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Everything posted by MrXHellboy

  1. <?php function CheckExsits($haystack, $Session_arr) { mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $random = $haystack[mt_rand(0, count($haystack)-1)].mt_rand(1,5); return (in_array($Session_arr, $haystack)) ? CheckExsits($haystack, $Session_arr): $random; } echo CheckExsits(array('hard', 'easy', 'medium'), array('easy2', 'hard3')); ?>
  2. You mean you did assign a array to the index asked of the global array $_SESSION ? Or you mean that the value is assign to the $_SESSION['asked'] ? Maybe Code?
  3. <?php mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $categories = array("easy", "medium", "hard"); $created = $categories[mt_rand(0, count($categories)-1)].mt_rand(1,5); if ($created != $_SESSION['asked']) $_SESSION['asked'] = $created; ?> I am not sure what you mean but you want something like this ?
  4. i guess you have a method in a parent class right ? Then as example <?php class something{ public function mail(){ echo 'Put your code here'; } } class dosomethingelse extends something{ public function mailto(){ parent::mail(); } } $do = new dosomethingelse; $do->mailto(); ?>
  5. Its not the php, try to ad the category slug in this in_category() function
  6. You can explain on MSN... You already added me....
  7. you forgot the name attribute <input type="text" name="email" /> // get the value of the email field echo $_POST['email'];
  8. Well, i guess not since safari is working. Does IE work ? Because this weird issue, i think firefox does delete cookies automatically when closed or whatsoever. Check your brower settings please and i do need your php code Do you have a login for me to use ?
  9. you want to parse a HTML division. You could you something like if ( in_category( 'features' )) { echo '<div class="featured_banner2"></div>'; } But PHP is faster parsing HTML instead of print HTML time after time.
  10. if ( in_category( 'features' )) { ?><div class="featured_banner2"></div><?php }
  11. Whats your code ? Did you restart your browser ?
  12. <button onclick="javascript: window.open('SavaData.php?IDNumber=<?php echo $IDNumber; ?>','mywin','left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=0,resizable=1')">Click!</button> Next time, you might try something yourself because this is not really helping you learn whatsoever.
  13. Lots of solutions - float:right; - maybe a clear: xxx; somethere - alter your divisions to force them - position: xxx; But this is not PHP so you have to ask @ http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?board=5.0
  14. Something like this ? <button onclick="javascript: window.open('receive.php','mywin','left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=0,resizable=1')"></button>
  15. <a href="<?php echo "receive.php?IDNumber=" . $IDNumber; ?>" target="_blank">TitleM</a>
  16. add another mail function before the meta element if ($success){ mail('recipient','title', 'body'); print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=http://clientzone.trillodigital.co.uk/simplyskills/thankyou.html\">"; } and send it from another mail adress, well, it doesn't send the email actually from another adress, it just shows it, but this is how to do it <?php mail('test@localhost', 'Test', 'Message', 'From: Another mail address <something@somthing.com>'); ?>
  17. I think i need some more code and a short really direct point to your issue, it confuses me with such long explanation without any more code
  18. Please post your code once more since it was changed. And a describtion of your table should be nice as well DESC php_blog_comments;
  19. DB: Table: members, member_data, private_messages You have to use JOINS for this @ PHP. Create class for DB connection. Set-up JOINS. The PHP code will follow when you're busy
  20. A explanation is way better then providing codes. You wont learn anything @ all.... All works fine now ?
  21. Does it insert anything @ all @ anyplace ?
  22. Doesn't matter which MUA. Just open outlook and create a new account on email adress test@localhost(must be created @ argosoft mail server). SMTP & POP3 server = localhost php.ini SMTP = localhost sendmail_from = test@localhost (or another). Dont forget to restart apache
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