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About poirot

  • Birthday 06/08/1988

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    Austin, TX

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  1. 1. Where is the part of the code which actually inserts an entry into the database? 2. Have you tried using var_dump()? ie: var_dump($_POST)
  2. How is the HTML code with the checkboxes anyways? Remember that you need to send it as an array to ensure PHP can get all your selections. Then you can use a loop (like foreach) to work with the items and insert them into the database.
  3. Your HTML is wrong; the empName stuff is out of the form that is being sent. Plus, there are only 2 variables being sent to taskAdminQuery.php; which are $_GET['empName'] and $_GET['taskID']. You need to use arrays in the forms (that's HTML) to send more than 1 taskID and empName. If I can recall, something like this: <select name="empID[]"> should work. Then use a loop (like foreach) in PHP to work with the submitted array. By the way, use POST instead of GET.
  4. Try to add this into each page: echo '<pre>'; print_r($_SESSION); echo '</pre>'; To check if the session is being passed correctly.
  5. What is actually your problem? Are you trying to insert or update something into the database or are you trying to output data from the DB?
  6. Apparently connection to the DB is failing. Try this: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/can-not-connect-to-server.html
  7. Does it post at all? Meaning, does it redirect to the targeted page (index.php) after the click? If it doesn't, you might want to check your HTML.
  8. I don't know if you can "direct" an email to a PHP script, but you can have PHP to handle the emails sent to a certain address, although I believe this is very low level and you might have to do a lot of work... Look at the PHP IMAP functions as they might serve your purpose http://www.php.net/imap
  9. You might as well use iframes and javascript - so you don't need to redirect to a new page. It depends on what you want to do...
  10. There is probably something wrong with the code and it is outputting some kind of error and it is messing the HTML. You should try to actually see the generated source code to have a better idea, but I guess the problem lies in using uniqid() without prefix, as this works only with PHP >=5 . http://www.php.net/uniqid
  11. To do what you are trying to you would need Regular Expressions or similar methods, so I recommend you just to wrap it using HTML/CSS.
  12. Replace this: "$siteurl/validate.php?vc=$valid\n\n". With "<a href=\"$siteurl/validate.php?vc=$valid\">Click here</a>\n\n".
  13. There's a error in there, if (isset($_COOKIE['cegl_autologin'])) { $username = $_POST['cegl_username']; $password = $_POST['cegl_password']; The $_POST stuff will be empty, because it was not POST'd. You might want to access the $_COOKIE['cegl_username'] and password - although I don't recommend storing password in cookie files.
  14. Basically whenever you need to get something from a URL use $_GET, the POST method is something else and has nothing to do with the URL.
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