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  1. Hiya, wanting to implement banners on my site for my members.: if (mysql_num_rows($res) != 0) { echo("<p><font size=2><b>You must host these banners yourself!<br>Right click on the image and choose 'Save Picture As..'</b></font></p>"); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($res); $i++) { $bid = mysql_result($res, $i, "id"); $imageurl = mysql_result($res, $i, "imageurl"); $n = $i + 1; echo("<p><b><font face=$fontface size=2>Banner $n:</b><br><a href=\"$site_url/?rid=$usrid\" target=\"_blank\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='Right click here and choose \'Save Picture As..\''; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status='$title'\"><img src=\"$imageurl\" border=0></a><br></p><textarea cols="70" rows="6" wrap="off" style="font-size: 11px;"><a href=\"$site_url/?rid=$usrid\" target=\"_blank\" target="_blank"><img src=\"$imageurl\" border="0" alt="Hitinsomnia manual traffic exchange with geographical targeting" />"); </a></textarea> } } include($mfoot); mysql_close; exit; ?> showing the banner itself works just fine but recently I added the bit to add the code in a box under the banner so members can see an affiliate banner and the html code under it to post into other websites. just keep getting this error now: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER in /home/XXXXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX/refbanners.php on line 25 here is the full code from this page: <?php session_start(); include("phpinc.incfile.php"); include($varsfile); include($funcsfile); include($authfile); mysql_connect($ssqldb_rhost, $ssqldb_ruser, $ssqldb_rpswd); mysql_select_db($ssqldb_exchname); $http_ref_page = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $res = checkauth(); if ($check_referrers == 1) { checkRefer($http_ref_page); } $usrid = mysql_result($res, 0, "id"); $res = mysql_query("select * from refban order by id asc"); include($mhead); echo("<p><font size=2>Your referring URL:<br><input type=text size=40 value=\"$site_url/?rid=$usrid\"></b></p>"); echo("<p></p>"); if (mysql_num_rows($res) != 0) { echo("<p><font size=2><b>You must host these banners yourself!<br>Right click on the image and choose 'Save Picture As..'</b></font></p>"); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($res); $i++) { $bid = mysql_result($res, $i, "id"); $imageurl = mysql_result($res, $i, "imageurl"); $n = $i + 1; echo("<p><b><font face=$fontface size=2>Banner $n:</b><br><a href=\"$site_url/?rid=$usrid\" target=\"_blank\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='Right click here and choose \'Save Picture As..\''; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status='$title'\"><img src=\"$imageurl\" border=0></a><br></p><textarea cols="70" rows="6" wrap="off" style="font-size: 11px;"><a href=\"$site_url/?rid=$usrid\" target=\"_blank\" target="_blank"><img src=\"$imageurl\" border="0" alt="xxx" />"); </a></textarea> } } include($mfoot); mysql_close; exit; ?>
  2. Its oka I fixed it - I just replaced the text with the img src code thx anyway
  3. sorry! <?php include ('headerblank2.php'); ?> <p> </p> <?php $ver = $HTTP_HOST.$PHP_SELF; echo $ver; ?> <p> </p> <p> </p> <center> <a href=\"register.php?r=".$elref."\">";?><img src="images/meyie-splash4.jpg"></img></a> </center> <center> <p class="img-left"><?php echo" <a href=\"register.php?r=".$elref."\">";?>Click here to find out more about this</a><br> <class="img-left"><?php echo" <a href=\"register.php?r=".$elref."\">";?>free, no-nonsense get-paid-to-click website!</a></p> </center>
  4. anybody got any ideas? just curious, thanks shaun
  5. I am trying to make an image hyperlink to a "referral link" The text links at the bottom of the code work 100% fine but I cant get the image to link.. thanks <center> <a href=\"register.php?r=".$elref."\">";?><img src="images/meyie-splash4.jpg"></img></a> </center> <center> <p class="img-left"><?php echo" <a href=\"register.php?r=".$elref."\">";?>Click here to find out more about this</a><br> <class="img-left"><?php echo" <a href=\"register.php?r=".$elref."\">";?>free, no-nonsense get-paid-to-click website!</a></p> </center>
