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  1. I am quite new to PHP and have only got a grasp of the simpler functions so far. I knew it had to have something to do with looping through the data. Thank you again for your help. Mark
  2. WOW. that's it. I have tested it and it all appears to be working. I cannot thank you enough for your help on this. This is the whole code that is now being used function prep_data($input,$widget_column_id){ $widget_column_id = str_replace(",","','",$widget_column_id); $string = (int)$input; return "UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = '$string' WHERE id IN ('$widget_column_id')"; } $insertions = null; foreach($_GET as $ind=>$val){ $ind = preg_replace ('/[^\d\s]/', '',$ind); //strip non-numeric characters $ind = (int)$ind;//make it an integer $insertions = prep_data($ind,$val); mysql_query("$insertions") or die('<div class="error ui-corner-all">Error, insert query failed</div>'); Thank you again for all the help you guys have provided.
  3. This is what I have currently <?php include "includes/config.php"; function prep_data($input,$widget_column_id){ $string = ''; $columns = explode(",",$input); foreach($columns as $number){ $num = (int)$number; if(!empty($string)){$string .= " AND";} $string .= "$number"; } return "UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = '$string' WHERE id = '$widget_column_id'"; } $insertions = null; foreach($_GET as $ind=>$val){ $ind = preg_replace ('/[^\d\s]/', '',$ind); //strip non-numeric characters $ind = (int)$ind;//make it an integer $insertions = prep_data($ind,$val); echo $insertions; } ?> The output of $insertions is UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = '1' WHERE id = '1,4,2,9,5'UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = '2' WHERE id = '6,10,3'UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = '3' WHERE id = '8'UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = '4' WHERE id = ''UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = '5' WHERE id = '7' It is getting very close.
  4. ok, so I made it this far UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = 1 WHERE id = 1,3,10,2UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = 2 WHERE id = 6,9UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = 3 WHERE id = 8UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = 4 WHERE id = 4,5UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET column_id = 5 WHERE id = 7 how do I break each update statement out of that long string and split the ID's up so I can add this all to the database? TIA Mark
  5. fantastic. That fixed it. my update statement is now UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET 'column_id' = 1,2 WHERE 'id' = (1) UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET 'column_id' = 6 WHERE 'id' = (2) UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET 'column_id' = 8,9,3 WHERE 'id' = (3) UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET 'column_id' = 4,5 WHERE 'id' = (4) UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET 'column_id' = 7,10 WHERE 'id' = (5) It is not quite correct, the id's are the wrong way round but its close and I will try make the changes myself. I will get back to you shortly. Thank you for all of your help. I am sure I will have more questions on this particular problem. back in 10
  6. Hi Mikesta The script is from another forum member trying to help me out with a problem I am having. Your amendment has helped and I know get this as the output: UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET 'column_id' = WHERE 'id' = (2)UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET 'column_id' = WHERE 'id' = (61)UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET 'column_id' = WHERE 'id' = (893)UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET 'column_id' = WHERE 'id' = (45)UPDATE sg_desktop_widgets SET 'column_id' = WHERE 'id' = (710) As you can see, I am not getting the column ID's at all and the numbers are now bunched together ie. (45) That should be a 4 and a 5 not 45. Can you see where it is going wrong?
  7. Hi I get a "Cannot access empty property in" for this line foreach($_GET as $ind->$val){ the ("2,3,8") is the sort order rather than the ID
  8. the result of the dump is array(5) { ["column1"]=> string(3) "1,2" ["column2"]=> string(1) "6" ["column3"]=> string(3) "8,3" ["column4"]=> string(5) "4,5,9" ["column5"]=> string(4) "7,10" } i am storing the data in a table called sg_desktop_widgets and the table has the following rows id (auto increment/primary key) name column_id widget_order an example would be id | name | column_id | widget_order ------------------------------------ 1 | RSS Feeds | 1 | 0 2 | Bookmarks | 1 | 1 3 | Misc | 2 | 0 I get the widgets from the DB by order of column, then sort the widgets in each column by widget_order. Hope that makes sense to you
  9. Hi kratsg Absolutely beautiful. That works well. I am now using the following script (please correct me if there is a better way to iterate through all available columns without me having to code each one) function prep_data($input,$column){//1 $string = ''; $numbers = explode(",",$input); foreach($numbers as $number){//5 <---------------- THIS IS LINE 20 $num = (int)$number; if(!empty($string)){$string .= ",";} $string .= "($num)"; } return "($column) VALUES".