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  1. Thank you very much it woked
  2. i think there is an "array" problem . but i dont know how to solve
  3. İ will pu all what i have used here <? $iss = 0; $line = $_GET['s1']; $cuff =""; $cuffx = strtolower($line[cuff]); $cuffx = str_replace("\'", "'", $cuffx); $cuffx = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $cuffx); $karakter = strlen($cuffx); for($i=0; $i<strlen($cuffx); $i++) $cuff[] = $cuffx{$i}; if($karakter == "26"){$res_size = "15";} if($karakter == "25"){$res_size = "16";} if($karakter == "24"){$res_size = "17";} if($karakter == "23"){$res_size = "18";} if($karakter == "22"){$res_size = "19";} if($karakter == "21"){$res_size = "20";} if($karakter == "20"){$res_size = "21";} if($karakter == "19"){$res_size = "22";} if($karakter == "18"){$res_size = "23";} if($karakter == "17"){$res_size = "24";} if($karakter == "16"){$res_size = "25";} if($karakter == "15"){$res_size = "26";} if($karakter == "14"){$res_size = "27";} if($karakter == "13"){$res_size = "28";} if($karakter == "12"){$res_size = "29";} if($karakter == "11"){$res_size = "31";} if($karakter == "10"){$res_size = "33";} if($karakter == "9"){$res_size = "35";} if($karakter == "8"){$res_size = "37";} if($karakter == "7"){$res_size = "39";} if($karakter == "6"){$res_size = "41";} if($karakter == "5"){$res_size = "43";} if($karakter == "4"){$res_size = "45";} if($karakter == "3"){$res_size = "47";} if($karakter == "2"){$res_size = "49";} if($karakter == "1"){$res_size = "51";} if($cuff[$ix] == "'"){$res_size = "20";} ?> <?if($iss == 0){?> <DIV id=manset<?=$iss;?>a> <?}else{?> <DIV id=manset<?=$iss;?>a style="DISPLAY: none"> <?}?> <NOBR> <center> <? $ix = 0; while($ix < count($cuff)){ if($cuff[$ix] == "ç"){$cuff[$ix] = "c2";} if($cuff[$ix] == "Ç"){$cuff[$ix] = "c2";} if($cuff[$ix] == "ş"){$cuff[$ix] = "s2";} if($cuff[$ix] == "Ş"){$cuff[$ix] = "s2";} if($cuff[$ix] == "ğ"){$cuff[$ix] = "g2";} if($cuff[$ix] == "Ğ"){$cuff[$ix] = "g2";} if($cuff[$ix] == "ö"){$cuff[$ix] = "o2";} if($cuff[$ix] == "Ö"){$cuff[$ix] = "o2";} if($cuff[$ix] == "ü"){$cuff[$ix] = "u2";} if($cuff[$ix] == "Ü"){$cuff[$ix] = "u2";} if($cuff[$ix] == "ı"){$cuff[$ix] = "xxx";} if($cuff[$ix] == "i"){$cuff[$ix] = "i2";} if($cuff[$ix] == "I"){$cuff[$ix] = "xxx";} if($cuff[$ix] == "İ"){$cuff[$ix] = "xxx";} if($cuff[$ix] == "'"){$cuff[$ix] = "tirnak";} if($cuff[$ix] == "\""){$cuff[$ix] = "tirnak";} if($cuff[$ix] == "!"){$cuff[$ix] = "unlem";} if($cuff[$ix] == "?"){$cuff[$ix] = "soru";} if($cuff[$ix] == "-"){$cuff[$ix] = "tire";} if($cuff[$ix] == "."){$cuff[$ix] = "nokta";} if($cuff[$ix] == "%"){$cuff[$ix] = "yuzde";} $cuff[$ix] = strtolower($cuff[$ix]); ?> <IMG height=70 src="<?if($cuff[$ix] != " "){?>word/<?=$cuff[$ix];?>.gif<?}else{?>word/empty.gif<?}?>" width=<?if(($cuff[$ix] == "ı") or ($cuff[$ix] == "ı")){?>13<?}else{?><?=$res_size;?><?}?>> <? $xxx = ""; $ix++; } ?> As a result i get only first letter of the word. and allways uppercase
  4. No i dont think so. it will read and will write with picture. it will take images of letetrs from a file. it will put together all the images of letter. as a result it will write the word İ have made a change myself like this $iss = 0; $line = $_GET['s1']; $cuff =""; But it reads only first letter.
