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Posts posted by nottoolate

  1. Hello,


    I'm in the planning phase of creating a self service portal for my company, where employees past and present will be able to access/view sensitive data related to payroll, tax info, etc. This will not be an internal portal but something available from anywhere (work, home, hotel, beach..), so the added security is a must.

    I'm creating the portal in PHP and it is backed by an Oracle database. I need to be able to propose some sort of firewall/security system before I am able to get started on this project.


    If anyone has done something like this or something similar, I'm looking for any advice/suggestions on how I should go about doing this. Also, if you feel a different programming language would better suit this project let me know, as I am open to anything at the moment.




  2. I have a form that allows a user to select from several dropdowns, employees who will receive an email message.

    The email script works fine, however if an employee is selected more than once (which is not a rare) then the employee will receive as many email messages as their name appears.

    I would like for each employee to only receive the email once.


    For example:

    I am the submitter of the form and I am also the coordinator for this particular job. Therefore, my name & email are in the array twice and I will receive two emails on submit.


    Here is my email script:


                 $submitter = get_employee_email($user_id);
    		$project_manager = get_employee_email($pm_id);
    		$accountant = get_employee_email($a_id);	
    		$coordinator = get_employee_email($pc_id);
    		$contractor = get_employee_email($contractor_id);
    		$director = get_employee_email($dr_id);
    		$to = array($submitter, $project_manager, $accountant, $coordinator, $contractor, $director);
    		foreach ($to as $t){
    			$headers["From"] = "TEST <TEST@gmail.com>";
    			$headers["To"] = $t;
    			$headers["Subject"] = "TESTING FOR JOB ID $job_id";
    		    $text = "TESTING. Please review!";
    		    $html = "<html><body>TESTING. Please review!</body></html>";
    			$file_path = "./$file";
    			$crlf = "\n";
    		    $name = "TEST.csv";
    		    $smtp_info["host"] = "TEST@gmail.com";
    			$smtp_info["port"] = "40";
    			$mime = new Mail_mime($crlf);
    			$content_type = "text/csv";
    		    $mime->addAttachment($file_path, $content_type, $name);
    			$body = $mime->get();
    			$hdrs = $mime->headers($headers);
    		    $SMTP = Mail::factory('smtp',$smtp_info);
    		    $mail = $SMTP->send($t, $hdrs, $body);

  3. Ok, I've decided to try this instead.


    I now have access to our MySQL database that I can edit any way I please (I didn't have full control over our Oracle database). I've created a Project table and auto incremented the project_id field. I set the auto increment value to start at 0025. So all of that is good.


    But where do I go from here. How do I go about setting the form so that the project field increments by 1 when the user opens the form and inserts into the Project table as well.

  4. I agree that it would be better after the fact. I originally had it that way when I first created the form, but I was told to change it so that users can see the number while filling it out.


    I may have to attempt the reserve the number solution and see how that works out.


    Thanks for the advice.

  5. I have a form that multiple users are accessing at the same time.

    Within the form is a project number field. The project number is generated from a function that queries the project table in the database for the maximum project number then adds 1.


    It's starting to be a problem where multiple users access the form and are given the same project number. The form doesn't insert into the table, instead an excel spreadsheet is generated with the form info and the user emails it to someone else for data entry.


    Is there a way that I can resolve my issue so that each time someone accesses the form no one receives the same project number?


  6. any input?


    Here is what I'm getting:


    The original section

    <fieldset id="child1">
    <table id="1">
    <td><select name="pm1" id="pm1"><option value="1">Yes</option><option value="2">No</option></td>
    <td><input type="text" id="pa1" name="pa1" /></td>


    The newly added section (Notice how the id is the same except for the fieldset)

    <fieldset id="child2">
    <table id="1">
    <td><select name="pm1" id="pm1"><option value="1">Yes</option><option value="2">No</option></td>
    <td><input type="text" id="pa1" name="pa1" /></td>


    What I want

    <fieldset id="child2">
    <table id="1">
    <td><select name="pm2" id="pm2"><option value="1">Yes</option><option value="2">No</option></td>
    <td><input type="text" id="pa2" name="pa2" /></td>


  7. Hello,


    **I'm assuming I would use Ajax for this, but if this isn't the correct section please move.


    I have a form in place that allows user to set up a job and submit it to whomever. The form also allows the user to enter a known parent job number and displays relevant information about the job number in the form fields below.


