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  1. Hi everyone! I have a little bit of code. It won't work, because I cant set chmod to 777. The web host don't let me do it. So I thought about another way to create my thumbnails, jsut I don't know how to put it into my code. I figures move_uploaded_file() will work for me. So here is the code. I hope someone can help me with that. Thx [code] <? $new_w = 100; $cfg_fullsizepics_path = "pictures"; $cfg_thumb_path = "thumbs"; $filepath = "pictures"; $dir = dir($filepath); while($entry=$dir->read()) { if($entry == "." || $entry == "..") { continue; } $fp = @fopen("$filepath/$entry","r"); $photo_filename = "$entry"; $image_stats = GetImageSize($cfg_fullsizepics_path."/".$entry); $imagewidth = $image_stats[0]; $imageheight = $image_stats[1]; $img_type = $image_stats[2]; $ratio = ($imagewidth / $new_w); $new_h = round($imageheight / $ratio); if (!file_exists($cfg_thumb_path."/".$entry)) { if ($img_type=="2") { $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($cfg_fullsizepics_path."/".$entry); $dst_img = imagecreate($new_w,$new_h); imagecopyresized($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$new_w,$new_h,imagesx($src_img),imagesy($src_img)); imagejpeg($dst_img, "$cfg_thumb_path"."/$entry"); } elseif ($img_type=="3") { $dst_img=ImageCreate($new_w,$new_h); $src_img=ImageCreateFrompng($cfg_fullsizepics_path."/".$entry); ImageCopyResized($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$new_w,$new_h,ImageSX($src_img),ImageSY($src_img)); Imagepng($dst_img, "$cfg_thumb_path"."/$entry"); } elseif ($img_type=="1") { $cfg_thumb_url=$cfg_fullsizepics_url; } } echo "$entry"; echo " "; } ?> [/code]
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