  6. After 6 hours with this Im getting frustrated.. I run a site which incorporates a simple captcha code. It runs on login pages, and new registration pages just fine. I am trying to put the captcha code on another page, but I need it to happen AFTER A CERTAIN EVENT HAS HAPPENED. Let me explain. At my site (A "Get Paid To Click" site) people can view ads. Here is what they do: 1 - click an "available" link - this opens a new window with an iframe timer bar at the top. The website from the link opens in the bottom window and displays for 20 seconds. When the counter reaches zero, an image of a tick appears in the iframe top bar and the users account is updated with a credit (so this is a traffic exchange type thing) I extracted the code for the captcha from my login.php file and created a php file called getcapcha.php and inserted the code inside it. My "thinking" was that logically: WHEN TIMER=ZERO CALL THE CAPCHA AND IF CAPCHA SUCCESSFUL CREDIT USERS ACOUNT I am doing this to prevent automated clicking bots from abusing my website. I dont expect anybody to do this for me - I dont mind tinkering with code, although I am only a beginner, but I need a hand to know where exactly to call the file, and if I am doing it correctly... i think Im probably using the wrong code, or not passing the required data backwards and forwards. So any help you might give would be awesome, cheers! Here we have the code from the page members see with available links on it: <? include('header.php'); ?> <h3>Surf Ads - Visit Websites</h3> <br> <? require('config.php'); $tabla = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM tb_ads_categories ORDER BY id ASC"); // selecciono todos los registros de la tabla usuarios, ordenado por nombre mysql_close($con); while ($registro = mysql_fetch_array($tabla)) { // comienza un bucle que leera todos los registros y ejecutara las ordenes que siguen ?> <? $indice = $registro["id"]; require('config.php'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_ads_categories WHERE id='$indice'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); mysql_close($con); ?> <div id="tables"> <table width="80%" align="center"> <tr> <th class="top" width="61%"> <b> <? echo $row["catname"] ?></b> </th> <th class="top" width="13%"> <div align="center"> <b>Members</b></div> </th> <th class="top" width="13%"> <div align="center"> <b>Outside</b></div> </th> <th class="top" width="13%"> <div align="center"> <b>Total</b></div> </th> </tr> <?php /* Pedimos todos los temas iniciales (identificador==0) * y los ordenamos por ult_respuesta */ if(isset($_COOKIE["usNick"]) && isset($_COOKIE["usPass"])) { $lolz=$_COOKIE["usNick"]; require('config.php'); $sqlr = "SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE username='$lolz'"; $resultr = mysql_query($sqlr); $myrowr = mysql_fetch_array($resultr); mysql_close($con); $tipr=$myrowr["account"]; switch($tipr) { case("premium"): require('config.php'); $sql = "SELECT * "; $sql.= "FROM tb_ads WHERE tipo='ads' and category='$indice' ORDER BY fechainicia DESC"; $rs = mysql_query($sql, $con); mysql_close($con); if(mysql_num_rows($rs)>0) { // Leemos el contenido de la plantilla de temas $template = implode("", file("titulosp.php")); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $row["last"]=uc($_COOKIE["usNick"]); $row["total"]=$row["outside"] + $row["members"]; $bold=$row["bold"]; if ($bold=="1") { $row["bold"]="<b>"; $row["boldc"]="</b>"; } $highlight=$row["highlight"]; if ($highlight=="1") { $row["highlight"]="#cccccc"; $row["highlight"]="#cccccc"; } $ji=$row["members"]; $jo=$row["plan"]; if ($ji >= $jo) { $row["description"]=""; $row["members"]=""; $row["outside"]=""; $row["total"]=""; $row["id"]=""; } mostrarTemplate($template, $row); } } break; default: require('config.php'); $sql = "SELECT * "; $sql.= "FROM tb_ads WHERE tipo='ads' and category='$indice' ORDER BY fechainicia DESC"; $rs = mysql_query($sql, $con); mysql_close($con); if(mysql_num_rows($rs)>0) { // Leemos el contenido de la plantilla de temas $template = implode("", file("titulos.php")); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $row["last"]=uc($_COOKIE["usNick"]); $row["total"]=$row["outside"] + $row["members"]; $bold=$row["bold"]; if ($bold=="1") { $row["bold"]="<b>"; $row["boldc"]="</b>"; } $highlight=$row["highlight"]; if ($highlight=="1") { $row["highlight"]="#cccccc"; $row["highlight"]="#cccccc"; } $ji=$row["members"]; $jo=$row["plan"]; if ($ji >= $jo) { $row["description"]=""; $row["members"]=""; $row["outside"]=""; $row["total"]=""; $row["id"]=""; } mostrarTemplate($template, $row); } } } }else{ require('config.php'); //require('funciones.php'); $sqlr = "SELECT * "; $sqlr.