    Once the parent job number is entered, a drop down appears that contains all the child jobs under the parent job.


    What I need advice/help with:


    I would like for the user to be able to enter the parent job number, select a child job from the drop down and the rest of the form below switches pages providing the user with information for the selected child job.

    Is there a name for this feature? Or perhaps someone could point me towards a tutorial of some sort...



  8. scootstah - Well currently I'm using the Oracle database to test the job numbering system, but we are planning to change to a new system in how we number our jobs. So we will start from the beginning using 0000, I figure I could just create a new table in MySQL and work with that. I'm assuming it would be easier?


    SergeiSS - I noticed that. Our Oracle database contains all of our companies info (employee, jobs, invoices, etc.). This is what we utilize for mostly everything. I am not allowed to use inserts to get form data into this database, so everything is usually manually entered.

    The MySQL database is only used by our intranet for administration (report, page, and tool access) purposes. None of the information you will find in the oracle database would be found in the mysql database. I do have full rights with this database so I can create and insert any data I would like...

  9. Hello,


    I am creating a form and I have a field set for client information and the ability to add another field set for another client if needed.

    As of now the additional field sets' field id adds by 1 which is good, but I would like for each of the fields in the field set to add by 1 as well.


    Here is the code:

    var _counter = 0;
    function Add() {
    var oClone = document.getElementById("client").cloneNode(true);
    oClone.id += (_counter + "");


  10. Thanks for the help everyone!


    I'm not allowed to insert into the Oracle database, which I think would be really beneficial to getting this done correctly.

    But I do have full access to our MySQL database and I think I can apply the solutions you have given with that.



  11. Hello,


    I am creating a job setup form and have a need for the job id field to increment based on the last inserted job id into our Oracle database.

    So far I have created a function that selects the maximum job id from the job table and adds 1 to the number.


    However, I run into the problem of when a user is filling out the form and another user opens it and begins filling out the form they both will receive the same job id in the field. I'm assuming this could possibly be solved with sessions, but I'm not sure where to start.


    Also, the form is not inserted into the table on submit (instead an excel sheet is created with the information and someone will enter the data into the database manually). Since the form data can be entered anytime from completion to next week/two weeks, how can I ensure that that job id is not used again.



  12. Thanks that helped!


    However, I have other fields (elements: input and select) and it only works with the first select. The other fields still have their original name.


    For the select field in which this does work, each additional row has the same name = 'new_name'. Instead of 'new_name1','new_name2',etc.

    Is there a way I can set it up to add a 'new_name'+1 to each name?

  13. Hello,


    I'm creating a form and I just added the ability for the user to click a button and an additional row, if needed.

    However, the name of each element remains the same as the original row.

    For example (this is what happens):


    Original row: <select name = "job"></select>

    Added row: <select name = "job"></select>

    Added row: <select name ="job"></select>


    (this is what I would like)

    Original row: <select name="job"></select>

    Added row: <select name="job_1"></select>

    Added row: <select name="job_2"></select>


    Is there a way to alter the javascript so that with each added row the element names add by 1?