  5. Hi mates i have code which takes the information from mysql database. Hw i can change for gettin informatins with $_GET function from the form. So i wont get the info from database. it will come with a forum. These are the code i have ( Sorry i am not so familiar to php) ><? $iss = 0; $query = "SELECT news.cuff FROM news, category where category.status2 = 1 and category.id = news.category order by news.id desc limit 11"; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("error"); while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $cuff =""; $cuffx = strtolower($line[cuff]); $cuffx = str_replace("\'", "'", $cuffx); $cuffx = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $cuffx); and it continues. shortly i will try to eplain here what i will do with these codes. Getting a word by $_GET function and writing the word with pictures of letters. i have a picture of every letter. see you
  6. we can nto download the file. if you have please can you reupload it?
  7. Still waiting for reply. as i said the images are in digits file. thanks advance
  8. the images in $digit_dir = "./digits"; and i do not know where i can set the background color
  9. Sorry i for get to put all codes. Here all the page <?php /******************************************************** Variables *********************************************************/ $digit_dir = "./digits"; $file = "counter.txt"; $min_width = 5; $lifetime = 30; $domain = "www.offsite.be"; $use_mail = 1; $trigger = 1000; $your_email = "admin@offsite.be"; /******************************************************** Code --> DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS POINT *********************************************************/ $fp = fopen($file, "r") or die("Failed to open counter-file"); $size = filesize($file); $count = fread($fp, $size); fclose($fp); if(!Isset($_COOKIE['counter'])){ $fp = fopen($file, "w"); $count++; fwrite($fp, $count); fclose($fp); setcookie("counter","dummy",time()+60*60*24*$lifetime,$domain); if($use_mail AND ($count%$trigger==0)){ $headers = "From: Counter <noreply@$domain>\n"; $headers .= "X-Sender: <noreply@$domain>\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: Offsite Counterscript\n"; $headers .= "Return-Path: <noreply@$domain>\n"; $subject = "Counter information from $domain"; $message = "Congratulations!\n\nThe number of visitors on your site has reached $count."; mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers); } } $len = strlen(strval($count)); if($len > $min_width) $width = $len; else $width = $min_width; if(!file_exists("$digit_dir/0.jpg")){ die("No images in digit-dir"); } $d0 = ImageCreateFromjpeg("$digit_dir/0.jpg"); $dx = ImageSX($d0); $dy = ImageSY($d0); $img = ImageCreate($width*$dx, $dy); ImageDestroy($d0); $xoff = $width*$dx; while($xoff > 0) { $digit = $count % 10; $count = $count / 10; $temp = ImageCreateFromjpeg("$digit_dir/$digit.jpg"); $xoff = $xoff - $dx; ImageCopyResized($img, $temp, $xoff, 0, 0, 0, $dx, $dy, $dx, $dy); ImageDestroy($temp); } Header("Content-type: image/jpg"); Imagejpeg($img); ImageDestroy($img); ?>
  10. $len = strlen(strval($count)); if($len > $min_width) $width = $len; else $width = $min_width; if(!file_exists("$digit_dir/0.jpg")){ die("No images in digit-dir"); } $d0 = ImageCreateFromjpeg("$digit_dir/0.jpg"); $dx = ImageSX($d0); $dy = ImageSY($d0); $img = ImageCreateTrueColor($width*$dx, $dy); ImageDestroy($d0); $xoff = $width*$dx; while($xoff > 0) { $digit = $count % 10; $count = $count / 10; $temp = ImageCreateFromjpeg("$digit_dir/$digit.jpg"); $xoff = $xoff - $dx; ImageCopyResized($img, $temp, $xoff, 0, 0, 0, $dx, $dy, $dx, $dy); ImageDestroy($temp); } Header("Content-type: image/jpg"); Imagejpeg($img); ImageDestroy($img);
  11. i have done somting at last. i get the result. but there is black spaces between the characters. here the picture. How i will make it white
  12. I have created colourfull images of characters of letters. by using a form i want to create words. the words will be a image. For exemple "word" is 4 letter. İnstead of 4 diffeen picture. Only one picture. i have tried with createimagefromgif function php but i couldnt. How we can do that? Thank for advance
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