= "FROM tb_ads WHERE tipo='ads' and category='$indice' ORDER BY fechainicia DESC"; $rsr = mysql_query($sqlr, $con); mysql_close($con); if(mysql_num_rows($rsr)>0) { // Leemos el contenido de la plantilla de temas $templater = implode("", file("titulos1.php")); while($rowr = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsr)) { $rowr["total"]=$rowr["outside"] + $rowr["members"]; $bold=$rowr["bold"]; if ($bold=="1") { $rowr["bold"]="<b>"; $rowr["boldc"]="</b>"; } $highlight=$rowr["highlight"]; if ($highlight=="1") { $rowr["highlight"]="#cccccc"; $rowr["highlight"]="#cccccc"; } $ji=$rowr["members"]; $jo=$rowr["plan"]; if ($ji >= $jo) { $rowr["description"]=""; $rowr["members"]=""; $rowr["outside"]=""; $rowr["total"]=""; $rowr["id"]=""; } mostrarTemplate($templater, $rowr); } } } ?> </table> </div> <? } // fin del bucle de ordenes ?> <!--footer starts here--> <? include('footer.php'); ?> As you can see, apart from the spanish comments, it first checks members type, by looking to see if members are "outside", or "basic members", or "premium members" (ie titulos.php titulos1.php or titulosp.php and calls these depending upon which type of member they are, or if they are viewing the ads when not logged in. Now, I shall take the titulos.php file: <tr> <td bgcolor="<?=$highlight?>"> <? require('config.php'); $sqle = "SELECT * FROM tb_ads WHERE user='$last' and ident='$id'"; $resulte = mysql_query($sqle); $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($resulte); mysql_close($con); $time=$myrow['visitime']; $crok1 = date(time()); $crok2 = date($time + (24 * 60 * 60)); if($crok1 >= $crok2) { ?> <?=$bold?><a href="viewp.php?ad=<?=$id?>" target="_blank"><?=$description?></a><?=$boldc?><? } else { ?><del><?=$description?><del><? } ?> </td> <tD bgcolor="<?=$highlight?>"> <?=$members?> </td> <td bgcolor="<?=$highlight?>"> <?=$outside?> </td> <td bgcolor="<?=$highlight?>"> <?=$total?> </td> </tr> As you can see it calls the viewp.php file, which looks like this: <? session_start(); require('config.php'); require('funciones.php'); $adse=limpiar($_GET["ad"]); if(!isset($_COOKIE["usNick"]) && !isset($_COOKIE["usPass"])) { $sqlz = "SELECT * FROM tb_ads WHERE id='$adse'"; $resultz = mysql_query($sqlz); $myrowz = mysql_fetch_array($resultz); $numero=$myrowz["outside"]; $sqlex = "UPDATE tb_ads SET outside='$numero' +1 WHERE id='$adse'"; $resultex = mysql_query($sqlex); } $checkad = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM tb_ads WHERE id='$adse'"); $ad_exist = mysql_num_rows($checkad); if ($ad_exist<1) { // En caso de no existir el referer damos un mensaje de error echo "Error"; exit(); } ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css.css"><title><? include('sitename.php'); ?> | .view .click .make money</title> <script> var x = 21 var y = 1 function startClock(){ if(x!=='Done'){ x = x-y document.frm.clock.value = x setTimeout("startClock()", 1000) } if(x==0){ x='Done'; document.frm.clock.value = x; success.location.href="successp.php?ad="+document.frm.id.value+"&verify="+document.frm.verify.value; }} </script> </head> <body leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" onLoad="startClock()"> <form name="frm" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<? echo $adse ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="verify" value="<? include('thecodero.php'); ?>"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="maintopright" style="border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 13px;" width="50%"> <div class="maintopright"> <? include('sitename.php'); ?> <input name="clock" size="3" readonly="readonly" style="border: medium none ; padding: 0pt; font-size: 25pt; font-family: Verdana; vertical-align: top;" type="text"> <iframe name="success" src="grayblank.htm" border="0" framspacing="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" style="vertical-align: top;" frameborder="0" height="110" scrolling="no" width="140"></iframe> </div> </td> <td style="border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 13px; " align="left" valign="middle" width="50%"> <strong>Your AD can be here for $200 for 1 week of unlimited impressions - contact us.