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  1. Thanx a lot for answer. i think that version problem would be happening. But I can´t change the compatibility.
  2. Hey there. Ive got a problem with PHP/Mysql. I hope somebody could help me out. I dont know pretty well MySQL, but I built a Query and tested in phpmyadmin and it worked fine. But when I try to ejecute the query by PHP (mysql_query() function) it seems to be wrong and gets me the 1064 error. Don´t know whats happening. Can somebody help me please? This is the Query : [sub] SET @village = 1; SET @segundos = (SELECT (( TO_DAYS( NOW() ) - 73000 ) * 86400 + TIME_TO_SEC( NOW() )) - (( TO_DAYS( `lastcheck` ) - 73000 ) * 86400 + TIME_TO_SEC( `lastcheck` )) FROM village WHERE `id` = @village); SET @addwood = (SELECT (`addwood` * @segundos) FROM village WHERE `id` = @village); SET @addstone= (SELECT (`addstone` * @segundos) FROM village WHERE `id` = @village); SET @addiron = (SELECT (`addiron` * @segundos) FROM village WHERE `id` = @village); SET @addgold= (SELECT (`addgold` * @segundos) FROM village WHERE `id` = @village); UPDATE `village` SET wood = wood+@addwood,stone = stone+@addstone,iron = iron+@addiron,gold= gold+@addgold,lastcheck = NOW() WHERE `id` = @village; SELECT @addwood as addwood, @addstone as addstone,@addiron as addiron,@addgold as addgold [/sub] Check it at [url=http://www.magollo.com.ar/test.php]www.magollo.com.ar/test.php[/url]
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