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  1. Hi All -- So I've had this code in a page of mine for quite some time, and it just suddenly stopped working without any major changes being made to the code. There is another person working on this site with me, but she swears she didn't make any changes, and after reviewing the code, it doesn't look like she did. And actually, I'm using this same exact code on another site, and it's working perfectly fine. It's an RSS Parser... here's my code at the top of the page. It's displaying the "XML Error" message that occurs because the WHILE loop at the top is hitting the "DIE" portion. Nothing else shows up. <?php $itemNum=0; class RSSParser { var $channel_title=""; var $channel_website=""; var $channel_description=""; var $channel_pubDate=""; var $channel_lastUpdated=""; var $channel_copyright=""; var $title=""; var $link=""; var $description=""; var $pubDate=""; var $author=""; var $url=""; var $width=""; var $height=""; var $inside_tag=false; function RSSParser($file) { $this->xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_object( $this->xml_parser, &$this ); xml_set_element_handler( $this->xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement" ); xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->xml_parser, "characterData" ); $fp = @fopen("$file","r") or die( "$file could not be opened" ); while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)){xml_parse( $this->xml_parser, $data, feof($fp)) or die( "XML error");} fclose($fp); xml_parser_free( $this->xml_parser ); } function startElement($parser,$tag,$attributes=''){ $this->current_tag=$tag; if($this->current_tag=="ITEM" || $this->current_tag=="IMAGE"){ $this->inside_tag=true; $this->description=""; $this->link=""; $this->title=""; $this->pubDate=""; } } function endElement($parser, $tag){ switch($tag){ case "ITEM": $this->titles[]=trim($this->title); $this->links[]=trim($this->link); $this->descriptions[]=trim($this->description); $this->pubDates[]=trim($this->pubDate); $this->authors[]=trim($this->author); $this->author=""; $this->inside_tag=false; break; case "IMAGE": $this->channel_image="<img src=\"".trim($this->url)."\" width=\"".trim($this->width)."\" height=\"".trim($this->height)."\" alt=\"".trim($this->title)."\" border=\"0\" title=\"".trim($this->title)."\" />"; $this->title=""; $this->inside_tag=false; default: break; } } function characterData($parser,$data){ if($this->inside_tag){ switch($this->current_tag){ case "TITLE": $this->title.=$data; break; case "DESCRIPTION": $this->description.=$data; break; case "LINK": $this->link.=$data; break; case "URL": $this->url.=$data; break; case "WIDTH": $this->width.=$data; break; case "HEIGHT": $this->height.=$data; break; case "PUBDATE": $this->pubDate.=$data; break; case "AUTHOR": $this->author.=$data; break; default: break; }//end switch }else{ switch($this->current_tag){ case "DESCRIPTION": $this->channel_description.=$data; break; case "TITLE": $this->channel_title.=$data; break; case "LINK": $this->channel_website.=$data; break; case "COPYRIGHT": $this->channel_copyright.=$data; break; case "PUBDATE": $this->channel_pubDate.=$data; break; case "LASTBUILDDATE": $this->channel_lastUpdated.=$data; break; default: break; } } } } $mike= new RSSParser("http://feeds.feedburner.com/sommerfrieze"); ?> And here is how I call it: <?php $mike_RSSmax=4; if($mike_RSSmax==0 || $mike_RSSmax>count($mike->titles))$mike_RSSmax=count($mike->titles); for($itemNum=0;$itemNum<$mike_RSSmax;$itemNum++){?> <tr> <td width="10" valign="top"><span class="rightItem">> </span></td> <td width="145" valign="top"><a class="rightItem" href="<?php echo $mike->links[$itemNum]; ?>"><?php echo $mike->titles[$itemNum]; ?></a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> Any ideas?
  2. That is great code...  however, I am looking to grab information about the page the users are coming FROM.  Any way to do this? Thanks again for all your help!
  3. Hi all -- Easy question, I'm sure...  and I'm guessing it's probably on the board somewhere, but I don't know what to look for, so I'll ask. I'm looking to grab all HTTP information (URL Referrals, Variables, Querystrings, etc) that comes along with a hit to my page.  I did this with some simple code once before, but I don't remember what it is. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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