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  1. You sir are a genuis, wel the two options unfortunately did not work, but that got me on the right path to find this option which allows us to specify the IP address for the hostname in CURL without doing a DNS lookup: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, array( "mydomain.com:443:x.x.x.x")); where x.x.x is the real public IP adress of the domain and you can add some ugly code to ensure it still works if the IP address changes: //lookup domain against specific nameserver $nslookup = shell_exec('nslookup mydomain.com'); //grab the IP from the output $shell_output = explode(" ", $nslookup); $currentIP = $shell_output[10]; //add to curl curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, array("mydomain.com:443:".$currentIP)); There may be requirement to change the [10] depending on your operating system. thanks!!
  2. HI all, this is a strange request so bear with me. I have setup a server on my local machine, what I want to do is scrape info off the real server out on the internet in some of the pages. I have that working using curl for different domains, but the issue is I have a host entry for the domain in question because the local server name has to match the real server name for the application to run. I can get the real IP using a shell ie: echo exec('nslookup example.com'); but I don't know how to get curl to use that IP or force curl to use a different name server, any ideas? CURL code: thanks in advance!! $url = "http://example.com/index.php"; $fields = [ 'id' => '1234' ]; $fields_string = http_build_query($fields); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $result = curl_exec($ch); echo $result;
  3. Well I ran it but it gave me a syntax error, as I didn't really understand the function I wasn't able to get it working.. so maybe it does?
  4. yes and no, we can't guarantee that any of the inputs the user gives us are correct, we are asking them to input two pieces of information, network prefix and subnet mask, if the network prefix does not match the subnet mask, it would be wrong to assume the subnet mask given was correct and to spit out the correct network prefix for that mask. Instead it would be better to prompt the user they have given us incorrect information and to go back and reinput the correct values. With classful addressing its not so much of an issue but with classless subnetting its very easy to get wrong. Well I made some working code, maybe its clumsy but it works $address = ""; $mask = ""; $binary_mask = sprintf("%032b",ip2long($mask)); //break the mask into 32 bit base2 $mask_hostbits = substr_count($binary_mask, '0'); // count the number of zeros in the mask $binary_address = sprintf("%032b",ip2long($address)); //convert the ip address to 32 bit base2 $address_hostbits = substr($binary_address, -$mask_hostbits); //we only care about the bits in the host bits portion and we know the number of host bits, so lets pull them out from the network address if (strpos($address_hostbits, '1') !== false) { echo 'this is not a network address'; } else { echo "this is a valid network address"; } //lets see if any of the host bits in the address are set to 1
  5. I am not asking the user for an IP address! I am asking them for the network prefix. I'll explain why, my script generates network device configuration, so I will be outputting a command that can be pasted into a cisco router etc. The command would be ip route next-hop metric 1 The Router itself has built in logic to stop me doing this: ip route next-hop metric 1 it will return an error such as invalid subnet ID for mask. (Because what I have given it, is a host address, that is determined by the subnet mask I have given it) So in my logic, a network address (or network prefix as you refer to it) is an address where there are no "1"s set in the host bits. In a subnet mask the host bits are indicated with "0"s and the network bits indicated with all "1"s so subnet mask (/24) equals this in binary 11111111.1111111.1111111.00000000 is this a valid network address for the above mask: 10101010.10101010.01010101.00010000 - no there is a 1 bit in the host portion (we only care about the last octet). is this a valid network address for the above mask: 10101010.10101010.01010101.00000000 - yes all host bits are set to zero. (we only care about the last octet) Hope that helps to clear up what I am trying to achieve
  6. Sorry I actually see what you are saying now, your code is quite valid for most uses, you will return me the network address for a given IP and subnet. What I am trying to achieve is check that the given IP *is* the valid network address for a given subnet mask. I think I will require decbin function then compare the two strings somehow..
  7. Yes its still needs to be completed in php. I believe your code is validating the IP address and mask, that script (im not near my server to test) I believe would still return this as valid: which in my case should be returned as invalid. thanks!
  8. Sorry, I put in the wrong category!! are you able to move it to maths?
  9. Hi guys, I have searched google but surprised I didnt come across a working example in the wild already. I want the user to input a valid IP -network- address and subnet mask (keyword is "network address" not just a valid IP address). This is to generate router configuration. An easy sample is ip add: mask: (valid) ip add: mask: (not a valid subnet address because there is a bit in the non network bits) I'm not sure how difficult it is to code, What needs to happen is to first crack open the subnet mask: = 1111111.1111111.111111.0000000 then crack open the ip address = 11000000.10101000.00001010.00000000 From this we deduce that this is valid, as there are no '1's in the ip address where there are zeros in the subnet mask. = 11000000.10101000.00001010.00000001 This in invalid, there is a "1" in the ip address where the matching bit in the subnet mask is a 0. Thanks for any help!
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