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Posts posted by gucci_406

  1. Hi again mjdamato,


    I have nearly sorted this, however I am stuck on one last bit.


    The code SELECT * FROM $newdate$var WHERE node='1' UNION will work, when I copy the echo output in the mysql_query


    I.E SELECT * FROM 20100103_tmp WHERE node=1 UNION SELECT * FROM 20101102_tmp WHERE node=1


    But I am stuck on the loop and where to put it:


    //dates from
    $dayfr = $_REQUEST['dayfr'];
    $monthfr = $_REQUEST['monthfr'];
    $yearfr = $_REQUEST['yearfr'];
    //dates to
    $dayto = $_REQUEST['dayto'];
    $monthto = $_REQUEST['monthto'];
    $yearto = $_REQUEST['yearto'];
    $var = $_REQUEST['var'];
    //cacluate the diff
    function days($date1, $date2){
    $month1 = date("m", strtotime($date1));
    $day1 = date("d", strtotime($date1));
    $year1 = date("Y", strtotime($date1));
    $month2 = date("m", strtotime($date2));
    $day2 = date("d", strtotime($date2));
    $year2 = date("Y", strtotime($date2));
    $first = gregoriantojd($month1, $day1, $year1);
    $second = gregoriantojd($month2, $day2, $year2);
    $diff = abs($first-$second);
    return $diff;
    $date1 = "$yearfr-$monthfr-$dayfr";
    $date2 = "$yearto-$monthto-$dayto";
    $days = days($date1, $date2);
    for($i=0; $i<$days; $i++){
    $newdate = date("Ymd", strtotime("$date1 +$i days"));
    $datevar="$newdate$var ,";
    $getdata="SELECT * FROM $newdate$var WHERE node=1 UNION ";
    echo "$getdata";
    $data=mysql_query("$getdata SELECT * FROM $yearfr$monthfr$dayfr$var WHERE node=1") or die(mysql_error()); 


    What I need is for $getdata to loop, and display the returned loop in the mysql_query and for the last part of the mysql_query to remain how it is (SELECT * FROM $yearfr$monthfr$dayfr$var WHERE node=1)


    Any ideas of how to do this?




  2. Hello thanks for the reply,


    The reason I wanted to create new tables, is that I have 30,000 rows in each table each pointing to a lat, lon (node). These are created everynight and uploaded, while the T00 + T03 points to a times step. I thought this way would seem the easiest.


    I have been looking at the Left Join. Could this be applied to call multiable tables?



  3. Hi Guys,


    I need a little help. This one is giving me a real head ache :-(


    I have created a archive database in mysql. Within the database there are tables named  YYYYMMDD_var. The tables layout is as follows:


    node + T00 + T03 + T06 + T09 + T12 + T15 + T18 + T21



    I have created some drop down menus in php to call for the dates Dateto and Datefr. I then calculate the diff between the dates and return the output (20101101_var, 20101102_var etc,,,)


    But when I call for the mysql Select I cant get all tables :-(


    This is the following code I have been using, starting from getting requesting the dates from the drop down menus.


    The problem lies in the UNION, where because it's caught in the loop, it returns it at the end of the line. Which creates the error.


    If anybody has any other ideas, please help :-)


    //dates from

    $dayfr = $_REQUEST['dayfr'];

    $monthfr = $_REQUEST['monthfr'];

    $yearfr = $_REQUEST['yearfr'];

    //dates to

    $dayto = $_REQUEST['dayto'];

    $monthto = $_REQUEST['monthto'];

    $yearto = $_REQUEST['yearto'];

    $var = $_REQUEST['var'];


    //cacluate the diff

    function days($date1, $date2){

    $month1 = date("m", strtotime($date1));

    $day1 = date("d", strtotime($date1));

    $year1 = date("Y", strtotime($date1));

    $month2 = date("m", strtotime($date2));

    $day2 = date("d", strtotime($date2));

    $year2 = date("Y", strtotime($date2));

    $first = gregoriantojd($month1, $day1, $year1);

    $second = gregoriantojd($month2, $day2, $year2);

    $diff = abs($first-$second);

    return $diff;



    $date1 = "$yearfr-$monthfr-$dayfr";

    $date2 = "$yearto-$monthto-$dayto";


    $days = days($date1, $date2);

    for($i=0; $i<$days; $i++){

    $newdate = date("Ymd", strtotime("$date1 +$i days"));


    $datevar="$newdate$var ,";

    $getdata="SELECT * FROM $newdate$var WHERE node='1' UNION ";

    echo "$getdata";



    $data=mysql_query("$getdata") or die(mysql_error()); 

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