    Here is the javascript:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    	function addRow(tblId)
    		  var tblBody = document.getElementById(tblId).tBodies[0];
    		  var newNode = tblBody.rows[0].cloneNode(true);


    Here is an example form:

    <table id="1">
    		<td colspan="1">
    				<select id="parent_child" name="parent_child" onkeypress="return handleEnter(this, event)">
    					<option value=""></option>
    					<option value="Parent">Parent</option>
    					<option vallue="Child" selected>Child</option>
    <td colspan="1">
    			<input type="button" name="add_more" id="add_more" value="Add Job" onclick="addRow(1);">


  14. //Parent Job List
    function get_parent_job_list(){
    //Get parent job list
    $sql = "select
    			job_id, name
    		from job
    		where (par_job_id is null and ((name like '%PJ%') or (name like '%PD%'))) or (par_job_id is null)
    		order by job_id";
    $rs = get_rs_array("db", $sql);
    return $rs;
    //Child Job List
    function get_child_job_list($job_id){
    //Get child job list
    $sql = "select
    			job_id, name
    		from job
    		where ((par_job_id = ".$job_id.") or (job_id = ".$job_id."))
    		order by job_id";
    $rs = get_rs_array("db", $sql);
    return $rs;

  15. Hello,


    I'm trying to create an select box utilizing the optgroup tag. The select box should list all the parent jobs as the label and the child jobs as the options.

    I have the parent jobs listing, but the problem is getting the child jobs to group with the correct parent job.


    Parent Jobs

    $parent_job_list = get_parent_job_list();


    Child Jobs

    $child_job_list = get_child_job_list($job_id);




    <td style="text-align: right">Job:</td>
    <select name="par" multiple="multiple" size="10">
    	<option value="0" selected>ALL</option>
    		{section name=par loop=$par_job_list}
    			<optgroup label="{$par_job_list[par][0]}, {$par_job_list[par][1]}">
    				{section name=job loop=$child_job_list}
    					<option value="{$child_job_list[job][0]}">{$child_job_list[job][0]}, {$child_job_list[job][1]}</option>

  16. Hello,


    I have a form written in PHP that includes a select box. The select box allows the user to select multiple jobs (parent and child).


    The user now wants to be able to select the parent job and a screen pop-ups to allow them to select specific child jobs that are within the parent job. After the selections, they are able to submit the form and continue...


    I'm assuming that javascript is the only way for this to work.

    Is this possible?



  17. Hello,


    I'm trying to populate a form based on the users input in a specific text box (job number). But I'm having some trouble getting this to work properly.

    Currently, when I key in a job number, the fields that are to be populated display 'undefined', including my job number field.

    Also, taking a look at my job_setup.php, my variables are considered undefined and I'm not sure why.


    Here is my script:

    var url = "job_setup.php?param=";
    		function getJobinfo() {
    		var idValue = document.getElementById("job_number").value;
    		var myRandom=parseInt(Math.random()*99999999);  // cache buster
    		http.open("GET", url + escape(idValue) + "&rand=" + myRandom, true);
    		http.onreadystatechange = handleHttpResponse;
    		function handleHttpResponse() {
    		if (http.readyState == 4) {
    		 results = http.responseText.split(",");
    		   document.getElementById('customer').value = results[0];
    		   document.getElementById('bid_date').value = results[1];
    		   document.getElementById('comp_date').value = results[2];
    		   document.getElementById('job_number').value = results[3];
    		var http = getHTTPObject(); // We create the HTTP Object 


    Here is the php file, job_setup.php:

    	<?php if(strlen($param)>0){
    	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM job 
         	WHERE job_id LIKE '$param%'");
    	if(mysql_num_rows($result)==1) {
    		while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
       			$customer = $myrow["cus_id"];
       			$bid_date = $myrow["job_stat_cd"];
       			$comp_date = $myrow["jt_cd"];
      			$job_id = $myrow["job_id"];
       			$textout .= $customer.",".$bid_date.",".$comp_date.",".$job_id;
    	} else {
    		$textout=" , , ,".$param;
    echo $textout; ?>

  18. Yes, $job_type is a string not a number

    When I use implode, (SQL command not properly ended)..

    $sql = "select job.job_id as ID,
    		 job.name as NAME,
    		 job.cus_id AS CUS_ID,
    		 customer.name AS CUS_NAME,
    		 job.par_job_id as PARENT_ID
    		from job
    		 join customer on job.cus_id = customer.cus_id where job.jt_cd = 1,2 order by job.job_id"



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