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  1. I have a script that fetch emails and its work file when I call it through SSH with PHP at the beginning on the path when I added a cronjob it was working fine too... the problem start when I disable the cronjob email response, the script dose not functioning with Imap What can I do in order to bypass this problem, I will try to call it with include but I have no other options.. Please help
  2. yes, thanks but 1 issue... I tried to add more text to return $linkUrl; and it always bring the extra text after the quotes: function link_replace_callback($matches) { $linkUrl = str_replace(" ","-",strtolower($matches[0])); return $linkUrl.".html"; } echo preg_replace_callback('~href="([^"])+"~', "link_replace_callback", $WebPage); and on my links I get: <a href="test-trest".html</a>
  3. I need a code for htaccess... so the page will have links with spaces and capital letter
  4. I am looking for a code that will direct my links from something like Click Here to click-here I want to be able to type links with spaces and uppercase words and to be able to search the code in the original form example: my htaccess has: #RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ index.php?Level2=$2 [L] when $2 is the file I am looking for... so I want to be able to have convert links that have spaces to lowercase and with dashes so code like: <li><a href="Credit Card Validation">Credit Card Validation</a></li> will assign the $2 to credit-card-validation and stilll show on the html code the spaces and uppercase Thanks ahead
  5. I was looking for smthing like this: echo preg_replace('~href="([^"])+"~', 'href="'.strtolower("$1").'"', $WebPage); but the strtolower("$1") is not working... also I want to look for anything without the html the idea is to look for any link like: Home Page, About Us and such and convert it to lowercase without spaces... and then to add .html
  6. Thanks, but the problem is that the preg need to look for any string and not for specific one...
  7. I want to look for anywhere in the page that there is links and if there is a link with spaces like below then to convert it to: 1. Lowercase 2. spaces = deshes 3. add .html at the end href="Search Engine Optimization" will be: href="search-engine-optimization.html" is it possible?
  8. I have this code: RewriteRule ^e-([0-9_A-Z_a-z-]+)\.html$ /search.php?q=$1 [L] and it not taking urls like: /e-Dsasd.dsd.sa.html /e-Dsa/sdds/d/sa.html /e-Dsa / sd.dsd sa.html /e-Dsasd&dsdsa.html Please help how to get the code to read all char in between the ".html" and "e-"
  9. that can't work because I have a lot of different queries and its not matching because 1 or 2 characters...
  10. I have a field on database with this data: "'upholstery cleaning & maintenance tips" and I want to look it up with a string with out the "&" sign... something like SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE Field1 LIKE '%upholstery cleaning maintenance tips%' Thanks
  11. My link looks like that: real-estate_helpful-moving-links.html I need to get 2 variables out from that link: $var1 = real-estate $var2 = helpful-moving-links I know I can do that thought explode("_" on the the php side, but I prefer to do it on the htaccess file if it possible... any help will be great! Thanks
  12. what I can do it I want google to read only one specific file like that: google1059dfsfdsfsd7ea01.html and continue use the rest to go to the index.php?
  13. I have this line that works good for me. The problem is that its affecting any folder in the server including sub domains can I have some kind of a code that will allowed me to choose which folder not to use the RewriteRule RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ index.php?Level1=$1 [L] Thanks
  14. hi, I need help to fetch zip code out from text, with regex maybe... Bais Menachem Young Israel at USF Marshall Center, Box 2499 Tampa, FL 33620-1234 Phone: 813-832-3018 email: youngisraeltampa@hotmail.com or Bais Menachem Young Israel at USF Marshall Center, Box 2499 Tampa, FL 33620 Phone: 813-832-3018 email: youngisraeltampa@hotmail.com
  15. Dose anyone have any idea what is the best way to run a back site and to be able to have the same data in both database? once I read that there is a Mysql function that can sync the 2 database and update the missing info... any help?
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