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  1. I have a template in page.php in which I like accessing pages like this: $podstr = basename(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH)); if($podstr==''){include "pages/index2.php";} elseif($podstr=='registration'){include "registration.php"; } elseif($podstr=='login'){include "pages/login.php";} else echo 'ERROR 404'; It basically takes text in URL after the last slash and I therefore I can use nice URLS such aswww.mydomain.com/registration I also have a registration form in reg.php. The form (if filled in correctly) redirects to ok.php, especially www.mydomain.com/ok if(isset($_POST['submitted'])) { if($fgmembersite->RegisterUser()) { $fgmembersite->RedirectToURL("ok"); } } If I open www.mydomain.com/reg.php (which is without my template of course), everything works perfectly! If I open www.mydomain.com/registration. The form does not save any data to my database and redirects me do index.php. Do you have idea where the problem might be? Thank you very much!
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