<br> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <iframe src="<? require ('config.php'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_ads WHERE id='$adse'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo $row["url"]; ?>" border="0" framspacing="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" frameborder="0" height="100%" scrolling="yes" width="100%"></iframe> </form> </body> </html> The above viewp.php file is the iframed viewbar at the top with the timer inside it (viewp.php is for premium members, view.php is for other members, etc) this is the window which opens when members click on a link. So, what I have been trying to do is use the "require" command - require('getcapcha.php'); - not sure if this is the right thing or wrong thing to do, or if my format is incorrect? So, I made a file called getcapcha.php which includs the capcha code - and I made it so that it posts to titulosp.php - again not sure if this is the right or wrong thing to do. here it is: <form action='titulosp.php' method='POST'> <table width="400" border="0" align="center"> <tr> <td width="150" align="left"><label>Security Code </label><input type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' name='code' autocomplete="off" class="securitycode" value="" tabindex="3" /></td> <img src="image.php?<?php echo $res; ?>" /><input type="submit" value="Enter" class="submit" tabindex="4" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> success.location.href="successp.php?ad="+document.frm.id.value+"&verify="+document.frm.verify.value; Now this calles the file "successp.php" if the timer has counted down correctly. What I did was change it from successp.php to getcapcha.php - so that if the counter was correct it would then "GO TO THE CAPCHA SCRIPT" - this is my logical thinking anyway... Somehow I managed to get it working to a position where the counter would count down, and after it had counted down it displayed the capcha code in the iframe - I was very pleased - however, of course the isue for me is now to make it so that after a successful capcha has been entered, the script should then call the successp.php file and update their account So Im assuming it has something to do with: success.location.href="successp.php?ad="+document.frm.id.value+"&verify="+document.frm.verify.value; I tried to put it at various places in the viewp.php file, and no joy. Here is the successp.php file: <? session_start(); if(!isset($_GET['verify'])){ echo "<img src=error.gif>"; echo "SECURITY CODE ERROR... "; exit(); } if($_GET['verify']!=$_SESSION['string']){ echo "<img src=error.gif>"; echo "SECURITY CODE ERROR... "; exit(); } if(isset($_COOKIE["usNick"]) && isset($_COOKIE["usPass"])) { // Se incluyen los archivos necesarios require('config.php'); require('funciones.php'); // Se sanitizan los datos de las cokies $user=uc($_COOKIE["usNick"]); // Se selecciona la tabla tb_users donde el usuario es el que se provee en la cookie $sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE username='$user'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); // Se sanitiza de nuevo la cookie $wask = uc($_COOKIE["usNick"]); // Se define $wesk como el nombre de usuario de la tabla tb_users $wesk = $row['username']; $prem = $row['account']; if($prem!="premium") { echo "error"; exit(); } // Se comprueba que el dato de la cookie sea el mismo que el de la tabla, de lo contrario se muestra error, se termina // el script y se borra la cookie. if("$wesk" != "$wask") { echo "Login incorrecto."; exit(); } // Se sanitiza la cookie usPass $wazk = uc($_COOKIE["usPass"]); // Se define $wezk como el nombre de usuario de la tabla tb_users $wezk = $row['password']; // Se comprueba que el dato de la cookie sea el mismo que el de la tabla, de lo contrario se muestra error, se termina // el script y se borra la cookie. if("$wezk" != "$wazk") { echo "Login incorrecto."; exit(); } $usere=uc($_COOKIE["usNick"]); $adse=limpiar($_GET["ad"]); if (ereg('[^0-9]', $adse)) { echo "<script>alert('Cheater...!')