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  1. hey, i have a memberscript and when users register, i want them to enter in a captcha code. the script already comes with that but its not working. below is the code... [i]verification.php[/i] [code]<?php header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); $im = imagecreate(12,16); $white = imagecolorallocate($im,255,255,255); $black = imagecolorallocate($im,0,0,0); $new_string = $_GET[code]; $new_string = substr($new_string,17,6); $new_string = $new_string[$_GET[p]]; imagefill($im,0,0,$black); imagestring($im,3,3,1,$new_string,$white); imagejpeg($im); imagedestroy($im); ?>[/code] and here is what i put into the registration page... [code]<fieldset> <legend>Image Verification</legend> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="main"><tr> <?php for ( $p = 0; $p <= 5; $p++ ) { echo "<td><img src='$script_location/verification.php?code=$v&p=$p'></td>"; echo "<td width='5'></td>"; } ?> <td><input type="text" name="verification" size="16" maxlength="6" class="form"></td> </tr></table> </fieldset>[/code] whenever i try to do that, all that shows up is 5 black blocks.. help anyone? thanks[/code]
  2. hello. i was wondering how i would prevent my users from downloading more than 2 files at a time in a single directory. for example ==> yoursite.com/downloads/movies/index?file=blah.avi the [b]yoursite.com/downloads/movies/[/b] would be the directory i would want to be prevented from downloading more than 2 files. is there a way to do this with an .htaccess file? or a simple php script? anyways, thanks for your help!
  3. i dont need just a memberscript in general. the one that i want is called AR Memberscript
  4. hi, i was wondering if there was any place i can get the ar memberscript. please help me, ive been searching everywhere for it and i cant seem to locate it anywhere!
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