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Everything posted by blsuk

  1. OK here goes! I have been back on and try to delete the added file and rename the existing but still appear to have the same error. The module included an sql file which says: ALTER TABLE `order` ADD `deliverydate` DATE NOT NULL AFTER `comment`; So when I go into the database via Navicat the file I have is named 'ps_orders' so I added a new field after 'comment' as instructed but on trying to complete an order on the site it shows the error message above and on signing in to the admin area I get the same message shown after entering log-in details I have attached a screenshot of the table, any suggestions welcome [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. Hey Thanks for your reply! I have checked the tables and the 'order' table is named ps_orders....(not sure if that is an issue or not??) so I went into that and added a 'deliverydate' column after the 'comments' column as instructed but there is also another named 'delivery_date' further along but it seems to be unused.# Can I show you or send you any more info that may help?? SCOTT
  3. Hey I have recently set up a shop site using Opencart v1.4.9.1 and have added a couple of modules but when I try to install them I get database issues and errors when trying to complete an order eg. Error: Unknown column 'o.deliverydate' in 'field list' Error No: 1054 SELECT o.order_id, CONCAT(o.firstname, ' ', o.lastname) AS name, (SELECT os.name FROM order_status os WHERE os.order_status_id = o.order_status_id AND os.language_id = '1') AS status, o.date_added, o.deliverydate, o.total, o.currency, o.value FROM `order` o WHERE o.order_status_id > '0' ORDER BY o.date_added DESC LIMIT 0,10 I have no experience of databases and have tried to access and change as instructed using Navicat but still to no avail (( You can see the site and issues at www.blackpoolcupcakes.co.uk/cupcakeshop If anyone can help shed any light on this I would be hugely grateful. SCOTT
  4. Hey I hope someone here may be able to help ease my frustration configuring Prestashop!! I have almost configured my site and ready to add products on but I seem to have a problem with the price being displayed incorrectly when I use combinations ( Click here for an example http://www.blackpoolcupcakes.co.uk/shop/product.php?id_product=15. As you will see it says £1.20 when in fact it is £1.50 and if you select a filling from drop down menu it adds 8p and not 10p! Verrrry odd! And to top it off, it only appears like this on the product page, the front and cart pages are all fine so it has to be a product.php or product.tpl issue. I am not very experienced with PHP coding and if anyone can help I would be massively grateful! Thanks in advance )) [attachment deleted by admin]
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