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  1. Well, that is interesting... And those log entries are making crap requests. Try a non-standard port, just to make sure it's not something wrong with the server. See if there's a pattern among the IP addresses in the logs. Maybe it's a DDOS attack? Past that, I'm not sure, anyone else?
  2. Wow, interesting. Are you on a home network? Router? DMZ?
  3. Sooooooo What happened to Server1? Do you still have any access to it? Because you'd need to do something to Server1 to get a rewrite to work. Do you own the domain name of Server1? Can you move it to Server2? You see, if I own crazywebsites.com and you steal it, I can't make anything on that site go to my new site at crazywebsitestoo.com unless I have some access to the original server or atleast the original domain. Does that make sense?
  4. I don't think so. But, why would you want to do that anyway?
  5. If you modify the file and remove the last two fields, does it work?
  6. You're running the web server from your home machine? It seems that your ISP (I'm going to guess you're in Finland?) seems to be blocking or rerouting requests on the HTTP port. You could try running your webserver on a non-standard port, like 8888?
  7. In the server config file (httpd.conf) there's a section that defines file types with lines like: AddType text/html .shtml Well, your server is confused about that type that files is, as it has not extension to match to. Now, you could try something crazy like AddType text/html * but I wouldn't recommend it. I have no idea what security/stability issues that would produce. If you use the MultiViews option, it may get you the same functionality, but it has it's own issues as well.
  8. Ah, so it ignored everything after the second colon... That's good to know! So when you type the encrypted string, it lets you in? Odd.... How did you create these .htpasswd files?
  9. Ok, first off, this: test:192ba5b8X6Fiw:Test:test Shouldn't work. If it is, well then that's news to me, because I was under the assumption that the passwd file was formatted: username:password I think that may be why it's not working...
  10. OMG, friggin THANK YOU! This has been driving me insane! Cheers! -m
  11. Ok, so far... no one here seems to know what I'm talking about. Can anyone atleast confirm that their servers have a similar functionality? This is driving me insane, since I can't move forward without figuring this out...
  12. Yes, well, if you get asp running, let me know how that worked... And don't put it in a htaccess file. Put it in the http.conf (in a <directory /> section, like I mentioned above).
  13. Sorry, it's below the fold in that section, easy to miss. I think these are it: Accept Accept-Charset Accept-Encoding Accept-Language Authorization Expect From Host If-Match If-Modified-Since If-None-Match If-Range If-Unmodified-Since Max-Forwards Proxy-Authorization Range Referer TE User-Agent
  14. I believe you can use the php_admin_flag engine off command in a <Directory /mydir> section. I've never tried it myself, so please let me know if it works. Cheers, -m
  15. Can you give any additional information? What does the access_log and error_log read after you try to view the page? When you say it doesn't load, what does it show? A white page, or an error page? -m
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