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  1. Thanks for your tip requinix. I already have this working as you said. But now Im having a problem with my pagination system for my search results and I dont see how to fix this. If my search system was only for news table, I call my Paginator function like this: Paginator('news', "WHERE status = '1' AND (title LIKE '%$search%' OR content LIKE '%$search%') ORDER BY date DESC", $max, $link, $page); But now do you see how I can call my function Paginator not only to my news table but also to my pages table? I dont see a way how can I do my select statment for this two tables here. function Paginator($table, $cond, $max, $link, $pag){ $pdo = start(); $read = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$table} {$cond}"); $read->bindParam(1,$table,PDO::PARAM_STR); $read->bindParam(2,$cond,PDO::PARAM_STR); $read->execute(); $total = $read->rowCount(); if($total > $max){ //I do my pagination } }
  2. Im doing a search system and Im having some problems. I need to search in two tables (news and pages), I already had sucess doing my search system for just one table, but for two tables its not easy to do. I already use a select statment with two tables using UNION because I want to show number of search results, that is number of returned rows of my first sql statment. But now I need to do a select statment that allows me to acess all fields of my news table and all fields of my pages table. I need to acess in my news table this fields: id, title, content, link, date, nViews I need to acess in my pages table this fields: id, title, content, link Im trying to do this also with UNION, but in this case Im not having any row returning. Do you see what I have wrong in my code? <?php //first I get my $search keyword $search = $url[1]; $pdo = connecting(); //then I want to show number of returned rows for keyword searched $readALL = $pdo->prepare("SELECT title,content FROM news WHERE title LIKE ? OR content LIKE ? UNION SELECT title,content FROM pages WHERE title LIKE ? OR content like ?"); $readALL->bindValue(1,"%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL->bindValue(2,"%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL->bindValue(3,"%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL->bindValue(4,"%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL->execute(); //I show number of returned rows echo '<p>Your search keyword returned <strong>'.$readALL->rowCount().'</strong> results!</p>'; //If dont return any rows I show a error message if($readALL->rowCount() <=0){ echo 'Sorry but we didnt found any result for your keyword search.'; } else{ //If return rows I want to show, if it is a page result I want to show title and link that I have in my page table //if it is a news result I want to show title and link that I have in my news table and also date of news echo '<ul class="searchlist">'; $readALL2 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM news WHERE status = ? AND title LIKE ? OR content LIKE ? LIMIT 0,4 UNION SELECT * FROM pages where title LIKE ? OR content LIKE ? LIMIT 0,4"); $readALL2->bindValue(1, '1'); $readALL2->bindValue(2, "%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL2->bindValue(3, "%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL2->bindValue(4, "%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL2->execute(); while ($result = $readALL2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ echo '<li>'; echo '<img src="'.BASE.'/uploads/news/'.$result['thumb'].'"/>'; echo '<a href="'.BASE.'/news/'.$result['id_news'].'">'.$result['title'].'</a>'; //if it is a news result I also want to show date on my list //echo '<span id="date">'.$result['date'].'</span>'; echo '</li>'; } echo ' </ul>'; //but how can I do my select statement to have access to my news table fields and my page table fields?? } ?>
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