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  1. <?php // Check email is not empty if (! empty ($_POST['Email']) ) { // Getformdataandcreateemail $Email2="mail@mysite.co.uk"; $email=$_POST['Email']; $name=stripslashes($_POST['Name']); $subject=stripslashes($_POST['Subject']); $messagecont=stripslashes($_POST['Message']); $message= <<<EOD -------------------------------- Enquiry from your website -------------------------------- Name: $name Subject: $subject EmailAddress: $email Message: $messagecont -------------------------------- End of Message -------------------------------- EOD; //Sendemail @mail($Email2,$subject,$message, "From:$Email2"); header("Location:thankyou.html"); } else { // No email was sent header("Location:form.html"); } ?>
  2. From what I understand of your question: You simply need to receive input from the user when they submit the flash form and then display the appropriate background flash image. In which case your example of $_POST['file_name'] should work. Although I don't believe you can actually use a flash image as a background for a webpage with the HTML you provided.
  3. I'm not 100% sure what you're asking but I assume you are asking how to structure if statements? If so all you need to do is place your parentheses properly. Example: if ( ($condition1 || $condition2) && ($condition3 || $condition4) )
  4. <?php $input = array( array('filename' => 'home.html', 'title' => 'home page'), array('filename' => 'products.html', 'title' => 'products'), array('filename' => 'contact.html', 'title' => 'contact'), array('filename' => 'prices.html', 'title' => 'prices')); //echo add_accesskeys($input); function add_accesskeys($arr) { $output = '<ul>'; foreach($arr as $key => $data) { $output .= '<li><a href="'. $data['filename'] .'" accesskey="'. $data['title']{0} .'">'. $data['title'] .'</a></li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; return $output; } ?>
  5. Shouldn't it be $total_pages = ($post_count / 10); ?
  6. PHP's integration with Oracle would be no more efficient than it's integration with MySQL. Unless you are running an enterprise system there would be little to no difference between the two.
  7. These days almost every search engine can index dynamic pages just fine =) But you will find that the first link-type will be indexed a lot faster than the second deep-folder link.
  8. <?php $conn = mysql_connect('removed','removed', 'removed'); mysql_select_db('removed',$conn); $delete = "TRUNCATE TABLE logins"; mysql_query($delete,$conn); ?> You need to include the start and end tags for PHP.
  9. You will have to manually change your links.
  10. Left out the closing tag, my bad eval('echo $test'. $i .';'); Tested and works =)
  11. Because you are just concatenating two variables. Your code: $test = 'default'; $test1 = 'a'; $test2 = 'b'; $test3 = 'c'; for($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { echo $test . $i; } /* Output: default1 default2 default3 */ My code: $test = 'default'; $test1 = 'a'; $test2 = 'b'; $test3 = 'c'; for($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { eval('echo $test'. $i .';'); } /* Output: a b c */
  12. The above example will not do what you are after. Try the following: eval('echo $test'. $i .';');
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