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  1. you are doing 'date-ination'. it's like pagination, but using dates. you should be using a get request to determine what will be displayed on the page. this is so that if someone finds a result they would like to return to or share, they can bookmark or share the URL and can return to the same result. the dates you pass in the URL should be a standard YYYY-MM-DD format. format the dates as 'l j M' only when you display them. you would default to the current monday if there is no get input. you would produce the previous/next links with the previous/next monday's date and include any existing get parameters so that if you add other search/filters, they will automatically get propagated in the URL between pages. example code - <?php date_default_timezone_set('America/Denver'); // default to the current monday if there is no get input if(!isset($_GET['fdw'])) { $dw = new DateTime('monday this week'); $fdw = $dw->format('Y-m-d'); } else { // you should validate that the get input is a properly formatted date - code left up to you $fdw = $_GET['fdw']; } // use $fdw in your code to produce the output $dw = new DateTime($fdw); echo $dw->format('l j M') . '<br>'; // get a copy of any existing get parameters $get = $_GET; // produce the previous link // calculate previous date $dw = new DateTime($fdw); $pw = $dw->modify('-1 week'); $pfdw = $pw->format('Y-m-d'); // set the fdw element $get['fdw'] = $pfdw; // build the query string part of the url $qs = http_build_query($get,'','&amp;'); echo "<a href='?$qs'><button>< Previous Week</button></a>"; // produce the next link // calculate next date $dw = new DateTime($fdw); $nw = $dw->modify('+1 week'); $nfdw = $nw->format('Y-m-d'); // set the fdw element $get['fdw'] = $nfdw; // build the query string part of the url $qs = http_build_query($get,'','&amp;'); echo "<a href='?$qs'><button>Next Week ></button></a>";
    2 points
  2. I've chosen to use PHPStorm as my development environment, and I've developed a unique approach to coding that doesn't rely on frameworks. Having never been a coffee drinker, I've always had to find alternative ways to stay focused, and I've found that my self-built class library allows me to work efficiently without the need for external frameworks. As I've grown older, I've come to realize that learning new frameworks may not be the best use of my time, especially considering my age and the competitive job market. Instead, I've decided to focus on solo projects, where I can leverage my existing knowledge and experience to deliver high-quality results.
    1 point
  3. Your UNIQUE key is the combination of (slug, tag_check). NULL values are ignored and your insert query always writes NULL to tag_check column. CREATE TABLE `dupe_test` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `slug` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `tag_check` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `player_tag_check` (`slug`,`tag_check`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci; select * from dupe_test; +----+-----------+-----------+ | id | slug | tag_check | +----+-----------+-----------+ | 1 | hugh-jass | NULL | | 2 | hugh-jass | NULL | | 3 | hugh-jass | NULL | | 4 | hugh-jass | 1 | +----+-----------+-----------+ Add another... MariaDB [test]> insert into dupe_test (slug) values ('hugh-jass'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.051 sec) MariaDB [test]> select * from dupe_test; +----+-----------+-----------+ | id | slug | tag_check | +----+-----------+-----------+ | 1 | hugh-jass | NULL | | 2 | hugh-jass | NULL | | 3 | hugh-jass | NULL | | 6 | hugh-jass | NULL | << NEW | 4 | hugh-jass | 1 | +----+-----------+-----------+ 5 rows in set (0.000 sec) Now try adding again but with tag_check = 1 then 2... MariaDB [test]> insert into dupe_test (slug, tag_check) values ('hugh-jass', 1); ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'hugh-jass-1' for key 'player_tag_check' MariaDB [test]> insert into dupe_test (slug, tag_check) values ('hugh-jass', 2); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.073 sec) MariaDB [test]> select * from dupe_test; +----+-----------+-----------+ | id | slug | tag_check | +----+-----------+-----------+ | 1 | hugh-jass | NULL | | 2 | hugh-jass | NULL | | 3 | hugh-jass | NULL | | 6 | hugh-jass | NULL | | 4 | hugh-jass | 1 | | 8 | hugh-jass | 2 | +----+-----------+-----------+ 6 rows in set (0.000 sec) So either insert a tag_check value too, or exclude tag_check from the UNIQUE key
    1 point
  4. Can you put your code in a code block in the future? Reading/looking at double spaced code without proper indentation or color syntax highlighting wastes everyone's time and effort and greatly decreases the final results. Notice @Moorcam helpful reply to you where he put an offending line into a proper block where the issue is easy to identify.
    1 point
  5. Going on what mac_gyver said, which is spot on, First, you need to define the roles that your application will support. For example, you might have roles like admin, editor, and viewer. $roles = [ 'admin' => ['create', 'edit', 'delete', 'view'], 'editor' => ['edit', 'view'], 'viewer' => ['view'] ]; Next, you will need to assign these roles to your users. This can be done in your database. For simplicity, let's assume you have a user array that includes their role. $users = [ 'user1' => ['role' => 'admin'], 'user2' => ['role' => 'editor'], 'user3' => ['role' => 'viewer'] ]; Before allowing access to a specific page or functionality, you should check if the user has the required permissions based on their role. Here’s a simple function to check permissions: function hasPermission($userRole, $action) { global $roles; return in_array($action, $roles[$userRole]); } Now, you can use the hasPermission function to control access to different parts of your application. For example: session_start(); $currentUser = $_SESSION['user_id']; // Assume the user_id is stored in session $userRole = $users[$currentUser]['role']; if (hasPermission($userRole, 'edit')) { // Allow access to edit functionality echo "You have access to edit."; } else { // Deny access echo "Access denied. You do not have permission to edit."; } Hope this makes sense and may help you somewhat.
    1 point
  6. the only user data you should store in a session variable upon login should be the user id, to identify WHO the logged in user is. this will either be set or it won't be. you should query on each page request to get any other user data, such as a username, permissions, or role. this is so that any changes made to this other user data takes effect on the very next page request. this will allow you to promote or demote a user without requiring them to logout and back in for the change to take effect. do you really want a situation where you have demoted or banned a user and they can still access a page because their session data says they can? i recommend that you simplify the logic and separate the login test from the user role test. also, to test if a variable is in a set of values, define an array of the permitted values and use in_array() to perform the test. using these suggestions, the logic would become - $page_roles = ['Member','Secretary']; // roles permitted for the current page $user_role = 'Guest'; // default value for a non-logged in user // is there a logged in user if(isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { // query here to get any other user data, such as the user role, and store it in a regular variable // fake a value $user_role = 'Member'; // $user_role = 'Secretary'; // $user_role = 'Other'; } // logic to determine if the current user can access something on this page if(in_array($user_role,$page_roles)) { // access permitted echo 'permitted'; } // logic to determine if the current user cannot access something on this page if(!in_array($user_role,$page_roles)) { // access denied echo 'denied'; }
    1 point
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