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  1. Great, it worked! Cheers.
  2. Hi, I am having a problem getting text to fit on a single line below my images when the text is too long. It seems quite simple, but I can't figure it out for the life of me. Here's a link showing the issue (as you can see, because the text below "White Oak Amaretto" is on two lines, the images are no longer aligned at the top): http://ezliquidators.1free.ws/products.php?mat=hardwood It really wouldn't be much of a problem if the text continues to appear on two lines as long as the images stay aligned. That's the main concern. Here is the CSS: #tile { width: 98%; height: 98%; padding: 1% 1% 0px 1%; } #tileinfo { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; display: table-cell; } td { width: 14%; height: 14%; } table { width: 94%; padding-left: 1%; } #dimension { margin-left: 10px; padding-left: 70px; padding-top: 0.1%; margin-right: 20px; height: 21px; background: url(dimhead.png) no-repeat; color: #252525; } The other thing I don't understand is that if there are fewer than 5 images to be shown, the images just take up the entire space, even though I've set the table cells at 14% width and height. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Chahe
  3. Nevermind, got it.
  4. Cheers for the help. I figured it out last night with a slightly different approach. if ($r[size]>$prevsize) { ?> </table> <h3 id="dimension"><?php echo $r[Dimensions]; ?> </h3> <table> <?php } $prevsize = $r[size]; I have a new problem now that the active link in the sidebar doesn't change since it's all on one page that just refreshes with different values to the mat and size variables. I'm assuming all I'll need to do on the html end is add a body id that equals those variables, but I haven't quite figured out the css end of it.
  5. Yes, that's right. I know how to sort by size, but how would I write the script to remember the size of the last tile? Also, if it's remembering the last tile, wouldn't that mean it would put the header in one tile too late? Since it wouldn't realize the size had changed until after a new one comes out.
  6. I'm not sure if this would be considered a math question, but I wasn't sure where to post it. Before I start, here's a link to the page: http://ezliquidators.1free.ws/products.php?mat=granite I'm trying to create a header for each of the different sizes of tiles if the user doesn't specify a size. This is difficult, because if I just put it in the array, it will create a header for each individual tile as opposed to creating one for each unique size. Any ideas? I'm at a loss for anything that could work right now. Here's the PHP: <?php $mat = $_GET['mat']; $size = $_GET['size']; $count = -1; if ($size >= 1) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Type = '".$mat."' AND Size = '".$size."' "); } else { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Type = '".$mat."' "); } while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $count++; if ($newrow==$count%4) { ?> </tr><tr> <?php } ?> <td> <a href="<?php echo $r[image]; ?>" rel="lightbox" title="<?php echo $r[Name]; ?>"><img id="tile" src="<?php echo$r[image]; ?>"></a> <br> <p id="tileinfo"> <?php echo "$r[Name] ($r[Dimensions])"; } ?> Cheers, Chahe
  7. I am aware of that, but the website is aimed towards a very small audience and none of us are using IE. All I need to do is put in the various prefixes for firefox, opera, chrome, etc. and it will be fine. If you have a solution using DIVs, then I'd be more than happy to hear them. I've tried everything and can't get the desired effect. If you can take a look at the image in the second link I provided, hopefully you can think of something I've missed. I just want it to look consistent on all resolutions Thanks.
  8. Strange. I've uploaded on imageshack. Try this http://img600.imageshack.us/i/layoutxn.png/
  9. No, there is definitely such thing as a border-image property in CSS3. I've used it many times, this is just a more complex layout so I need some help. Also, I tried the link and it should work, so that's strange.
  10. Hi, I'm trying to get this as my border-image, but really can't seem to figure it out. I would like the left and right borders to be slanted (you'll see in the image), but if that's not possible, I'd still like to use this as my border. I thought maybe there'd be a way to make it work as a background, but couldn't do that either, so any help would be appreciated. http://moscowhockey.1free.ws/Layout.png Edit: I should also mention that the Red Bar at the top is going to be used as the menu bar, so the whole thing wouldn't be a border. Any help at all would be great. Cheers, Chahe
  11. I did try that, but then the problem becomes that the last row displays the last game on the right side. So, then I tried swapping the if and the else results, and it just takes me back to the original problem.
  12. Hi. I've got an array of results being shown in tables that I want to display 2x2. The only problem I'm having is that the second result skips the first line. Everything is good after that. I'm assuming it's because my CSS is going from last to first, and I don't understand why. Can anyone help me out? Here's how it keeps turning out: http://moscowhockey.1free.ws/nhl_games.php Here is my CSS code: <style type="text/css"> .left-element { position: absolute; left: 100px; width: 50%; } .right-element { position: absolute; right: 100px; width: 50%; } </style> And this is the code for the tables: $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM games WHERE DATE(date) = '".$date."'"); $count = 1; while($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { ++$count; if ( $odd == $count%2 ) { ?> <div class="left-element"> <table border="1" width="300px"> <tr><td>Teams</td> <td>Goals</td></tr> <tr><td><?php echo "$r[away_team]"; ?></td> <td><?php echo "$r[away_goals]"; ?></td></tr> <tr><td><?php echo "$r[home_team]"; ?></td> <td><?php echo "$r[home_goals]"; ?></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><?php echo "<p align='right'><a href='gamelogs/$r[id].php'>Box Score</a></p>"; ?></td></tr> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="right-element"> <table align="right" border="1" width="300px"> <tr><td>Teams</td> <td>Goals</td></tr> <tr><td><?php echo "$r[away_team]"; ?></td> <td><?php echo "$r[away_goals]"; ?></td></tr> <tr><td><?php echo "$r[home_team]"; ?></td> <td><?php echo "$r[home_goals]"; ?></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><?php echo "<p align='right'><a href='gamelogs/$r[id].php'>Box Score</a></p>"; ?></td></tr> </div> <?php } } ?> Any help would be appreciated. Cheers, Chahe
  13. Cheers. I think I got it now.
  14. Oh ok. So I'll have this table just for their ownership and status, and can actually remove their names and stats from the table. Then, I'd have lists of their game logs that would provide the player's stats which would then be assigned to their team based on the corresponding FROMDate and TODate. Correct?
  15. also, do I create a new entry each time the player changes teams? For example: playerid, playername, team, goals, assists, powerplaypoints, plusminus, listid, fromdate, todate 102, David Desharnais, Tre Kronor, 8, 8, 4, 2, 0, 01/02/2011, 03/06/2011 103, David Desharnais, je suis habitant, 0, 6, 4, -2, 1, 03/07/2011, presentdate As you can see, he has become a franchise player for me (je suis habitant), so the listid is 1; however, he was previously on another team and is therefore not a franchise player for Tre Kronor. Am I doing this right? Or is there a way to change the team, fromdate and todate without inputting another entry?
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