$string; }//10 $insertions = array();//1 $insertions[] = prep_data($_GET['column1'],'1'); foreach($insertions as $inserts){ //mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tablename` $inserts"); echo $inserts . "<br />"; }//5 $insertions = array();//1 $insertions[] = prep_data($_GET['column2'],'2'); foreach($insertions as $inserts){ //mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tablename` $inserts"); echo $inserts . "<br />"; } $insertions = array();//1 $insertions[] = prep_data($_GET['column3'],'3'); foreach($insertions as $inserts){ //mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tablename` $inserts"); echo $inserts . "<br />"; } $insertions = array();//1 $insertions[] = prep_data($_GET['column4'],'4'); foreach($insertions as $inserts){ //mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tablename` $inserts"); echo $inserts . "<br />"; } $insertions = array();//1 $insertions[] = prep_data($_GET['column5'],'5'); foreach($insertions as $inserts){ //mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tablename` $inserts"); echo $inserts . "<br />"; } This then returns the following info (depending which widget is in which column) (1) VALUES(3),(9),(1),(2),(6) (2) VALUES(0) (3) VALUES( (4) VALUES(4),(5) (5) VALUES(7),(10) I believe (with your kind help) that i am now making progress. One last hurdle is how to tell the database what to update and where. Thank you Mark
  10. Hi Kratsg Thank you for the explanation, I really appreciate your help and patience. I have a slight problem though, I have put the code on the page and when run I get a parse error that I am not sure how to fix. this is the error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_INT_CAST, expecting '&' or T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or '$' in /var/www/updateDesktop.php on line 20 This is the code I have on the page. <?php include "includes/config.php"; $col1 = explode('&', $_GET['column1']); $col2 = explode('&', $_GET['column2']); $col3 = explode('&', $_GET['column3']); $col4 = explode('&', $_GET['column4']); $col5 = explode('&', $_GET['column5']); //print_r($col1); //print_r($col2); //print_r($col3); //print_r($col4); //print_r($col5); function prep_data($input,$col1){//1 $string = ''; $numbers = explode(",",$input); foreach($numbers as (int)$number){//5 <---------------- THIS IS LINE 20 if(!empty($string)){$string .= ",";} $string .= "($number)"; } return "($col1) VALUES".$string; }//10 $insertions = array();//1 $insertions[] = prep_data($_GET['column1'],'column1'); foreach($insertions as $inserts){ //mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tablename` $inserts"); echo $inserts; }//5 ?> As I said, this piece of code is more complex than I have used so am having a little trouble working it out. If it would be easier and a help I can explain in greater detail what I am trying to build? TIA Mark
  11. Hi kratsg I am not sure I fully understand your code. i have five variables passed from the ajax string like so ?column1=1,2&column2=........ and so on. I can grab those variables like so $col1 = explode('&', $_GET['column1']); $col2 = explode('&', $_GET['column2']); $col3 = explode('&', $_GET['column3']); $col4 = explode('&', $_GET['column4']); $col5 = explode('&', $_GET['column5']); print_r($col1); print_r($col2); print_r($col3); print_r($col4); print_r($col5); this prints the array as my last post states. I have also changed the code to a GET instead of POST Could you help break down your code for me. I am sorry if I seem a little dumb on this one but it is more complex than I am used to. TIA Mark
  12. Hi Yes, I am using ajax to send the data. each column is the variable and the widgets in the column are the variable data. I will try what you have suggested and get back you
  13. sorry, that array data actually looks like this Array ( [0] => 1,2 ) Array ( [0] => 3,4 ) Array ( [0] => 5,6 ) Array ( [0] => 7,8 ) Array ( [0] => 9,10 )
  14. Hi Thank you for the info. I use the following on the server side to get the POST data $_POST['column1'] $_POST['column2'] $_POST['column3'] so the values are like so 1,3 2 4,5 for each column respectively. After following what you have suggested I know have the following array data Array ( [0] => 1,2 ) Array ( [0] => 3,4 ) Array ( [0] => 5,6 ) Array ( [0] => 7,8 ) Array ( [0] => 9,10 ) I think the array numbers are wrong, they cannot all be 0 surely?
  15. Hi All I have a jquery script that allows me to drag and drop multiple widgets across multiple columns. The code is below. What I am trying to achieve is to update a database to remember the positions of the widgets on the stage and their open/closed state. $(function(){ $('.dragbox') .each(function(){ $(this).hover(function(){ $(this).find('h2').addClass('collapse'); }, function(){ $(this).find('h2').removeClass('collapse'); }) .find('h2').hover(function(){ $(this).find('.configure').css('visibility', 'visible'); }, function(){ $(this).find('.configure').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }) .click(function(){ $(this).siblings('.dragbox-content').toggle(); }) .end() .find('.configure').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); $(document).ready(function(){ function slideout(){ setTimeout(function(){ $("#response").slideUp("slow", function () { }); }, 5500);} $('.column').sortable({ connectWith: '.column', handle: 'h2', cursor: 'move', placeholder: 'placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true, opacity: 0.4, stop: function(event, ui){ $(ui.item).find('h2').click(); var sortorder=''; $('.column').each(function(){ var item_order=$(this).sortable('toArray'); var columnId=$(this).attr('id'); sortorder+=columnId+'='+item_order.toString()+'&'; }); /*alert(sortorder);*/ /*Pass sortorder variable to server using ajax to save state*/ console.log(sortorder); $.get('updateDesktop.php', sortorder, function(Response){ $("#response").html(Response); $("#response").slideDown('slow'); slideout(); }); } }) .disableSelection(); }); }); The output I get from the post data is like so column1=2,1&column2=&column3=3&column4=& What I want to know, is anyone able to point me in the right direction to update the database. Does a change of JS need to be done to output the variables differently or can I get the data sorted correctly on the server side? TIA Mark
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