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  1. Hi, I created the menu using Codeigniter Framework, it works great at websol.biz, unfortunately it returns <UL><LI> in each parent menu, how do I restrict Home and other buttons in a loop OR how to I program accordingly that it should not loop UL LI, tags under parent menu you can see the code samples of my practice. webpage - > websol.biz (live) <!-- Top Bar--> <div class="top"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-3"> <div class="logo"> <a href="index.html"><img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>public/images/logo.png" alt="" /> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-9"> <nav id="desktop-menu"> <ul class="sf-menu" id="navigation"> <?php foreach($content as $row) { $title = $row->menu_name; $id = $row->id; $link = $row->link_id; $id_a = $row->id_c; ?> <li <?php $method_name = $this->router->fetch_method(); if ($method_name==strtolower($title)) { echo "class=current"; } ?> ><a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?><?php echo $link; ?>"><?php echo $title; ?></a> <?php echo "<ul>"; for($i=0;$i<count($sub_menu); $i++) { $row2 = $sub_menu[$i]; $id_c = $row2->id_c; $title_c = $row2->menu_name2; $parent_num = $row2->parent_id; $anchor = $row2->link_id; //print_r($row2); //echo "<br>".$title."--id_c = ".$id_c = $row2->id_c; if(strtolower($title)==strtolower($id_c)) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $anchor; ?>"><?php echo $title_c; ?></a></li> <?php } else echo ""; ?> <?php } ?> </li> <?php echo "</ul>"; ?> <?php } ?> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End of Top Bar--> Database - > http://prntscr.com/7yd6xh
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