</script>"; mysql_query($cheat) or die(mysql_error()); exit; } else { } $querye = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tb_ads WHERE user = '$usere' and ident= '$adse'") or die(mysql_error()); $rowe = mysql_fetch_array($querye); $checkad = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM tb_ads WHERE id='$adse' and tipo='ads'"); $ad_exist = mysql_num_rows($checkad); if ($ad_exist<1) { // En caso de no existir echo "Error no existe."; exit(); } $time=$rowe['visitime']; $crok1 = date(time()); $crok2 = date($time + (24 * 60 * 60)); if($crok1 >= $crok2) { //echo "Si la hora actual es mayor o igual a la hora en que empezó mas 24 horas, creamos las variables. Terminamos el script y damos un boton para actualizar.<br>"; $kok = uc($_COOKIE["usNick"]); // Si ya existe una tabla solamente la editamos $checkvisit = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tb_ads WHERE user='$kok' and ident='$adse'"); $referer_visit = mysql_num_rows($checkvisit); if ($referer_visit>0) { $sqlz = "SELECT * FROM tb_ads WHERE id='$adse'"; $resultz = mysql_query($sqlz); $myrowz = mysql_fetch_array($resultz); $numero=$myrowz["members"]; // si se termino el plan terminamos el script $jo=$myrowz["plan"]; if ($numero >= $jo) { echo "<script>alert('El link ya no esta disponible')</script>"; exit(); } // En caso de ya existir una tabla solamente la editamos $queryzx = "UPDATE tb_ads SET visitime='$crok1' WHERE user='$usere' and ident='$adse' and tipo='visit'"; mysql_query($queryzx) or die(mysql_error()); //referals visits $sqlzd = "SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE username='$kok'"; $resultzd = mysql_query($sqlzd); $myrowzd = mysql_fetch_array($resultzd); $juaz=$myrowzd["referer"]; if ($juaz!=""){ $sqlzde = "SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE username='$juaz'"; $resultzde = mysql_query($sqlzde); $myrowzde = mysql_fetch_array($resultzde); $juaze=$myrowzde["referalvisits"]; $billetes=$myrowzde["money"]; $sqlzdu = "SELECT * FROM tb_config WHERE item='premiumreferalc' and howmany='1'"; $resultzdu = mysql_query($sqlzdu); $myrowzdu = mysql_fetch_array($resultzdu); $elprecio=$myrowzdu["price"]; $sqlexd = "UPDATE tb_users SET referalvisits='$juaze' +1, money='$billetes' +'$elprecio' WHERE username='$juaz'"; $resultexd = mysql_query($sqlexd); } $sqlex = "UPDATE tb_ads SET members='$numero' +1 WHERE id='$adse'"; $resultex = mysql_query($sqlex); //info del user $sqlze = "SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE username='$usere'"; $resultze = mysql_query($sqlze); $myrowze = mysql_fetch_array($resultze); $visitas=$myrowze["visits"]; $dinero=$myrowze["money"]; $sqlzdu = "SELECT * FROM tb_config WHERE item='premiumclick' and howmany='1'"; $resultzdu = mysql_query($sqlzdu); $myrowzdu = mysql_fetch_array($resultzdu); $elprecio=$myrowzdu["price"]; $sqlexzz = "UPDATE tb_users SET visits='$visitas' +1, money='$dinero' +'$elprecio' WHERE username='$usere'"; $resultexzz = mysql_query($sqlexzz); }else{ $sqlz = "SELECT * FROM tb_ads WHERE id='$adse'"; $resultz = mysql_query($sqlz); $myrowz = mysql_fetch_array($resultz); $numero=$myrowz["members"]; // si se termino el plan terminamos el script $jo=$myrowz["plan"]; if ($numero >= $jo) { echo "<script>alert('El link ya no esta disponible')</script>"; exit(); } //Todo parece correcto procedemos con la inserccion $queryzz = "INSERT INTO tb_ads (user, ip, tipo, ident, visitime) VALUES('$usere','','visit','$adse','$crok1')"; mysql_query($queryzz) or die(mysql_error()); //referals visits $sqlzd = "SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE username='$kok'"; $resultzd = mysql_query($sqlzd); $myrowzd = mysql_fetch_array($resultzd); $juaz=$myrowzd["referer"]; if ($juaz!=""){ $sqlzde = "SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE username='$juaz'"; $resultzde = mysql_query($sqlzde); $myrowzde = mysql_fetch_array($resultzde); $juaze=$myrowzde["referalvisits"]; $billetes=$myrowzde["money"]; $sqlzdu = "SELECT * FROM tb_config WHERE item='premiumreferalc' and howmany='1'"; $resultzdu = mysql_query($sqlzdu); $myrowzdu = mysql_fetch_array($resultzdu); $elprecio=$myrowzdu["price"]; $sqlexd = "UPDATE tb_users SET referalvisits='$juaze' +1, money='$billetes' +'$elprecio' WHERE username='$juaz'"; $resultexd = mysql_query($sqlexd); } $sqlex = "UPDATE tb_ads SET members='$numero' +1 WHERE id='$adse'"; $resultex = mysql_query($sqlex); //info del user $sqlze = "SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE username='$usere'"; $resultze = mysql_query($sqlze); $myrowze = mysql_fetch_array($resultze); $visitas=$myrowze["visits"]; $dinero=$myrowze["money"]; $sqlzdu = "SELECT * FROM tb_config WHERE item='premiumclick' and howmany='1'"; $resultzdu = mysql_query($sqlzdu); $myrowzdu = mysql_fetch_array($resultzdu); $elprecio=$myrowzdu["price"]; $sqlexzz = "UPDATE tb_users SET visits='$visitas' +1, money='$dinero' +'$elprecio' WHERE username='$usere'"; $resultexzz = mysql_query($sqlexzz); } echo "<img src=ok.gif>"; // echo "Los datos se han isertado en la base de datos."; }else{ $juaz= date("n/j/Y H:i:s", $crok1); $juaze= date("n/j/Y H:i:s", $crok2); //echo "hora actual: ".