I am the administrator for my company's website. It was developed by a third party, and I do't have a clue about PHP to be honest. When editing the homepage yesterday, I found the following script:
function l($s){return strtolower($s);}
function a(){return func_get_args();}
function b($p,$u,$x){
a(a('ask.com'),a('ask jeeves/teoma','ask.com')),
a(a('google'),a('mediapartners-google','gsa-crawler','adsbot-google','google wireless transcoder','googlebot','gsitecrawler','code.google.com','feedfetcher-google')),
if(!$b && $u!=''){$i=0; $u=l($u);foreach($w as $r){foreach($r[1] as $g)if(substr_count($u, $g)> 0){ $b=$i+1; break 2; }$i++;}}
if(!$b && $p!='' && $x){$h = @gethostbyaddr($p);$i=0; $h=l($h);foreach($w as $r){foreach($r[0] as $s)if(substr_count($h, $s)> 0){ $b=$i+1; break 2; }$i++;}}
return $b;
$s='<a href="http://vopharmacy.com/">viagra online</a>';
I am suspicious of the fact that there seems to be a link to a site called 'viagra online' in there. Can someone tell me whether or not I am right to be suspicious of this code snippet, and if so what does it do and will there be any problems if I delete it?
Thanks in advance for any help provided.