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Posts posted by tecno40

  1. Hello,


    I am working on adding the final touches to AfodaBooking.com, and will be launching the site sometime next week. I have a couple projects I need done so If your interested at all please send me an e-mail. Also after the site is launched I have more projects stacked up so I should be able to provide a fairly constant flow of work to anyone who wants it (If you want to do just one project that is fine also).


    Projects I need done now

    1. Auto completion form (Take info from the database, and place it in the payment form based on the session ID for the member)

    2. Fix an e-mail problem in member verification

    3. Create a list of registered members

    4. Fix an auto complete form on a member page

    5. Create an information checker to make sure submitted info on certain pages is in correct order


    Contact Info

    E-mail: management@switchit001.com


    If you are at all interested in any of these projects please send me an e-mail giving an rough estimate of when you can finish the one you are interested in by, and some examples of past work you've done. After I look at the past work I will e-mail you the full project details so you can give me a more exact quote.


  2. So I'm about to open a hosting website, and will be letting the users use PHP and MySQL on my server. Since I will be allowing users to host their PHP code on this server I would like to make sure everyone's site is secure from hack attempts. Below is a list of what I've done so far to make it secure. Please tell me if this is enough to stop hacking, or if I need to add additional security.



    1. Enabled disable_functions in php.ini with (NOTE: ini_set is not disabled)

    disable_functions = "apache_child_terminate, apache_setenv,

    define_syslog_variables, escapeshellarg, escapeshellcmd, eval, exec,

    fp, fput, ftp_connect, ftp_exec, ftp_get, ftp_login, ftp_nb_fput,

    ftp_put, ftp_raw, ftp_rawlist, highlight_file, ini_alter, ini_get_all,

    ini_restore, inject_code, openlog, passthru, php_uname,

    phpAds_remoteInfo, phpAds_XmlRpc, phpAds_xmlrpcDecode,

    phpAds_xmlrpcEncode, popen, posix_getpwuid, posix_kill, posix_mkfifo,

    posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, posix_setuid, posix_uname,

    proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_nice, proc_open, proc_terminate,

    shell_exec, syslog, system, xmlrpc_entity_decode,mysql_select_db"


    2. Used ini_set() in a header PHP code to set open_basedir to the user's website directory


    3. Put a string of 7 random characters as the password for my MySQL database to protect it


    4. I will create a new user account on MySQL for every user

  3. You'll want to run php under fastcgi in IIS. You should find plenty of resources Googling it, including a few official hits on the IIS website.

    I am using FastCgi (sorry about not posting it in the original topic). I've tried google, but I can't find the a good tutorial on the sections command.

  4. Well this isn't much more efficient, but this is what I do


    echo '<td><select name="gender">';
    echo '<option value="" ';
    if ($gender == ''){echo 'selected';}
    echo '></option>';
    echo '<option value="male" ';
    if ($gender == 'male'){echo 'selected';}
    echo '></option>';
    echo '<option value="female" ';
    if ($gender == 'female'){echo 'selected';}
    echo '></option></select></td>';


    You could also make a loop to do this, but it might not be much more efficient unless you have a ton of entries.

  5. Problem located at: http://myarcade.me/


    So in the top right hand corner of my page I have a login form. On this form I want everything to be aligned on the same imaginary line, but currently the text is above the text fields. I've tried many different methods to try to move the text down, including putting the text and text fields in inline divs, and adding padding to the top of the text divs, but nothing seems to work.

  6. I'm working on a web hosting service with PHP support, but I don't want users to take advantage of being able to run PHP code on my server, and start messing around with files not on their site.


    I was wondering if there was a way to turn off everything, but basic PHP functions on certain web pages. I know I could do a find&replace on PHP code when the users upload it, but it is very likely I’ll miss a dangerous function, and my server will come tumbling down.


  7. I see what you mean about the pictures being too big and slowing down the loading process for the site, i will work on making a libary of smaller images soon.


    Someone would want to join if they want to interact with the site & do things like chat and post comments. I haven't had any errors with the sign up, but i did recently move the site to a new server so I'll check on the reported errors in the sign up process.


    Something is terribly wrong with the validator your using. It was marking completely fine tags as errors, and had a long list of errors for well made sites like google, facebook, and comcast.


    What is wrong with tables and inline css?


    EDIT: When i moved the files to the new server i left out an important file to the registration process. I added it back in and it should work now.

  8. Ok I've spent the last 2 months working on this site, and i want to get some feedback on it. Please rate it 1-10, Give suggestions to make it better, and tell me if you plan on using the site in the future (if not why, ie. "i don't play flash games", or "the games on the site are boring").



  9. Pretty good, there are a few glitches though.


    *Only half the logo works as a home button.

    *You have to click on the image to chat (it would be nice if you could also click on the text to chat)

    *The yellow tab links do not turn totaly bule when selected

    *It's a bit overwhelming when you first visit the site, maybe have a simple homepage with a big picture, and a list of your products

    *On the product pages the paragraph of text at the top looks boring, maybe add a picture to the left of it

    *The blinking live support is not aligned properly



    What I realy like about the site

    *The yellow tab pages break the site up into larger sections

    *LIVE CHAT!!!

    *Product list makes it easy to find specific products

  10. Ok so i recently made some changes to my php.ini file, and when i went to check phpinfo.php they were different than what I had set them to in php.ini.


    I though PHP might be using a different php.ini file so i searched my computer. I did find another php.ini, so I deleted it and restarted iis.


    When I checked phpinfo.php it was still showing the wrong value.


    I decided to rename the php.ini file I’m using to “php.ini—“ to see what php would do if it wasn't there. I restarted iis, checked phpinfo.php and php was working fine (still with different information)!


    The computer search is saying there are no more php.ini files, so I don't know how php is working without a file, does anyone know a solution to this problem?


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