$juaz."<br>"; //echo "hora en que podras volver a visitar la pagina: ".$juaze; echo "<img src=error.gif>"; } }else{ } ?> Any ideas or pointers would be very helpful, like I say I dont mind trying, but I dont know much about php but I dont mind trying either I think Ive probably got things in the wrong order somewhere or missed a few lines of code somewhere... He he if someone wants to solve this Ill give them a free upgraded account.. yep, Im that desperate to cure this.. lol! But serously anyway, any ideas? Thanks??? Shaun
  7. Not sure how to do that A an easier alternative anyway I now just extract the emails and use my separate bulk email software group mail. Perhaps one day I might get something coded into my sites admin panel thx anyway shaun
  8. Really struggling with this darned script, it SHOULD work fine - al connects fine, and acts like it has sent an email, but.. nothing.. just nothing happens after i hit the submit button, help! <? include('../header.php'); include('../config.php'); if(isset($submit)) { if(empty($who)) { echo "<center><br><br><br> You did not choose the emails recipient.<br> Go <a class=TN href=mail.php> back </a> and make your choice. </center>"; exit; } if(empty($message)) { echo "<center><br><br><br> SILLY BILLY! You are trying to send a blank email. <br> Go <a class=TN href=mail.php> back </a> and write some text. </center>"; exit; } if($_POST['who'] == 'tb_users') { $q1 = "select email from tb_users"; $r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error()); } elseif($_POST['who'] == 'advertisers') { $q1 = "select email from newl "; $r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error()); } while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1)) { $get_general = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM main"); $grow = mysql_fetch_array($get_general); $g_title = $grow[title]; $g_baseurl = $grow[baseurl]; $g_aemail = $grow[adminemail]; $g_newsemail = $grow[newsemail]; $mailheaders = "From: " .$g_newsemail. "\r\n"; $mailheaders .= "Reply-To: " .$g_newsemail. "\r\n"; $mailheaders .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"\r\n"; mail($a1[0], $subject, $message, $mailheaders); } echo "<center><br><br><br>The mail was sent successfully. </center>"; unset($who); exit; } ?> <div align="center"><br> <strong><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Email Members</font></strong><br> </div> <FORM ACTION=<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?> METHOD=POST> <table align=center width=550> <tr> <td><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Send emails to all: </font></td> <td> <select name=who> <option value="">Select </option> <option value="tb_users">Members </option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Subject: </font></td> <td><input type=text name=subject></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Message: </font></td> <td><textarea rows=6 cols=45 name=message></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center> <input type=submit name=submit value=Send> </td> </tr> </table> </form>
  9. Hi, it didn't work. Would you be intersted in taking a look throuhg my site code/possible doing some upgrades etc in the future ? if so I would need to know your abilities etc. I can make payment, although it wouldn't be much yet. Thanks Shaun Baird
