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  1. I have a table name tblnetworkstatus and I have 11 columns Id issue_name affected_server affected_service issue_type priority duration status start_date end_date description I am getting id in affected_server and affected_service which I am storing in my DB, now I have three situations Either both affected_server and affected_service has been selected Only affected_server is selected Only affected_service is selected I am getting the name of affected_server and affected_service from tblserver and tblproducts respectively using join on three tables tblnetworkstatus,tblserver and tblproduct I already have the following query got from here SELECT m.issue_name ,m.issue_type , m.priority ,m.status,m.description , m.start_date,m.end_date,m.duration, s.name as server_name,p.name as product_name from mod_networkstatus as m LEFT JOIN tblservers as s ON FIND_IN_SET(s.id,m.affected_server) LEFT JOIN tblproducts as p ON FIND_IN_SET(p.id,m.affected_service) But If I have multiple id's of affected_server and affected_service like I am storing 1,2,3,4 in a single column affected_server or affected_service and I am getting the record duplicate instead only the affected_server or affetced_service is different in that which I don't want I want to show these in a single coulmn field after retrieving like stroing 1,2,3,4 then how can I do that?
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