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About G-son

  • Birthday 06/16/1976

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  1. Oki, two missing pieces left. First the code: <pre> <?php function parse_tree($file_path) { $oFile = fopen($file_path, 'r'); $aReturnArray = array(); while (!feof($oFile)) { rtrim($oFile,"\r"); $sLine = fgets($oFile); // rtrim($oFile,"\r"); $aRowItem = explode("=", $sLine); $aTypeItem = explode(".", $aRowItem[0]); // if substr_count($aTypeItem, ".",1) { // $aTypeItem = explode(".", @aRowItem[0]); // } $sType = $aTypeItem[0]; $sAttr = $aTypeItem[1]; $sVal = $aRowItem[1]; if($sAttr == "") { $aReturnArray[$sType] = $sVal; } else { $aReturnArray[$sType][$sAttr] = $sVal; } } return $aReturnArray; } var_dump(parse_tree("settings.txt")); ?> </pre> This outputs almost as I want it: array(3) { ["server"]=> array(4) { ["ipaddress"]=> string(15) " " ["port"]=> string(4) "80 " ["name"]=> string(9) "staging " ["database"]=> string(13) "staginguser " } ["debugmode"]=> string(3) "0 " ["client"]=> array(2) { ["timeout"]=> string(6) "3600 " ["autoconnect"]=> string(1) "1" } } For some reason there is a linefeed in the strings. I have tried to use rtrim($oFile,"\r"); but without any luck. I dubbelchecked the file and the only thing in the end of every line is a Carriage Return + Line Feed. Also, the content doesn't get grouped the right way if there is two dots. Like server.database.type=mysql server.database.username=staginguser I tried substr_count(), but couldn't get it to work. I commentet out where I put rtrim() and substr_count()
  2. Thanks again for quick answer. Have been searching what type of split function to use and came up with explode. Got some progress with this code. <?php function parse_tree($file_path) { // Open and get a file into an array. fopen($file_path, 'r'); $values = file($file_path); fclose($file_path); //Split up strings foreach ($values as $value) { $field = explode('.', $value); $field = explode('=', $value); } $values = $field; echo '<pre>'; return $values; echo '</pre>'; } var_dump(parse_tree("settings.txt")); ?> But this only outputs the last sentence: array(2) { [0]=> string(18) "client.autoconnect" [1]=> string(1) "1" }
  3. Thanks for a quick reply! I changed to file instead: <?php function parse_tree($file_path) { // Open and get a file into an array. fopen($file_path, 'r'); $content = file($file_path); echo '<pre>'; return $content; echo '</pre>'; fclose($file_path); } var_dump(parse_tree("settings.txt")); ?> Now my output is like this: array( { [0]=> string(32) "server.ipaddress= " [1]=> string(16) "server.port=80 " [2]=> string(21) "server.name=staging " [3]=> string(28) "server.database.type=mysql " [4]=> string(38) "server.database.username=staginguser " [5]=> string(13) "debugmode=0 " [6]=> string(21) "client.timeout=3600 " [7]=> string(20) "client.autoconnect=1" } I don't really know how to proceed from this to get the desired output.
  4. Hello all, I need some help to output a file. Let's say I have this content in the file "settings.txt": server.ipaddress= server.port=80 server.name=staging server.database.type=mysql server.database.username=staginguser debugmode=0 client.timeout=3600 client.autoconnect=1 By calling var_dump(parse_tree("settings.txt")); I want this output: array(3) { ["server"]=> array(4) { ["ipaddress"]=> string(13) "" ["port"]=> string(2) "80" ["name"]=> string(7) "staging" ["database"]=> array(2) { ["type"]=> string(5) "mysql" ["username"]=> string(11) "staginguser" } } ["debugmode"]=> string(1) "0" ["client"]=> array(2) { ["timeout"]=> string(4) "3600" ["autoconnect"]=> string(1) "1" } } The code I came up with so far is: <?php function parse_tree($file_path) { fopen($file_path, 'r'); $content = file_get_contents($file_path); return($content); fclose($file_path); } var_dump(parse_tree("settings.txt")); ?> But this just outputs everything like this: string(189) "server.ipaddress= server.port=80 server.name=staging server.database.type=mysql server.database.username=staginguser debugmode=0 client.timeout=3600 client.autoconnect=1" Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks and best regards /Magnus
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