  10. Hi, I bought a paid to click script, only to find theres no user guide and the programmers contact email no longer exists.  The site I purchased form hasn't got back to me. I've managed to ftp upload and install the site myself, but there seems to be a bug. Members can submit paid links, and paid banners. The links seems to work ok, but the banners module is producing an error when I try to upload a banner from my own computer, I get the following error message on the website: [b]Warning: copy(/home/wwwsmon/public_html //images/banners/mentor~someinfo4u-banner-simple.gif): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/wwwsmon/public_html/link_acco_ban2.php on line 55[/b] and the following error message in the middle of the screen: [b]Internal Server Error: Could not upload file. /home/wwwsmon/public_html //images/banners/mentor~someinfo4u-banner-simple.gif[/b] I have also pasted below the contents of the file called link_acco_ban2.php where the error message is reported above: If anybody wishes to help me - I would be grateful. Thanks Shaun Baird www.somemoney4u.info <? include('includes/data_conn.php'); session_start(); $get_general = mysql_query("SElECT * FROM main"); $grow = mysql_fetch_array($get_general); $g_genid = $grow[genid]; $g_title = $grow[title]; $g_baseurl = $grow[baseurl]; $g_rooturl = $grow[rooturl]; $g_aemail = $grow[adminemail]; $g_pemail = $grow[paypalemail]; $g_lcharge = $grow[linkcharge]; $g_bcharge = $grow[bannercharge]; $g_withdraw = $grow[withdraw]; $g_bold = $grow[bold]; $g_italic = $grow[italic]; $g_referral = $grow[referral]; if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[aduser]) { if ($newtitle && $url && $banner) { if ($banner == "none") { include('includes/header.php'); echo "<div class=\"contex\">Error: No File Uploaded.</div>"; include('includes/footer.php'); exit; } if ($banner_size == 0) { include('includes/header.php'); echo "<div class=\"contex\">Error: File size is 0 bytes</div>"; include('includes/footer.php'); exit; } if (!is_uploaded_file($banner)) { include('includes/header.php'); echo "<div class=\"contex\">Error: Possible file upload attack.</div>"; include('includes/footer.php'); exit; } $good_file = substr($banner_name, -4); if ($good_file != ".gif" && $good_file != ".jpg") { include('includes/header.php'); echo "<div class=\"contex\">Error: You must upload a GIF or a JPEG for a banner.</div>"; include('includes/footer.php'); exit; } $mod_file = "$aduser~$banner_name"; $upfile = "$g_rooturl/images/banners/".$mod_file; if (!copy($banner, $upfile)) { include('includes/header.php'); echo "<div class=\"contex\">Internal Server Error: Could not upload file.</div>"; echo $upfile; include('includes/footer.php'); exit; } $check_url = substr($url, 0, 7); if ($check_url == 'http://') { $url = strrev($url); $url = substr($url, 0, -7); $url = strrev($url); } $date = date("n/j/Y"); if ($insert_bannerdb = mysql_query("INSERT INTO n_ban (banid, username, title, banname, date, status, addr) VALUES (NULL, '$aduser', '$newtitle', '$mod_file', '$date', 'inactive', '$url')")) { $ban_id = mysql_insert_id(); if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[ban_id]) { session_unregister("ban_id"); } $ban_id = mysql_insert_id(); session_register("ban_id"); include('includes/header.php'); echo "<div class=\"contex\"><div class=\"heatexblu\">You're Not Done Yet!</div>Your banner will not be added until you pay a fee of $g_bcharge via PayPal.<br /><br />You may do so by clicking the button below.<br /><br />"; } else { include('includes/header.php'); echo "aduser: $aduser, newtitle: $newtitle, date: $date, mod_file: $mod_file"; echo "<div class=\"contex\"><div class=\"heatexblu\">Error!</div>An unknown error occurred while processing your request.<br /><br />If the problem persists, please <a href=\"contact.php\" class=\"acon\">contact</a> the system administrator.<br /><br />"; } } else { include('includes/header.php'); echo "<div class=\"contex\"><div class=\"heatexblu\">Error!</div>You did not provide a value for all of the fields.<br /><br />Please click back in your browser and try again.<br /><br />"; } } ?> </div> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="<? echo "$g_pemail"; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Add New Banner"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<? echo "$g_bcharge"; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="return" value="<? echo "$g_baseurl"; ?>link_acco_ban3.php"> <input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="<? echo "$g_baseurl"; ?>link_acco_canc.php"> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/images/x-click-but23.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make Payment!"> </form> <? include('includes/footer.php'); ?>
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