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  1. Thanks for the the reply. I'm after the first, setting individual user disk quota limits.
  2. I'm trying, with no luck so far to set and view NTFS disk quotas on Windows Server 2003R2 via PHP. I've been trying to use passthru with WMIC but I can't get it to return anything, not even an error. Any help getting WMI to work or any other method would be of great help. Thanks, Dan.
  3. Hi I want to create a web page that will allow the user to make changes to the Windows Disk Quota settings for a specific user. Thanks for any help.
  4. Brilliant!!  :D Thanks for such a quick reply. Dan.
  5. Hi, I want to insert a record into a mysql table and then have it return ID for the record just entered.  Example of what I want to happen is below: table: ID mediumint( 8 ) Auto-increment unsigned not null col1 text col2 text INSERT INTO table (col1, col2) VALUES ('This is col1', 'This is col2'); When the insert occurs I want mysql to return the ID for the record it just inserted, is this possible? Thanks, Dan
  6. I'm having a problem when searching my MS Active Directory using LDAP. If I specify an OU (such as OU=Techs, DC=Domain, DC=Local) then my search works without a problem. If I change the search location to the entire Active Directory (DC=Domain, DC=Local) then my search returns "Warning: ldap_search() [function.ldap-search]: Search: No such object in C:\snm_fn\group_fn.php on line 11". Does LDAP allow you to search the entire directory, or am I doing something wrong. Thanks for any help, Dan. Code: $dc = ldap_connect($snm["ldapserver"], $ldap_port); if ($dc) { //Set user details to bind to the active directory. ldap_bind($dc, $snm["ldapuser"], $snm["ldappassword"]); //Set the search parameters $s_filter = "(&(objectCategory=group))"; $s_fields = array("cn"); $searchresults = ldap_search($dc, "DC=domain, DC=local", $s_filter, $s_fields); //Perform the search $data = ldap_get_entries($dc, $searchresults); //Get LDAP search results print_r($data); ldap_close($dc); }
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