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  1. Yeah, I don't know, how can I change the start point.
  2. Barand, ginerjm or anyone you know, how can I fix it?
  3. I scan code QR application for Android. Browser show map: start -> room 'B'. I go to other room, for example 'A', I click on my phone button 'back', scan again QR code in room in museum: Example picture in room 'A': http://bankfotek.pl/image/1791835 <?php require_once('function.php'); session_start(); $object = isset($_GET['object']) ? $_GET['object'] : 'object'; if (!isset($_SESSION['target'])) { $_SESSION['target'] = $object; showStartMap('start',$object); } else { if ($_SESSION['target'] == $object) { showInfo($object); session_unset(); session_destroy(); } else { showMap($object, $_SESSION['target']); } } ?> My scripts: index.php function.php map.php info.php YEAH!!! Here is problem. I don't know how can I do it. Becouse my scipts not save information about I got in intentional object on start. If showInfo($object); showInfo($object); must be new point start.
  4. I displayed information about picture 'B' - here it's ok Now I scan code QR, for example 'C'. In browser smartphone display map from room 'C' to room 'B'. It's not correct, becouse in browser must display map from 'B' to 'C'.
  5. 1. I have this maps. In museum is 3 rooms + start. In 1 room is one picture with QR code. 2. Yes, this code QR are scan of screen notebook, in application Flash. In room 'A' are codes QR: 'A', 'B', 'C' on the table and code QR 'A' on the picture. In room 'B' are codes QR: 'A', 'B', 'C' on the table and code QR 'B' on the picture. In room 'C' are codes QR: 'A', 'B', 'C' on the table and code QR 'C' on the picture. 3. Only three room in museum + start. 1 room = one exhibit. 4. My scripts must be everything reset after I displayed information about exhibit 'A', 'B' or 'C' and some script must be set new point start. Example: I show information about exhibit in room 'B' and this room 'B' must be point 'start' now. Here I scan code QR 'C' = show map 'B' -> 'C' (now show me map: 'C' -> 'B')
  6. Impossible No no, in step 10 I scan code QR, when I'm in room with picture 'B'. Code QR 'B' on start = code QR on picture in room 'B' = code QR with others code QR on table in every room. Rooms are not described, so any person make a mistake. I consider this situation First time scan code QR 'B' (on start) = display map: start -> 'B' Scan for any time: from room Z, from room Y, from room U, from room X = display map from Z/Y/U/X -> 'B' Scan code QR 'B' in room 'B' = information about picture 'B'. I don't know, if I understood you .
  7. You are out front (start) museum with 3 rooms. Out front museum is QR table with 3 QR code with picture. You scan some QR code with picture. This same codes are on every pictures in other room, and this same table with 3 QR CODE is in every room. For example, you scan QR code 'B' from start place (out front museum). In smartphone browser display map, how to go from 'start' point to room 'B'. You go into the some room (but you don't know which room), example to room 'A'. You scan code of picture. It's wrong, becouse it's not picture 'B', so in browser display map: room 'A' to room 'B' You go into the some room (but you don't know which room), example now it is room 'B' You scan code of picture. IT'S GREAT! This picture is your choose on start. In phone display information about picture 'B'. Scan again code QR from TABLE (with QR CODE) and your choose is picture 'C'. Now must display map from ROOM 'B' TO ROOM 'C'. Now here is problem, becouse in phone display map 'C' to 'B'. Correct: 'B' -> 'C'. Every map is image png, so I created:'start' -> 'A' | 'start' -> 'B' | 'start' -> 'C' | 'A' -> 'B' | 'A' -> 'C' 'B' -> 'A' | 'B' -> 'C' 'C -> 'A' | 'C' -> 'B' I created only 3 CODE QR. Sorry but that's the only way I can describe my problem. So maybe can I create a block diagram?
  8. Touring a gallery. 1 object = 1 picture 1 picture = 1 room
  9. This is example of a situation in museum.
  10. Hi everyone (sorry for my bad english), I have four objects, one object 'start', other objects, for example 'A', 'B', 'C'. 'A', 'B', 'C' are URL address. When I go first time to URL 'C', show tips how to go of point 'start' to 'C' point. When next time I display URL point 'B', show tips, how to go of point 'B' to point 'C' (analogously with point 'A'). When I go to URL 'C' again, show information about point 'C' (it's great, becouse, I displayed on start URL point 'C'). How can I set new point start? When we show information about point 'C', we go to URL 'B', we must display map, how to go of point 'C' to point 'B'. Now is display tips go of point 'B' to point 'C'. index.php function.php map.php info.php
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