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  1. How to delet a topic? I just noticed the info. Pleas help!!!
  2. I have tried backticks and different syntaxs for the mysql query and nonthing is fixing the problem. Each time I do insert with values of select from it fails and it writes an error to my custom log. Here is my code: Line 120 has my sql insert statement and right after that is my query that i changed from mysql to mysqli because mysql is depricated. <?php $hostname = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; $username = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; $dbName = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // lets prepare some files to capture what is going on. $incomingJson = 'json.txt'; //$fullArray = 'fullArray.txt'; // needed if you enable the debugging secton below $sqlErrorLog = "sqlErrors.txt"; $resultLog = "Results.txt"; // initialize the string with a blank value $string = ""; //These variable values need to be changed by you before deploying $password = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; $tableName = "Statistics"; $tableName2 = "queuedRows"; $yourfield = "charactersName"; //Connecting to your database mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die ("Unable to connect to database! Please try again later."); mysql_select_db($dbName)or die("cannot select DB"); // start SEND data if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { //capture incoming data error_reporting(1); $sig = $_POST["sig"]; $jsondata = $_POST["params"]; // this line captures the sent data so you can figure out what you need to send back. file_put_contents($incomingJson,$jsondata); // this line tells the application that the data send was successful. echo '{"Status":"Success"}'; // convert JSON to an array $array = json_decode($jsondata, TRUE); /* // formats the array to view it easier $results = print_r($array,true); file_put_contents($fullArray,$results); */ //get the total number of objects in the array $arrlength = count($array['Children']['1']['Properties']); // set while loop index $i = 0; //loop through array node and get row values while ($i < $arrlength ) { // get row value $value = $array['Children']['1']['Properties'][$i]['Value']."\n"; // convert delimited string to an array $arrayPieces = explode("|", $value); $rowName = $arrayPieces[0]; $charactersName = $arrayPieces[1]; $highscoreFeet = $arrayPieces[2]; $charactersFitnessLevel = $arrayPieces[3]; $worstJump = $arrayPieces[4]; $totalTrainingTime = $arrayPieces[5]; $startingDate = $arrayPieces[6]; $i++; } // construct SQL statement if($startingDate != "1/1/1") { $sql="INSERT INTO `$tableName`(`charactersName`, `highscoreFeet`, `charactersFitnessLevel`, `worstJump`, `totalTrainingTime`, `startingDate`)VALUES('$charactersName', '$highscoreFeet', '$charactersFitnessLevel', '$worstJump', '$totalTrainingTime', '$startingDate')"; $result=mysqli_query($sql); file_put_contents($resultLog, $result, FILE_APPEND); if($result){ // if successful do nothing for now. } else { // if failure, write to custom log $sqlError = "Error writing to statistics {$charactersName}\n"; file_put_contents($sqlErrorLog, $sqlError, FILE_APPEND); //if($startingDate != "1/1/1") { $sql="UPDATE $tableName SET charactersName = $charactersName, highscoreFeet = $highscoreFeet, charactersFitnessLevel = $charactersFitnessLevel, worstJump = $worstJump, totalTrainingTime = $totalTrainingTime, startingDate = $startingDate WHERE charactersName = $charactersName"; // insert SQL statement $result=mysqli_query($sql); file_put_contents($resultLog, $result, FILE_APPEND); } // catch any errors if($result){ // if successful do nothing for now. } else { // if failure, write to custom log $sqlError = "Error updating to statistics {$charactersName}\n"; file_put_contents($sqlErrorLog, $sqlError, FILE_APPEND); } }//end of insert if statement to add a character (line 81) //search for the character name instead of adding if($startingDate == "1/1/1") { $sql="INSERT INTO $tableName2(charactersName, highscoreFeet, charactersFitnessLevel, worstJump, totalTrainingTime, startingDate, timeOfCreation) SELECT ('charactersName', 'highscoreFeet', 'charactersFitnessLevel', 'worstJump', 'totalTrainingTime', 'startingDate', getdate() FROM $tableName WHERE charactersName = $charactersName)"; // insert SQL statement $result=mysqli_query($sql); file_put_contents($resultLog, $result, FILE_APPEND); // catch any errors if($result){ // if successful do nothing for now. } else { // if failure, write to custom log $sqlError = "Error writing to QueuedRows {$charactersName}\n"; file_put_contents($sqlErrorLog, $sqlError, FILE_APPEND); } } $sql="DELETE FROM queuedRows WHERE timeOfCreation < DateAdd(mi, -5, GetDate())"; // insert SQL statement $result=mysqli_query($sql); file_put_contents($resultLog, $result, FILE_APPEND); // catch any errors if($result){ // if successful do nothing for now. } else { // if failure, write to custom log $sqlError = "Error deleting from Queuedrows\n"; file_put_contents($sqlErrorLog, $sqlError, FILE_APPEND); } } // end of POST (line 30) // start GET data if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') { // initialize the JSON body variable $jsonBody=""; // get table contents $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM queuedRows"); // construct an array to hold the data we pull from mySQL $rows = array(); // loop through the table and drop the data into the array while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { $rows[] = $row; } // get the number of rows in the array. We need this in the JSON return $arrlength = count($rows); // set while loop index $i = 0; //loop through array node and get row values while ($i < $arrlength ) { // tables we are capturing $charactersName = $rows[$i]['cha$ractersName']; $highscoreFeet =$rows[$i]['highscoreFeet']; $charactersFitnessLevel = $rows[$i]['charactersFitnessLevel']; $worstJump = $rows[$i]['worstJump']; $totalTrainingTime = $rows[$i]['totalTrainingTime']; $startingDate = $rows[$i]['startingDate']; // table row numbers. our index starts at 0, so we want to increment it by 1 to get valid row numbers. $tableRow = $i+1; // construct the JSON return from our data $jsonString = '{"Name":"'.$tableRow .'","Value":"|'.$charactersName.'|'.$highscoreFeet.'|'.$charactersFitnessLevel.'|'.$worstJump.'|'.$totalTrainingTime.'|'.$startingDate.'|"},'; // append the JSON return with the new data $jsonBody=$jsonBody.$jsonString; // increase index and loop again if not at end of array. $i++; } // construct the JSON response // this is the header of the JSON return. It will have to be adjusted to match whatever your app is expecting. We have to define this here to get the row count above. $jsonHeadher='{"Properties":[],"Name":"id948725_headers","Children":[{"Properties":[{"Name":"rowCount","Value":'.$arrlength.'},{"Name":"columnCount","Value":6},{"Name":"0-1-name","Value":"charactersName"},{"Name":"0-1-type","Value":1},{"Name":"0-2-name","Value":"highscoreFeet"},{"Name":"0-2-type","Value":2},{"Name":"0-3-name","Value":"charactersFitnessLevel"},{"Name":"0-3-type","Value":2},{"Name":"0-4-name","Value":"worstJump"},{"Name":"0-4-type","Value":2},{"Name":"0-5-name","Value":"totalTrainingTime"},{"Name":"0-5-type","Value":2},{"Name":"0-6-name","Value":"startingDate"},{"Name":"0-6-type","Value":1}],"Name":"id948725_headers","Children":[]},{"Properties":['; // this is the footer of the JSON return. Again it will have to be adjusted to match whatever your app is expecting. $jsonFooter='],"Name":"id948725","Children":[]}]}'; // removes an extra comma that the loop above leaves behind $jsonBody=rtrim($jsonBody, ","); // constructing the full JSON return $returnedJson=$jsonHeadher.$jsonBody.$jsonFooter; // write the JSON data so the app can read it. echo $returnedJson; } // end of get ?>
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