysql command line
  4. I don't know if this will help or not but here it is anyways: http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/vb-blob-handling.html That gives an example to connecting to a mysql databse with vb. It might help, also have you tried just using the Data Environment Options (Data Tools—Options Dialog Box)? Atleast that is what it is called in VB 6. I'm sure there is something similar in your VB development environment.
  5. Alright, Thank you for your help  :-*. Apparently I loaded it wrong. I should have used: LOAD DATA INFILE 'topdown.txt' INTO TABLE vocab   LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'; Where I just used the : LOAD DATA INFILE 'topdown.txt' INTO TABLE vocab; without using the lines terminated by command. Could have saved myself some issues. Now my data doesn't have any pilcrows, new lines, spaces, or whatnot. Thank you very much  :)
  6. ok close apparently there is another something there before the pilcrow b6. I've attached an image of what it looks like if I try to go in and edit. It's like there are 2 lines of text or a hard return? When I go in to edit it automatically tried to go to the line below the word. [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. O good grief I'm an idiot.  :-\ There is a pilcrow character at the end of each of the words in the word list. I imported all the words out of a text file and it appended each with a ¶ to the end of each. There are well over 50,000 words in this db, any ideas how I can get this off without having to manually edit each one? ???
  8. ok  :) SELECT words FROM vocabulary where words like '%ate'; doesn't work eigther. I don't know how the quote got changed to a curly one. lol All I am doing with these queries is changing the location of the % and the one with the % in the front only doesn't seem to want to work. I know there are things in the list ending in %ate. debate, communicate, etc.
  9. mysql version 5.0.24 I hoping someone here can help me with this. I have 3 queries: Works ->SELECT words FROM vocabulary WHERE words LIKE '%ate%'; Works ->SELECT words FROM vocabulary WHERE words LIKE 'ate%'; Does not work ->SELECT words FROM vocabulary WHERE words LIKE '%ate’; I was wondering if anyone knows why the wildcard character doesn't work with % in the front to search the end of the string? Is there another way to search the end of a field? Thanks
  10. maybe this will help. <?php $con = mysql_connect('localhost','3d','pass')   or die('Error:'.mysql_error()); // if not connected } mysql_select_db('3d',$con)   or die ('Could not select database'); <-----------SELECT col_name FROM tbl_name WHERE col_name > 0;----------> where requires a condition $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM text WHERE text"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))   {   if($row['text'] == $_POST['search']){   echo "Think I've found something";   echo "</br>";   echo $row['text'];   }   else {   echo "no mathes found";   } } mysql_close($con); ?>
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