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  1. Hi, I'm trying to find some wiki software written in PHP, Python, or Ruby to run on an Apache web server. Rather than coding it myself from scratch, I thought I'd look for existing solutions first. I simply need some wiki/knowledge base software similar to MediaWiki, but with more security features so that no one can read or modify the pages unless they log in. I want to create a database of notes for my own personal use that I can access from any computer with a web browser connected to the Internet, but I don't want anyone else being able to view the information. The software needs to have different user-created categories like MediaWiki and also the ability to add links easily into articles (so that I can cross link the pages), but I don't need anything fancy. Does anyone know of any existing software which meets these requirements, or of a way to add this necessary extra security to MediaWiki. Cheers, Chris
  2. Hi, I'm thinking up ideas for a CMS that I'm planning to build. One of the features I want to implement is a templating system, so that if in the future a designer with no experience of PHP wants to change the HTML and CSS of the page, he or she can do with relative ease. The solution I have in mind is to create a bunch of XSL templates that the designer would be able to modify without touching any PHP code. PHP would get the appropriate data from the database, generate the XML based on this data, and then display it as XHTML, using something like this code (taken from the php manual): [code]<?php // Load the XML source $xml = new DOMDocument; $xml->load('collection.xml'); $xsl = new DOMDocument; $xsl->load('collection.xsl'); // Configure the transformer $proc = new XSLTProcessor; $proc->importStyleSheet($xsl); // attach the xsl rules echo $proc->transformToXML($xml); ?> [/code] However, some of the information in my CMS will most likely be private, so I'm wondering if perhaps this isn't the best method to use, as the XML wouldn't be able to be saved on to the web server. Also, would it significantly slower converting it to XML first, and then to XHTML, especially since I don't really *need* the XML on it's own for anything. Is this a good way of creating a templating system or not? Or would it be better to write my own templating engine from the ground up?
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