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  1. put <a href="">$row["name']</a> tag around it.
  2. since this the result you need...you have to write some functions to make that number..because in normal if you round that number it won't go to 12.30 or 12.40 as you are expecting.....see php website for the round function..under that many people have some sample codes for different kind of output...see whether you get one from there or you get an idea from there..
  3. again do a foreach inside that foreach...
  4. i can find a DATE_ADD() function or ADDDATE() function...i don't think there is a dateadd() function thats why it is showing error there...
  5. one thing i notice is you don't need quotes for members...so it can be like this INSERT INTO members..But i don't think this one will rectify the error..this is what i can see..
  6. is the $e is declared before checking is_array($e)...that might be the error...
  7. from the code $this->land in printArticle method value should be empty..i dont see in any part of the code you are assigning a value to it..you have just declared it as protected...
  8. try using is_file($myFile)...then use the unlink()....so that we can check whether a file exist at that path.. if(is_file($myFile)) { unlink($myFile); }
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