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  1. actually, im trying to store the images in the mysql table. does that make a difference?
  2. OK. i really have been trying to do this for weeks, but keep in mind i am more or less a newbie... I have setup an event calendar system wherein the administrator creates a new event from a calendar (well, from the php script webcalendar - http://www.k5n.us/webcalendar.php). once this event is created, she can then go to an Event Editor page i built, where she can fill out a lot more information about the event (price, description, staffing, etc). I would also like for her to be able to insert an image into this existing record while she is filling out all this other info, then hit save, and have all this info and the image saved with the record. I have read many tutorials on how to upload and display images using php and mysql. I have gotten these to work just fine. however, none of them seem to take into account the scenerio of wanting to upload an image into an existing record (ie, they all create a new unique id), whereas i need the example to take into account the unique id of whatever record she is editing and replace into (or insert into? im confused) that one. i realize this is a slightly confusing post, so please feel free to ask me to clarify a point or post an example. but does anyone understand my confusion? or can anyone point me to a tutorial on uploading images into existing mysql records from php? thanks for your help! -mike
  3. nice. thanks. knew it had to be simple. and thanks for the tip about columns too! just getting started...
  4. im sure the subject of this post gives me away as a total newbee... i have been trying all night to solve this seemingly simple problem. Basically i am needing to format data being read out of a mysql database with php. It is an event listing script, where it reads through a table, pulls out each event, and displays the date, time, name of the event. i need to have the date formatted in a certain way (ideally Day of Week, Date#, Month, but whatever...) which seems really straightforward. here is my script: <? $q = "SELECT * FROM webcal_entry ORDER by cal_date";     $r = mysql_query($q); while ($a = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { print ("$a[date_test] $a[cal_name] $a[cal_time]pm"); } ?> basically i dont know how to apply this: SELECT date_format(date_test, '%a %D %b %Y') as formatted_date from webcal_entry to each entry in the array. hm. im not sure im asking this question in a clear way. does this make any sense? im able to get it to do what i need when my script is just this: <?php $q = "SELECT date_format(date_test, '%a %D %b %Y') as formatted_date from webcal_entry;";     $r = mysql_query($q); while ($a = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { print ("$a[formatted_date]"); } ?> but i need it happening as its looping through all the events in my table. surely this is easy...can anyone help? -mike
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