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  1. Hi everyone I'm in learning laravel, really a newbie. It's seems somehow I can't pass the variables from controllers to view. So this is what I've got config/route.php Route::get('/' , "PagesController@link"); Route::get('pg' , "PagesController@link"); Route::get('pg/{link}' , 'PagesController@link'); controllers/PagesController.php public function link($link = 'index') { // option 1 return "--->" . $link; // option 2 return View::make('pages.index' , array('link' => $link)); // option 3 return View::make('pages.index')->with('link', $link); // option 4 return View::make('pages.index' , compact('link')); } views/pages/index.blade.php @extends('layouts.frontend') @section('title') @parent - Index file @stop @section('content') <article> <header>This is the {{ $link }}</header> <p>And this is the main body of {{ $link }} file</p> </article> @stop views/pages/layouts/frontend.blade.php <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title> @section('title') Lar4 Test @show </title> {{ HTML::style('css/frontend.css') }} </head> <body> <header id="header"> <div id='banner'> </div> <nav> {{ HTML::link('pg' , 'Home') }} {{ HTML::link('pg/about' , 'About Us') }} </nav> </header> <section> @yield('content') </section> <aside> </aside> <footer> </footer> </body> </html> So if I browse to <site>/pg/sometext only option 1 will work (shows "---->sometext"), all others will thrown an error "Undefined variable: link". If I comment both {{ $link }}, both layout and index views are successfully rendered. Any idea of what am I doing wrong?
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